16th Business Forum "ErfolgsSignale": With a little chaos and crazy ideas to success

Sometimes it takes crazy ideas from lateral thinkers and chaos pilots for something new and innovative to emerge. At the 16th "ErfolgsSignale" business forum on October 19 at the Hotel Schützen in Rheinfelden, six such people will be presented - for example Markus Schmidt from the KaosPiloten School in Bern and Stephan Ebnöther from the Stewi company.

Stefan Ebnöther will present new ideas on the cult brand Stewi at the 16th "ErfolgsSignale" business forum. (Image: zVg)

Navigating an increasingly complex world is becoming more and more of a challenge. As an entrepreneur, you are in contact with different dialog groups. At the same time, as a manager, you have to be creative and accompany your employees in change processes. The concept of the "KaosPiloten School" in Berne, led by Markus Schmidt, takes a new approach to mastering these challenges. In his presentation at the business forum "ErfolgsSignale", he provides insights into the idea and concept of this school, which originated in Denmark. "The name 'kaospilot' is a metaphor for a person who has learned to navigate well through complex and often chaotic worlds," explains Markus Schmidt, who looks back on a varied career between higher business school, business controller, training with the kaospilots in Denmark, work as a kindergarten teacher, fitter and gardener, and an apprenticeship with Indian master teachers. "A quay pilot follows his dreams and turns them into reality together with others," adds Markus Schmidt.

Markus Schmidt, a "quay pilot". (Image: zVg)

Revolutionary ideas around the Stewi

The Stewi is a cult object. Stephan Ebnöther and Lorenz Fäh were aware of this when they acquired the Stewi company from the heirs of Werner Steiner on the first of February 2017. "Stewi is a very well known name, especially nationally, and a Swiss cult brand that has somewhat missed the boat in recent years, but still enjoys an excellent reputation," says Stephan Ebnöther, summarizing Stewi's brand value. However, there was a lot wrong with Stewi when the new company owners took over. New structures, processes, a new corporate culture - and innovations were required. Some of these are currently being implemented or are about to be. But that's not all: Stephan Ebnöther and his team are currently working on a vision that will simplify, even revolutionize, the work process between washing machine, drying, ironing, folding clothes and putting them in the closet. A pipe dream? No, says Stefan Ebnöther with a slight smile. He is serious. Stefan Ebnöther will reveal what lies behind this idea in his presentation at the "ErfolgsSignale" business forum in Rheinfelden.

From vegan glacé to PSI

Other speakers at the "ErfolgsSignale" business forum include Christoph Koch from Kopa AG in Laufenburg, Sonja Dänzer from the ice cream manufacturer "The Gree Fairy" in Zurich, and Christian Rüegg from the Paul Scherrer Institute in Villigen. The "ErfolgsSignale" business forum is organized by Michèle Dürrenberger and Fabrice Müller and is under the patronage of Rheinfelden Switzerland and Rheinfelden Baden.

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