Second pillar: importance underestimated

A new representative survey conducted by the Sotomo research institute on behalf of Vita Sammelstiftungen and Zurich Switzerland shows that the Swiss population systematically underestimates the importance of the BVG for financial security in old age compared to the AHV.

Prosperity in retirement: The retirement assets in the occupational pension plan (BVG) represent the largest asset component for most Swiss people. But a large part of the Swiss population knows too little about it. (Image:

The BVG, or the second pillar, often takes a back seat in the debate surrounding retirement provision. The fact that billions of Swiss francs from the investment income of active employees are used for current pensions also hardly leads to any resistance. This was shown by a study conducted for the second time on behalf of Vita and Zurich on the topic of "Fair Play in Occupational Pension Plans". The starting point for this study is a key finding from the first Fairplay study in 2021, which showed that 56% of the working population do not count BVG pension capital as part of their own assets. The current study has now investigated the reasons for this lack of awareness and shows that the bond with one's own retirement assets could be strengthened if its visibility were increased and/or if the population were given more say in BVG investments.

LOB savings - importance systematically underestimated

"The population is not aware of the importance of occupational pensions for their income in old age," notes study director Michael Hermann. Today, the second pillar (BVG) contributes a larger share of retirement income for average earners who retire than the first pillar (AHV). Nevertheless, working-age respondents rate the importance of the AHV for their financial security in old age as significantly greater than that of the BVG. They assume a split of 44 percent (AHV), 33 percent (BVG) and 22 percent (voluntary savings). "This distorted perception is matched by the fact that only 18 percent of the working population even know the sum of their own BVG pension capital," says Hermann.

LOB contributions - half perceive it as a fee or tax

Although BVG payroll deductions are paid directly into the personal retirement account, only 47 percent of those in employment perceive them as an investment in their own retirement capital. 28 percent see it as a kind of tax ("contribution to safeguarding pensions in Switzerland") and 21 percent consider the contributions to be a fee that must be paid. The design and naming of BVG contributions as a "payroll deduction" analogous to AHV contributions contribute to the fact that only 43 percent perceive their own retirement capital as part of their assets at all. "If the salary contributions to occupational pension plans have the character of a fee or tax for the insured, this weakens the basic idea of occupational pension plans as savings for one's own old age," Hermann explains.

Second pillar is usually not an issue with employment

Although the design of the pension fund differs significantly from company to company and involves large sums of money, the BVG is usually not an issue when hiring. "The structure of the occupational pension plan played a role in the hiring process for only 22 percent," says Hermann. Only 18 percent brought it up during the application process. Here, too, the BVG is invisible to the vast majority.

According to the study, it is striking that young adults are much less aware of the BVG than older people. Yet it is precisely the younger generation whose wealth accumulation is most affected in the long term due to the use of a large part of their investment income for current pensions. Overall, only one-third of the population is aware that part of the investment income of those in employment is currently used to finance current pensions.

SNB - more visibility and co-determination

What are the solutions to the problems that have been identified? "If awareness of and the importance of the BVG is to be increased among the population, it must become more visible and there needs to be more co-determination," Hermann explains. This is the assessment of the population, he says: 72 percent of the actively insured would welcome the possibility of using an app to obtain an overview of the pension situation at any time and from anywhere. Just as many are in favor of the possibility of choosing the pension fund (72 %) or the investment strategy themselves (71 %). In addition to such measures, a general improvement in investment knowledge in particular would also contribute to a better understanding of the BVG. Those who are familiar with investments usually have a very good understanding of the mechanisms of the BVG.

Redistribution in the SNB is considered unfair

Only one-third of respondents are aware that today around half of the investment income of working people is used to finance current pensions. However, if people of working age who contribute to the BVG are informed about this redistribution of their investment income, 63 percent consider this unfair. Even more, 78 percent of respondents, would find it unfair if part of the earnings from their pillar 3a retirement account were used for current pensions. "This shows that the personal connection to the pension capital is decisive for the fact that the use of earnings for others is perceived as unfair and alien to the system ", Hermann states.

