Mental health: first aid talks for managers

Half of all employees show signs of a treatable mental illness during their working lives. A new course from Pro Mente Sana enables managers to recognize these at an early stage and create a healthy working environment.

The Corona pandemic is having an impact on employees, but how do managers conduct first-aid talks? In a new course, participants learn the necessary tools. (Image: Pro Mente Sana / Daniel Drognitz)

The measures surrounding the pandemic have affected the mental health of many people. Prevention and early detection have therefore become even more important for companies in recent months. After all, depression, anxiety disorders, psychoses or addictions are not as visible as acute physical injuries. Nevertheless, first aid is necessary, just like in an accident. In ensa's first aid courses for mental health, you can learn adequate behavior in case of mental problems of fellow human beings.

First aid talks for managers

Pro Mente Sana recorded twice as many registrations for the ensa first aid courses for mental health, according to a statement to the media. Until now, these were aimed at all interested lay people. Now, the foundation has launched an offer tailored to people with management responsibilities. The first edition of the "First Aid Talks for Leaders" course took place as a webinar on May 17. Others are available on the Website of ensa tendered.

Recognize behavioral changes

Managers make a significant contribution to an open working environment in which mental impairments are openly discussed and addressed. The Pro Mente Sana course shows them how best to deal with their special role. This means not approaching employees too hesitantly and still respecting their personal privacy at all times.

In the 4-hour course, people with management responsibility at all hierarchical levels learn to care for the health of their employees by recognizing changes early on and taking action before performance slumps, work stoppages or terminations occur. One focus is on the practical part, in which first-aid talks are practiced in role plays.

ensa courses as a basis

The contents of the "First Aid Talks for Managers" are based on the experience Pro Mente Sana has gained in conducting ensa courses as well as on the needs of organizations and companies.

ensa is a program of the Pro Mente Sana Foundation, co-initiated and supported by the Beisheim Foundation. Thanks to the joint commitment, the foundation stone was laid in 2019 for ensa courses in Switzerland, which have since been continuously developed and are already offered in several languages and formats.

Current course dates and times

Tech architecture as a decisive factor for business success

The right tech architecture has proven indispensable in the management of the COVID 19 pandemic: technology helps to stem the current challenges of our health systems and ensure our safety. At the same time, it enables changed ways of working and doing business, creating new kinds of interactions and experiences.

For a new tech architecture: 82 % of executives in Switzerland agree that their companies need to drive their digital transformation with cloud at its core to be agile and resilient. (Image: Accenture)

Today, the reality of our economy is already sustainably influenced by technology at all levels, and executives are thus empowered to actively shape change and the future of their industry. These are the findings of "Technology Vision 2021" by the consulting firm Accenture. The study surveyed more than 6,200 business and technology executives worldwide.

Build a new Digital Core

According to the study titled "Trailblazers Wanted: How masters of change are seizing the moment," leading companies have begun to accelerate their decade-spanning transformation plans and shorten them to two to three years. The prerequisite for this is the establishment of a New Digital Core. This not only enables companies to adapt to new developments and innovate at record speed. It also equips companies for challenges such as the COVID 19 pandemic. Technology leaders today are growing revenue five times faster than laggards. Between 2015 and 2018, their growth was only twice as fast. As a result, numerous companies are vying to reinvent themselves and shape their current situation through technological innovation.

The right tech architecture fosters change

"Business and technology strategies are inextricably linked. 77% of Swiss decision makers know that tech architecture is increasingly important for business success. Tech Vision 2021 examines which technology choices are driving transformation and maintaining competitiveness" says Marc Zollinger, Co-Lead Technology, Accenture Switzerland. "Ninety-two percent of respondents said innovation is top of mind for their business this year. In addition, 91 percent of global executives believe their company must help shape tomorrow's market if it wants to conquer it. To do this, companies must become "masters of change" and keep three points in mind:

  1. Leadership and technology belong together. In a time of permanent change, those who place the use of technology at the center of their business strategy will succeed.
  2. Managers can no longer wait for circumstances to change. They must create them themselves by radically changing their approach and mindset.
  3. Leaders must become aware of their responsibilities. Technologies must be designed and applied in a way that has a positive impact on a more sustainable and inclusive world.

