Ali Mahlodji: From refugee and school dropout to international entrepreneur

How do you find your place in life today - especially if you are different from the others? Ali Mahlodji didn't start life with the best prerequisites: A refugee, difficult to raise, diagnosed with ADHD. He stuttered, dropped out of school and tried out over forty different jobs. In his book "Und was machst Du so?" (And what do you do?), published by Econ on August 11, he tells how he found his way, became a successful entrepreneur, and what others can learn from this.

Ali Mahlodji recounts his own "dishwasher career" in this book. (Image: Econ Ullstein Verlag)

Ali Mahlodji was born in Iran and grew up in an Austrian refugee home. He stuttered, dropped out of high school and tried out over forty different jobs. In the process, he also learned how unhappy the wrong job can make you. As a 14-year-old, he had already wished for a "Handbook of Life Stories" - a book in which one could be inspired by the life stories of others.

In 2012, he founded the startup whatchado, an Internet video platform on which people talk about their lives, careers and dreams. He wants to encourage people and offer them perspectives. Thousands of people - from apprentices to Austrian presidents - now share their careers and lives on the platform. In a Interview with the ORGANIZER Ali Mahlodji already spoke about his platform, the education system itself and the book project, which is now complete.

"I wrote this book for all those people who in today's world believe too little in themselves and yet want to go their own way," the author writes in a personal email to members of his network. "It is for both young and adult people who have just forgotten what potential they have. But it's also for people in education and for leaders who guide people through their lives," Ali Mahlodji continues. "It's a mix of my life story (refugee, school dropout, 40 jobs, burnout, entrepreneur), the creation of my international business whatchado, but also the experiences from over 6000 life stories from over 100 nations and my work as an EU Youth Ambassador with over 50,000 young people in Germany, Austria and Switzerland."

And what do you do?
From refugee and school dropout to international entrepreneur
320 pages
ISBN: 978-3-430-20234-3
Ullstein publishing house

Website for the book:

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