Source: Vita Collective Foundations

Review of the Zurich Logistics Colloquium: Experiences and Trends from the Field

The 37th Zurich Logistics Colloquium was a complete success. The 2022 edition, organized by Dr. Acél & Partner AG in collaboration with ETH Zurich, Institute for Machine Tools and Production IWF, showed with its lighthouse projects "New Level Operations": The future is digital!

Every year in spring, the traditional Zurich Logistics Colloquium takes place. At this event, three or more managers from the Swiss economy present their lighthouse projects. Here Daniel Gilgen during his presentation. (Image: Dr. Acél & Partner)

On Tuesday, May 10, 2022, the Zurich Logistics Colloquium could be held again in the Lecturers' Foyer of ETH Zurich after a two-year "Covid-19"-related break. Around 70 guests took the opportunity for a lively exchange of ideas in the course of the four presentations. Afterwards, a view of a beautiful sunset over the city of Zurich was not to be missed.

"No mechanical engineering without logistics

Frank Brinken, Chairman and Founder of BB Intec AG in Rotkreuz and holder of various supervisory and administrative board mandates, postulated "No mechanical engineering without logistics". He impressively illustrated that machine tools are the mother of all machines. Without machine tools, there would be no industrial products. Europe has the largest world market share (35%) in the production of machine tools with a turnover of around 28 billion. Euro (2019). Brinken makes it clear that for such machines with up to 12,000 individual parts, not only good and long-term supplier relationships are needed, but also a large pre-financing requirement must be ensured. The variety demanded by customers results from the combination of basic machines with various components and specific assemblies. In product development; e.g. also through "design-to-shipment", transport costs and time can be saved. For quality components, there are only three global clusters worldwide: Europe with Italy, southern Germany, the Czech Republic and Switzerland, Taiwan and Japan. To date, the mechanical engineering sector has been largely spared the current crises. But those who are already tackling the three biggest challenges in Europe today, such as the dilemma of small batch sizes, sourcing and transport costs, are well equipped for the future, Brinken sums up.

How to reduce the inventory value

Dr. Gesine Moritz, Division Manager Supply Chain Management and Member of the Executive Board of Woodpecker AG Frauenfeld, followed with her insight on "Change in Retail". She pictorially showed the way of Woodpecker AG from distributed local dealers to a future-oriented and successful process-oriented sales organization. In the process, logistics was the decisive success factor. Service levels were developed and implemented. For example, new customer orders received by 5:00 p.m. are guaranteed to be delivered the following day. Inventory value has been reduced by over 20% in three years and inventory turnover has increased from 2.5 to 4.5. The biggest stumbling blocks in this transformation were also the biggest success factors: WE the people. Regular communication with employees, involvement from the outset according to the motto "turn those affected into participants," trust and empowerment, and letting brakemen off the hook proved particularly effective.

Digitalization meets automation

The future is digital! This was impressively demonstrated by Daniel Gilgen, Deputy CEO and Business Unit Manager Systems at Gilgen Logistics AG Oberwangen, on the topic of "Digitalization meets automation". Gilgen gave an in-depth insight into the implementation of seamless data continuity throughout the entire life cycle of logistics systems. The innovative solution approach of Gilgen Logistics AG links state-of-the-art technologies such as augmented reality, digital twin, cloud server and GS1 Digital Link with customer and manufacturer systems and brings them together with intralogistics. The data can be accessed at any time from anywhere in real time via the cloud. This means that all relevant information is accessible to those involved in the right form. The use of augmented reality in the sales process enables potential customers, for example, to take a virtual tour of the developed plant concept with the option of checking it directly in the virtual world. The first individual digital system went into operation in the fall of 2021 at Denner's distribution center in Lyss. After only a short period of time, increased productivity was already evident for the end customer and suppliers.