Five key trends

The study identifies five key trends for the next three years:

  • A New Digital Core for a Better Future - Companies are increasingly competing for their technology architectures. Building the most competitive infrastructure requires a new perspective. That's because business and technology strategies are inextricably linked - and even indistinguishable. 89 percent of executives (73 percent in Switzerland) believe that their company's ability to generate business value increasingly depends on the limits and capabilities of the tech architecture they use.
  • Mirrored world - Leading companies are creating intelligent, digital twins to map virtually living models of factories, supply chains and product lifecycles. The fusion of data and intelligence is opening up new opportunities for operations, collaboration and innovation. 65 percent of executives surveyed globally (but only 55 percent from Switzerland) expect their company's investment in intelligent digital twins to increase over the next three years.
  • I, the technologist - All employees can innovate, optimize their work and solve problems. By doing so, employees themselves ensure that their company keeps pace with new and changing demands. 88 percent of executives believe that democratizing technology is critical to driving innovation in their organization.
  • Anytime, anywhere - Bring Your Own Environment has led to unprecedented flexibility in many organizations. Employees have the freedom to work seamlessly from anywhere - whether at home, in the office, or at the airport. Within this model, executives can rethink the purpose of working in any location and seize the opportunity to shape their business in this new present. 81 percent of decision makers (as many as 87 percent in Switzerland) agree that leading companies in their industry are moving from a "Bring Your Own Device" to a "Bring Your Own Environment" approach in the future.
  • From Me to We - The need for contact traceability, frictionless payment transactions, and new ways of building trust have highlighted what is missing from existing enterprise ecosystems. Through multi-party systems, companies can gain greater resilience and adaptability, tap into new markets and set forward-looking benchmarks for their industry. 90 percent of executives surveyed said that multi-party systems will make their ecosystems more resilient and adaptable in the future and help partners create new value.

How a customized tech architecture can save the restaurant industry

The results of the study make it clear that prioritizing technological innovations has never been more important than in these disruptive times. Take the restaurant industry, for example: 60 percent of restaurants listed as "temporarily closed" in July 2020 had to permanently cease operations by September. Starbucks, on the other hand, was able to emerge as an industry leader thanks to its use of technology. By August, the Starbucks app recorded three million new users. 90 percent of sales have shifted to mobile ordering and drive-thru pickup. Due to increasing demand, the company has introduced an integrated ticket management system. This combines orders from the Uber Eats app with those from drive-thru customers into a single workflow for baristas. Starbucks also introduced a new espresso machine with sensors to track how much coffee employees are pouring. This allowed necessary maintenance to be predicted. The example shows how technology is at the core of a company's agile, resilient and successful response to change.


Editor's note: This study can be read as a complement to another study that another technology company published in the summer of 2020 has.

New digital expert network for boards of directors

A lack of digital skills endangers the survivability of companies. Boardminds, a new expert network for boards of directors, sees itself as a sparring partner in promoting a different mindset.

The team of Boardminds, the new expert network for boards of directors. (Image: zVg)

Boardminds is a new expert network for boards of directors. It was founded by Spiros Doukas and Manuel Evangelista and focuses specifically on the needs of boards of directors in the challenging task of digital transformation.

"We are convinced that a lack of digital skills poses a massive threat to the survival of companies and that digital transformation must be supported, if not driven, by the board of directors. Our goal is to be a sparring partner for the board members in the digital jungle. We provide information, advice and support, explain opportunities as well as risks, develop directions together and also want to inspire," says Doukas. In addition to the founders, the new expert network for board members includes six board advisors with different backgrounds. Digital experts and entrepreneurs from marketing, communications, education, e-commerce, FinTech and recruitment.

"What we all have in common is our experience and passion for digital transformation. To successfully drive such a transformation, it requires a holistic view of the business and not silo thinking. This is the mindset we want to foster among our clients," says Doukas.

Boardminds' offering includes a digital check, individual coaching for individual board members, and workshops for the entire board.

More information:

Association of Women's Businesses (VFU) appoints new board of directors

A new board was elected at this year's general meeting of the Association of Women's Businesses. Riccarda Mecklenburg is the new president of Switzerland's largest association of women entrepreneurs.

The Women's Business Association and its new board (clockwise): Riccarda Mecklenburg (president), Sandra Flückiger, Annemarie Sulzer, Sandra Gill, Judith Niederberger. (Pictures: VFU)

The Association of Women's Businesses has reconstituted itself. At the ordinary general meeting on May 12, 2021, Riccarda Mecklenburg was elected as president. She has been on the board since 2017 and was previously in charge of communications and public relations. The women entrepreneurs also confirmed Sandra Flückiger as Chief Financial Officer and elected Annemarie Sulzer, Sponsoring and Cooperation, as a new member of the Board. Judith Niederberger and Sandra Gill were also newly elected to the board. They share the extensive dossier of marketing and communication.

Association Women's Businesses on a Growth Path

"Our Women's Business Association is on a growth trajectory, as more and more women are realizing the benefits of becoming self-employed and forging their own path. Even though some of the pandemic has hit our women entrepreneurs hard, hardly any are giving up. That shows how satisfying it is to have your own business," says Riccarda Mecklenburg. "We want to strengthen this spirit and support our members in all phases of their entrepreneurial activities with knowledge exchange, further training and a strong network."

The new and previous members of the Board of Management

The newly elected board thanked the outgoing president Chantal Schmelz as well as Irene Widmer and Sandra Grimmer for their commitment to the board and wished them all continued success as entrepreneurs.

Riccarda Mecklenburg is owner of the crowdfunding agency CrowdConsul and Founder of What the Hack, which organizes Female driven Hackathons. She is a trustee of the Zurich Journalism Award, is a member of BoardFinder, writes regular columns for Handels-zeitung and has been an enthusiastic co-host on Clubhouse at the "1-Satz-Literaturclub" for a few weeks now.

Annemarie Sulzer is the owner of PharmaSelect AG and has been a successful entrepreneur for many years. She has made a name for herself in the Swiss pharmaceutical and healthcare industry and recruits professionals in sales, marketing and medical for national and international companies. At the same time, she volunteers as a mentor for well-qualified job seekers 50+ for the RAV Zug.

Sandra Flücky is the owner of FF Finanzberatung Flückiger. She creates financial and retirement plans and advises clients on pension and investment issues. What makes her special is that she lives what has long been demanded: Advice should be rewarded and not paid for by hidden kickbacks, so the client always gets the best solution.

Judith Niederberger brings many years of leadership and project management experience from various industries: Banking/insurance, IT, textile industry, cultural management. Today she is the owner of the communication agency Lakritza in Aarau as well as initiator and moderator of the "1-Satz-Literaturclub".

Sandra Gill is, among other things, self-employed as a personal branding photographer, where she captures visual stories for self-employed people and SMEs. In the creative field, she loves beautiful writing and offers various workshops in the field of handlettering. Her many years of leadership, project management and marketing experience, she can optimally use in the VFU.

Promote entrepreneurship

The Women's Business Association has been committed to the success of women entrepreneurs since 1998 and strengthens their steadily growing importance for the Swiss economy. It actively supports its members in word and deed and is one of the leading women's business associations in Switzerland. Among other things, with the Impavida collective foundation, the association has an attractive, cross-industry solution for occupational pension provision for women sole proprietors.

Further information: Women's Business Association (VFU)

Career planning: Why continuing education pays off

In this year's salary and skills survey conducted by FH Schweiz, the umbrella organization for UAS graduates, more than 15,000 people provided information about their current salary and the skills that are currently in demand and will be in demand in the future. It turns out that continuing education as part of career planning pays off - in the wallet, too.

Step by step to the top: Continuing education proves to be a rewarding part of career planning. (Image:

Continuing education is worthwhile for one's career planning - also in terms of salary: The median salary of the 13,000 UAS graduates who participated in the FH Switzerland salary study 2021 is 99,450 Swiss francs per year. 97 percent of the respondents were able to at least maintain their salary level, 48 percent even increased it. Economists earn more than UAS graduates from other disciplines in almost all industries. The most lucrative industries are pharmaceuticals, chemicals and finance and insurance. The location of work also influences salary: Zurich is the frontrunner with a median of CHF 108,000 per year, followed by the other German-speaking cantons of Switzerland and abroad with a median salary of around CHF 100,000 per year.

Majority of the UAS graduates surveyed are in management

Although more than 70 percent of the study participants are under 40 years old, almost 60 percent of all respondents hold a management position. They earn between around 101,000 and 133,000 Swiss francs per year. "This study confirms once again that graduates of universities of applied sciences play a key role in society and the economy," says Toni Schmid, managing director of UAS Switzerland. The older the UAS graduates, the more likely they are to be in an upper management position. Accordingly, the median salary rises continuously with age.

Age structure of the participants   Wages by age (median/year in francs)
Until 30 years 35.2%   Until 30 years 81'900
31 to 40 years 36.9%   31 to 40 years 101'500
41 to 50 years 16.4%   41 to 50 years 130'000
51 to 60 years 9.9%   51 to 60 years 135'200
over 60 years 1.6%   over 60 years 138'125

Continuing education therefore pays off in career planning

Study participants with a master's degree (MAS) are more often (over 80 percent) employed in a management function than those with another degree, and over 25 percent are even employed in an upper management function. In parallel, those with an MAS degree clearly earn the most: Their median salary is 133,000 francs per year. A very large number of people are planning further education in the foreseeable future. A CAS is most likely (35 percent), but the far more time-consuming MAS, MBA and EMBA are also popular (just under 20 percent). Demand for continuing education therefore remains high.