Exchange and networking with a view of the city of Zurich. (Image: Dr. Acél & Partner)

Joint research project

This year's Zurich Logistics Colloquium was concluded by Werner Züllig, Head of Technology at Geberit Produktions AG Jona and Prof. Dr. Andreas Kunz, Head of the Innovation Center Virtual Reality at ETH Zurich. They provided insight into exciting results from a joint research project on the topic of "Virtual Reality in Workplace Design". Stable standardized processes are to be used with the Geberit Production System to ensure that manual workplaces can also be improved while avoiding waste of resources. In the joint research project, workplaces were evaluated entirely in the virtual world using the MTM method and potential improvements were identified. The benefits are sustained high cash generation, even for small quantities, as well as operating margins that are significantly above the industry average. Geberit is consciously driving forward this strategic initiative of digitalization and sees it as a major opportunity for genuine value creation at the Swiss site.

Source and further information

Brown Bag Series 2022: Compact Series for Executives

The HWZ Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich, the Swiss Marketing Forum and AZ Konzept are organizing a series of live streaming sessions from June to December 2022. They are aimed at executives in marketing and communications and will each provide one hour of university-level expertise with practical relevance.

Brown Bag Series: A series of live streaming sessions provides compact knowledge on marketing excellence for executives. (Image: zVg / HZW/Swiss Marketing/AZ Konzept)

Marketing and communication are subject to a rapid pace and the social upheavals of our time, in which rules change quickly and the established must give way to the new. Lifelong learning and the repeated acquisition of new skills are essential in the marketing industry. In such a time, orientation is of great importance in order not to miss any changes of direction and trends. The free sessions in live streaming format offered in cooperation with HWZ, Swiss Marketing Forum and AZ Konzept present applied science with strong practical relevance in short brush-ups. In this sense, the Brown Bag Series 2022 point new ways through the marketing jungle, according to the statement. The compact series is designed to help executives gain competent professional orientation and in-depth knowledge.

"The last few years have shown that there is a need for well-founded and equally short formats for knowledge transfer and exchange. The Brown Bag Series responds to this need," says Prof. Dr. Michael Grund, Head of Department for Marketing & Business Communications at the HWZ Hochschule für Wirtschaft Zürich. Marcel Weibel, OC member of Swiss Marketing Forum, adds: "With this partnership and the online format, we have optimal conditions, in addition to the Marketing Day, to offer all managers concrete practical knowledge with direct implementation."

The topics offered are dedicated to central challenges of marketing:

  • Branding: Brand Leadership, 6/21/2022
  • Marketing Strategy: Inbound vs. Outbound Marketing, 8/23-22
  • Customer Behavior: Neuromarketing, 9/20-22
  • Content Marketing: Storytelling, 10/18-22
  • Strategic Media Planning: Online vs. Offline, 11/15/22
  • Marketing Automation: Trends, Skills and Tools, 12/13/22

For more information on the entire Brown Bag Series 2022, click here:

Find the right continuing education

PUBLIREPORTAGE Choosing the right continuing education is difficult for many people interested in education. One reason is the complex Swiss education system with its various training and continuing education options.

How to find the right continuing education? The Swiss education system offers a wide range of options. (Image: zVg /

Switzerland's education system is considered exemplary internationally, but needs explanation because of the many options. In addition, many people interested in further education often do not know in which direction they should develop. In the case of short continuing education courses that deepen one's knowledge in specific areas, the decision is usually not very difficult, but it is in the case of longer continuing education courses. Longer training courses deepen existing skills and teach new topics. They usually last several months or years and cost significantly more than shorter formats.

The right continuing education: short or long?

When choosing the right continuing education, one can distinguish the following continuing education formats:

  • Short continuing education:
    • A short training of a few hours to a few days is often used to acquire selectively missing knowledge or skills
    • Formats: Traditional classroom course, seminar, workshop, coaching, online course, short webinar series.
    • Examples: Acquiring new skills in a software update, learning the basics of a new topic, selectively deepening existing skills, etc.
  • Longer training courses
    • Longer training lasts several months or years
    • Formats: Instructional course, online course based on webinars and videoconferencing, study.
    • Examples: A course lasting several months that provides a basic knowledge (e.g. online marketing), a course lasting 1-2 years with a nationally recognized qualification (e.g. sales manager with a federal diploma), a continuing education course at a university or a professional reorientation

The short training courses are often decided spontaneously or ordered by companies and financed accordingly due to the significantly lower time and financial expenditure.