Planned further training
CAS, DAS 35.3%
Technical/management courses 17.1%
Advanced Federal Diploma 2.2%
MAS, MBA, EMBA 18.1%
MSc, MA 2.9%
Personal Development 12.3%
Language / stay abroad 14.8%
None 30.5%


Labor market capability remains high

Study participants' assessment of finding a job within six months or of finding an equivalent job decreases somewhat compared to the assessment of study participants in 2019. Nevertheless, the majority still think they would find an equivalent job. Among the over-50s, the assessment of their own labor market ability decreases significantly.

Competencies that are currently in demand and will be in demand in the future

This year, together with the ZGP, Zürcher Gesellschaft für Personal-Management (Zurich Society for Personnel Management), questions about the skills currently in demand and those that will be in demand in the future were integrated in addition to wages. 10,000 people with different educational backgrounds provided their assessments. The skills that employees consider relevant today will also be important in 5 years' time. Nevertheless, the following tendency emerges: specialist knowledge is judged to be very important today. However, the respondents think that the importance of technical knowledge will decline in the next five years. On the other hand, they expect methodological and social skills to gain in importance. Eighty percent feel responsible for acquiring skills themselves. When it comes to leadership skills, the respondents are most likely to see the employer as being responsible. Coaching, mentoring and further training are seen as suitable methods for acquiring skills.

Diverse information complements career planning

Further results of the FH wage study are available on available for a fee. The website offers access to any number of reference wages. Using an input mask, the wage profiles can be refined according to criteria such as age, type of degree, industry, field of study, region and other parameters. "These reference wages are up to date and very meaningful due to the large amount of data. This is unique," says Susanne Baldinger, project manager of the FH wage study.

Source: FH Switzerland

People Management: Five measures for employee retention

In times of a shortage of skilled workers, companies need qualified talent for their own departments. But if you want to position yourself externally as an attractive employer, the first step is to do one thing above all: start internally and retain existing employees in the long term. But how does the necessary people management work?

Not only attracting skilled workers, but also retaining them: Attractive employers need to work on their "inner values" for their people management. (Image:

If you want to grow as a company in times of digitalization, you have to pursue an employee-oriented strategy. The focus here is on efficient and active recruiting processes - but also with an inward look. Because, of course, it is important not only to win over the best minds, but also to retain them and bind them to the company in the long term. This is called people management. But according to a study conducted in Germany by the software manufacturer Sage, only 18 percent of HR managers feel that they have already made the transition from HR to People. 86 percent even assume that the transformation to pure people management can take up to ten years.

Changing employee expectations

In this context, employees' expectations of HR teams are also changing. According to the Sage study mentioned above, an astonishing 69 percent of HR executives assume that employees' expectations of HR will change completely within the next three years. This leads to the key question: How does each individual employee feel they are being addressed? Since we are dealing with individuals with personal attitudes and desires, there can be no standard roadmap here. So where are the prerequisites for close employee loyalty and how can these be strategically developed within the company? The following five points are part of a comprehensive strategic plan for employee retention as it might look in the digital age.

1. people analytics

Meaningful decisions are based on tangible data. That's why every action plan begins with regular and comprehensive data collection. People analytics is divided into three main areas. Classic HR systems provide the first, important overview. Various dashboards provide HR decision-makers with information on gender and age distribution or fluctuation in the company. In the second step, these bare figures need to be backed up with statements, wishes and attitudes - using regular and comparable employee surveys. In this way, employees can provide concrete feedback and communicate their (dis)satisfaction in various areas.

In order to derive and implement concrete measures from these surveys, a data scientist from the HR department must subsequently evaluate the data in detail and prepare it transparently. One survey after the other is then carried out at regular intervals - with recurring questions so that the results remain comparable. Finally, the third area, personal interviews, provides the opportunity to obtain individual answers. In this way, the specific situation of the respective employee and his or her role in the company can also be taken into account.

2. the new role of the "people scientist

The same applies to all types of data collection: Only after a comprehensive analysis can conclusions be drawn and HR measures strategically planned. As the demands on the HR workspace increase and tools and systems transform rapidly, a new role is needed: the People Scientist. This is a Data Scientist who focuses on the systematic collection and analysis of employee data. The People Scientist is also responsible for transparent disclosure of the data needed to make truly employee-centric decisions.

3. positive employee experience

The goal is obvious: satisfied employees. After all, they have good reasons to stay with the company and are also demonstrably more productive. The path to this goal is marked by positive employee experiences, for example in the form of smooth processes or concrete benefits from the employer. The Corona crisis in particular has given new weight to the health and general (mental and physical) well-being of employees. Modern technical office equipment is part of this in times of digitalization. In addition, companies score points with good catering through the company cafeteria, internal childcare options, health and sports offerings, recreation rooms or options for mobile and decentralized working - to name just a few possible examples. But which of these measures the company takes should always be derived from the data and from the specific needs of the employees. Moreover, the aim is not to make work "bearable" for employees through external factors, but to make it sustainably positive and efficient in order to exploit the full potential.

4. further training opportunities and promotion prospects

The opportunity for further development and self-development is an incentive for many skilled workers to stay with the company in the long term. Concrete training opportunities and the prospect of promotion within the company play a role in the choice of a suitable employer, especially for the younger generation.

The topic of continuing education has gained importance in Switzerland, especially during the Corona crisis. According to a Survey of the Swiss Association for Continuing Education a large proportion of companies attach great importance to further training in order to counter the effects of the pandemic. However, many SMEs are still cutting back on continuing education: Almost one-third of SMEs with an increased need for continuing education have not changed their continuing education activities or have even reduced them.

5. corporate culture

Last but not least, employee retention is always a question of corporate culture. It is important to build up the necessary trust among employees so that they can and want to contribute their individual opinions and ideas. This paves the way for innovations that ensure the company's success and competitiveness in the long term. Here, too, companies must start from the inside, building the culture and the mission statement from within. Those who know their own values precisely and are also able to communicate them can create an atmosphere in which employees feel integrated. Then, ideally, they are motivated not only extrinsically, but also intrinsically, because the company's goals and values match their own or feed into them.

People Management: "Retaining employees is not a no-brainer."

Simone Seidel, Director People Central Europe at Sage, draws the following conclusion: "No company can rest on attracting qualified staff and then simply assume that they will stay - employees must also want to stay and be motivated. Modern HR departments therefore have as clear a picture of their employees as the marketing department has of its customers. After all, both groups ensure the company's success. In this exciting area of responsibility, it pays to reorganize the HR department - because it can actively and specifically create the conditions for a People Company."


Trans Swiss Triathlon 2021: Exclusive for 30 Leaders & Innovators

Eventful, unique, legendary - that's the Trans Swiss Triathlon. This year it will take place as an exclusive sporting networking event for a limited number of participants. Ambitious Leaders & Innovators can register until June 6.

This year, the Trans Swiss Triathlon is an exclusive opportunity for sporting activity and networking - ambitious participants can register until June 6, 2021.

The Trans Swiss Triathlon has united triathletes, leaders and innovators since 1987 with three powerful disciplines combined with a shared passion and enthusiasm for the triathlon lifestyle.

In 2021, the Trans Swiss Triathlon will be organized for the first time with exclusive networking at eye level and special guests for an exclusive 30 participants*. From the shores of Lake Maggiore over the St. Gotthard to the thunderous applause of the Rhine Falls, the route leads over 3 stages, 274 kilometers of trail, 2400 meters of altitude.

After the top sporting performance, participants can look forward to informal networking with special guests. (Image: zVg)

As endurance athletes from society and business, participants can expect a 3-day package of competition and exchange of experiences. In sports you meet like-minded people. Special guests Eva Hürlimann, successful triathlete and world record holder in the 10-time Ironman, as well as the multiple Swiss champion, duathlon world champion and multiple Ironman winner Olivier Bernhard provide fresh impulses and new incentives during the informal networking among each other in the evening.

Information & Registration

Participation fee incl. package: CHF 2500 net / per person

Need for further training in SMEs increases because of Corona

At the beginning of the year, the Swiss Association for Continuing Education SVEB examined the influence of the Corona crisis on continuing education in SMEs. According to the study published by SVEB on May 10, 2021, a majority of companies attribute a high priority to continuing education in order to counter the effects of the pandemic. However, many SMEs are still cutting back on continuing education.

Because of Corona, the need for further training in SMEs is increasing. But there is reluctance to invest. (Image:

An online survey of 123 SMEs conducted by the Swiss Association for Continuing Education SVEB between December 2020 and January 2021 confirms the high importance of continuing education among small and medium-sized enterprises. Two-thirds of the participating SMEs consider continuing education to be important in order to deal with the consequences of the COVID 19 pandemic.

Competence requirements and need for further training increased

For a large proportion of the SMEs surveyed, the Corona situation places high demands on the skills of employees overall. One third state that the workforce requires new or different skills. At around 60% of the companies, the pandemic is having an impact on skills for agile working as well as social and communication skills. 43% also note a strong to very strong effect on digital competencies.

The need for further training has also increased among 33% SMEs in times of Corona. The study defines a company's need for further training as the need for employees to acquire new competencies or expand existing knowledge in order to meet the requirements of the company.

Higher demand only partially covered

However, the increased need for further training is not being met by all SMEs. The study shows that almost one third of SMEs with an increased need for further training have not changed their further training activity or have even reduced it.

Furthermore, a certain caution is evident in the financing of further training. Expenditure on external training courses in particular is being cut back. This is probably due to the fact that many SMEs need support with financing or IT infrastructure as a result of the crisis. The reluctance could also be related to the fact that half of the companies surveyed said they lacked knowledge about the skills of the future.

Source and further information: SVEB

Using a chameleon strategy to counter the Corona crisis

Adapt quickly and flexibly - that is the chameleon strategy. Only extremely flexible SMEs can adapt the value of a company to a new business field at such short notice, as required by the Corona pandemic. One example of this is Ansatz Werbung GmbH in Bad Zurzach.

Being able to adapt to new situations again and again: That's what the chameleon strategy is all about. (Image: zVg / Approach Advertising)

Since its foundation, Ansatz Werbung GmbH has been assisting SMEs in advertising-related matters. Then as now, the company offers effective advertising measures, from targeted marketing and consulting to the delivery of the street sign. The managing director is Hans Jürg Domenig. He has built up over 300 franchises in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. This is probably why he is described by Wikipedia as the "franchise pioneer of Switzerland". Today, he employs 10 people in his own business.

On the market for 30 years

This company has now existed for over 30 years. By constantly adapting to the spirit of the times and the political situation, Ansatz Werbung is in the black even in the crisis year 2020. In the beginning, Hans Jürg Domenig only sold advertising concepts for SMEs, which had previously been reserved for medium-sized and large companies. He soon expanded his range to include advertising technology, because the demand for this was particularly high among SMEs. This in turn gave rise to the franchise system, which developed from Switzerland via Germany to Austria.

Even in the crisis triggered by Corona, the approach team quickly opened up a new line of business: printing masks. This new line of business enabled the company to generate 50% of its sales. However, this demand has also already started to decline again.

Always adapt: The chameleon strategy

That is why the next project of the company is called furniture foiling. As the Corona pandemic has been keeping people at home for over a year, the desire for a new environment is growing. However, the idea of sustainability makes a completely new furniture impossible. This is because the climate demonstrations are still stuck in people's minds, and the environmental issue and the climate crisis are also still present in the media. So the furniture has to continue to be used, but it's still boring. So what to do?

Even furniture that has become boring can always be transformed: Furniture foiling is Ansatz Werbung's new project. (Image: zVg / Ansatz Werbung)

It was in this context that Hans Jürg Domenig's team came up with the idea of furniture foiling. If the existing furniture is newly covered with foil, they can be given a second life. The foil is durable, does not peel off or fade like paint, but it can also be changed at any time; an optimal solution, therefore. Once again, one has quickly and flexibly recognized a trend and is forming a new line of business. Always adapting: This is the chameleon strategy of the advertising approach.

More information:

Increased workload affects customer experience

A study by Ricoh has examined the consequences of workload in European companies: Almost one-third of workers in large companies do not have enough time for value-creating activities due to administrative tasks and internal coordination.

Employees in European companies complain about excessive workloads. The consequences of this manifest themselves in a poorer customer experience. (Image:

The economic performance of European companies is in danger of declining. This finding is the central result of a new study published today by Ricoh Europe. The survey of a total of 952 employees in European companies with more than 1,000 employees about their current situation revealed that the workforce lacks the time to focus on tasks that pay off in high customer satisfaction. The study thus reveals a tense situation, both for the workforce and for the future viability of the companies.

Excessive workload leads to cutbacks in customer service

For example, nearly one-fifth of respondents (22%) said their employer had suffered lost sales during the pandemic as a direct result of a poor customer experience. Even the greatest efforts by workforces to accept longer working hours than at the start of the pandemic could not prevent a decline in customer satisfaction.

Furthermore, nearly one-third of respondents (31 %) said they do not have enough time to do the tasks that bring the most value to the company. At the same time, the percentage of workers who feel pressure to always be available and online outside of office hours has increased by 38 percent since April 2020. Companies have tried to reduce workloads by introducing new digital platforms. However, these efforts have not always had the desired effect: two out of five respondents (39 %) report that their workload has actually increased as a result of the newly introduced tools.

Too many administrative tasks

Looking at an average working day of the survey participants shows that they spend one third (32 %) of their working time on administrative activities and internal correspondence. In contrast, the workforce has only half as much time (16 %) for their actual tasks, which are focused on customers and thus lead to a positive customer experience. Similarly, nearly half (48 %) of respondents say that administration-intensive workdays inhibit their productivity.

"In a saturated, competitive marketplace, the customer experience can literally make the difference between a company's success and failure. Internal operations and administrative tasks are important, but companies must not forget their real business: Providing the market with a product or service," explains David Mills, CEO of Ricoh Europe.

Automation of administrative tasks reduces workload

According to the respondents, automation could help them optimize the customer experience and achieve better results for their company. One in two (49 %) say customer value could be strengthened if automation of administrative tasks were supported by appropriate tools. In addition, 58 percent of survey respondents believe that new technologies that promote and improve customer interactions could contribute to their company's productivity and profitability.

"Employers need to enable their teams to work smarter so they can focus on their core competencies. Assistive and innovative technologies have a crucial role to play in this," explains David Mills. The exciting thing about the current survey results, he says, is that employees are increasingly open to automation. "This result is in stark contrast to the attitude of recent years, when fear and skepticism about artificial intelligence and automation were prevalent," David Mills reminds us, adding, "It is, of course, essential to approach the investment in an automation solution strategically and to seek extensive and professional advice. Any investment should be tailored to the needs of the specific business and support the workforce where they need it most."

Source: Ricoh

UMB AG: Acquisitions lead to even stronger cloud competence

UMB AG, partner for business and technology transformation, cloud provider as well as software and hardware partner, strengthens itself through the acquisition of the two companies ubitec and meshTec.

UMB AG strengthens itself through the acquisition of two companies. Matthias Keller (left, CEO) and Patrick Brazzale, who joins the Leadership Board. (Pictures: zVg / UMB AG)

The IT service provider UMB AG is massively expanding its range of services in the field of software development and cloud migration through two company acquisitions, thus further extending its service portfolio in the direction of holistic digital business transformation. One company, ubitec, is a startup that has already developed several innovative software solutions for the digitalization of business processes since its three-year existence. meshTec, the other company, brings in-depth know-how in cloud bridge technologies and cloud native. The 50 employees of the two acquired companies will become part of the UMB team. ubitec founder Patrick Brazzale will take over as head of the Software Solutions team and will also join the UMB Leadership Board.

Strategic milestone for UMB AG

"With the reinforcement of ubitec and meshTec, we are massively expanding our offering beyond the traditional portfolio in the direction of business transformation. The know-how and resources for the agile development of standard software, individual software solutions and modernization, automation, process optimization and migration technologies for the path towards cloud native enable us to offer a comprehensive range of services in all aspects of business transformation with immediate effect," says Matthias Keller, CEO and owner of UMB. The entrepreneur is thus setting another strategic milestone in the company's development, as UMB is now a one-stop partner for companies covering IT infrastructures and services as well as software products and migration technologies in the direction of Cloud Native - with a team of over 500 colleagues at ten Swiss locations and offices in Madrid and Vietnam. We spoke to Matthias Keller about the latest developments and trends, not least accelerated by the Corona pandemic.

Mr. Keller, the much-cited digitization push accelerated by the pandemic: How does this affect current business activities?
Matthias Keller: You say it right: It is a push that accelerates the development that has already begun even without the Corona pandemic. This is reflected in the fact that companies are now investing more in their digital transformation. Cloud and collaboration are big topics - the latter is reflected, for example, in the fact that we are allowed to implement many short-term projects on this - as are cybersecurity, process optimization and automation, and so on. Overall, we are seeing an acceleration in demand across our portfolio. However, it's hard to say if it's all related to the pandemic alone. We recorded a solid 2020; some customers brought projects forward, but others also postponed them due to the difficult economic situation.

In other words, the acquisition of ubitec and meshTec goes hand in hand with the growing demand for digitization solutions in companies?
The acquisitions are not primarily related to the digitization push. They are part of a clear and long-term qualitative growth strategy at UMB. They must make us better and more innovative. Our aim is to use the acquisitions to strengthen strategic core topics.

Ubitec is particularly strong in software development and application modernization and is strengthening us massively in these areas. It's a similar story with meshTec: Thanks to their know-how, we are taking a big step forward in the area of cloud native (software development approach in which applications are designed from the outset for use in the cloud, editor's note). And there are also synergies with ubitec. Overall, the acquisition of these two companies strengthens our existing competencies and rounds off our portfolio for business and technology transformation.

Was there also a "Plan B", for example in building up your own resources?
We always have a two-pronged approach to development. We are constantly building up our own expertise and, at the same time, looking for qualitative reinforcement in our strategic core areas. In doing so, we are very careful: It has to be right strategically, culturally and commercially in equal measure. We pay particular attention to the corporate culture.

This is no coincidence - after all, UMB AG bears the "Great Place to Work" label.
Yes, the basis for this is a good corporate culture. It is crucial that new teams fit to us in terms of lived values and that we fit to them. With ubitec and meshTec, this is now the sixth and seventh integration, respectively, since the start of today's UMB, all of which have worked out excellently and developed successfully in the long term.

Many companies - even large ones - still seem to have some catching up to do when it comes to using cloud technologies. In your view, what is this need to catch up?
Very many or almost all companies are undergoing a transformation from an old to a new reality in the course of digitization. This transformation is primarily taking place on four levels: The adaptation of their business model, the accompanying change in their organization and culture, the modernization of their application landscape, and the scaling of their data and IT platform. Companies are at different stages of progress in this process; everything from outdated to very agile structures can be found in the market. We at UMB AG can pick up our customers where they are today and competently accompany them in their transformation across all four levels.

So you're effectively becoming a "change manager" for companies?
We see ourselves as a partner for business and technology transformation. In this context, their statement is correct.

Why is cloud technology so central and why should SMEs jump on it now?
In principle, a cloud is flexible, scalable and cost-optimizing. However, it is important not to generalize, but to analyze exactly where the customer is today and where he wants to set his priorities in the future. The cloud is also not a panacea for everything, but must be considered individually. In addition, there are a wide variety of cloud models from private cloud to hybrid cloud to cloud native technologies from the large hyperscalers.

Which cloud solution (hybrid, on-premise; private or public cloud) is recommended for SMEs?
The solution with the best price-performance ratio and adapted to the customer's business strategy and business model.

What are the next steps after the acquisition and when will customers be able to benefit directly?
As of now! Since May 3, 2021, after an intensive preparation phase, we are now 1 team and 1 brand. From the beginning, we can already use synergies in concrete customer cases and are already in the implementation. In addition, it is also important that we get to know each other even better as a team, learn from each other and gradually grow closer together.

More information

GoBigname expands - turning companies into global brands

After more than 250 branding projects, the international naming and branding studio GoBigname is now officially offering its services in Switzerland. The company's mission is to unleash the global potential of brands that want to become "The Next Big Thing".

This is what "big" brands look like: GoBigname has already helped many startups achieve an international brand presence. (Image: zVg)

How do you create a suitable brand and a successful image, a brand presence that also meets international standards? As part of a qualitative project study conducted with students from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, several Swiss startups and SMEs were interviewed. "We found out that many Swiss companies neglect basic things like the cultural and linguistic review of their future name or visual identity," explains Michal Pastier, co-founder of GoBigname. This company develops verbal and visual corporate, product, service and technology identities for startups and SMEs. Since 2015, the Bratislava-based company has become a national market leader and now counts many international companies among its customers and is now coming to Switzerland.

Why you should leave the naming to the professionals

The results of the aforementioned study also show that time and monetary bottlenecks are decisive factors in companies frequently relying on in-house production or freelancers. In the long run, this entails various risks. As a rule, brands are not flexible enough when their customer base changes or when the application areas of products or services expand. Based on these findings, the onboarding process for customers has been optimized to the essentials, thus minimizing the time required of customers and offering more attractive conditions.

"We believe that every startup and SME should have access to professional branding services. These should not only be reserved for large companies. We are happy that with Andreas we have someone in Switzerland who shares the same mission," adds Michal.

Global success through long-term thinking

GoBigname led the creation of brands with a long-term branding approach. Exponea, a fast-growing software company with market value growth from €2 million to €200+ million, and e-commerce company Berlin Brands Group, with more than 3 million products sold and 2020 revenue of €334 million, are among its clients. The studio is also behind the brand refresh of Slido, the global Q&A platform used by more than 45 million event attendees.

GoBigname is now also active in Switzerland: Michal Pastier (left) and Andreas Kistler. (Image: zVg)

GoBigname wants to activate the "Next Big Thing" brands

GoBigname deliberately positions itself as a specialized studio for naming, branding and trademarks. "We are not a full-service provider that covers all marketing and communications disciplines. We are sometimes referred to as a 'pre-advertising studio' because we create the foundation for consistent and effective communications for our clients." With Michal - the advertising and creative head who has won over 200 awards - we have an owner who still works on every project and offers our customers immense added value with his 15 years of experience" adds Account Manager Andreas Kistler. With a strong partner network, projects can also be carried out that require additional services outside GoBigname's core competence, the company further informs.

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