Evaluation process for the choice of longer training courses

For the longer continuing education courses, the following process has proven effective in finding the right continuing education course:

Courses with national recognition in Switzerland:

  • Federal certificate (professional examination)
  • Federal diploma (higher technical examination)
  • Federal diploma (higher technical colleges)

Continuing education courses offered by universities in Switzerland with international comparability and recognition via the ECTS points system:

  • CAS: Certificate of Advanced Studies (duration approx. 6 months)
  • DAS: Diploma of Advanced Studies (duration approx. 1 year)
  • MAS: Master of Advanced Studies (duration approx. 1.5 years)
  • MBA: Master of Business Administration (duration approx. 1.5 years)
  • EMBA: Executive Master of Business Administration (duration approx. 2 years)

Conclusion: The decision-making process is much shorter for very short educational formats, such as for selective deepening of specialist knowledge, than for longer educational offerings. For longer training courses, it is worthwhile to use the process shown in the diagram above.

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Fiduciary industry under the sign of regulation, digitalization and sustainability

At the annual fiduciary conference of the industry association Expertsuisse on May 17, 2022 in Bern, around 150 participants from all over Switzerland highlighted and discussed the most important trends and changes in the industry. The continuing increase in regulation, greater digitalization and the sustainability trend are shaping the development of auditing and consulting firms in Switzerland.

Regulation, digitalization, and sustainability are topics that occupy the fiduciary industry. These megatrends offer opportunities for important contributions to a strong economy, according to a conclusion from the annual Fiduciary Conference. (Image:

Around 150 participants from the fiduciary sector gathered on Tuesday, May 17, 2022 in the Kursaal Bern for the annual fiduciary conference of Expertsuisse. This professional association has represented and provided impetus to the auditing and business consulting industry since 1925 and supports the profession with a wide range of services (standards, competence transfer, quality assurance).

Regulation - intelligent, rather than a lot

The fiduciary industry stands for services in the areas of auditing, taxes, accounting and business consulting. In the area of auditing, there has been a strong market consolidation as a result of regulation and supervision - from around 3,000 to 2,000 licensed auditing firms since 2016 alone. However, there are interesting growth areas, particularly in the field of SME consulting on financial and business management issues. These are also rooted in the trends of digitalization and sustainability, which can make financial processes more efficient and - by enriching them with non-financial information - also more effective. What is desirable is not a lot or little regulation, but the right regulation: "Smart regulation" also has a positive effect on developments in digitization and sustainability. Self-regulation also has an important role to play, as Daniel Gentsch, Tax Division President of Expertsuisse, mentions: "The Tax Code of Conduct supported by Expertsuisse regulates the interaction between taxpayers, tax advisors and tax authorities. Their trusting and effective cooperation is an important locational advantage of Switzerland." Of course, the implementation of the new company law is also an important topic for the fiduciary profession and its clients.

Digitalization in the fiduciary industry: keeping the customer in focus

Digitization brings with it changes at various levels. For the fiduciary industry, integration, automation, and even disruptive business processes and models are of particular importance. There is great potential in the integration of interfaces between service providers and customers. Even though many number-driven processes have a high potential for automation, auditing and consulting will not be able to do without the human factor in the future. According to Luzia Hafen, member of the executive board of Expertsuisse, it is important to be able to provide new or additional services through targeted interaction with clients, which clients may not yet have recognized as a need, but which promote their successful business development. The job descriptions and the training and further training will have to adapt to the new trends and requirements. Marius Klauser, Director of Expertsuisse, mentions an example: "Expertsuisse's auditing training will take a completely new form from 2023: More digital skills will be taught and this in a more digital way - flexible, effective and forward-looking.

Sustainability - new reporting requirements

The fiduciary industry is a driver in sustainability developments, as sustainability - as a trilogy of economic, social and environmental aspects - is transforming reporting and corporate governance. Among investors, non-financial environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors play a central role in investment decisions. Likewise, expectations are increasing in many quarters to consider sustainability criteria in management activities - from corporate strategy to reporting. At the same time, significant progress has been made in setting explicit standards and criteria for climate and broader sustainability reporting. The next few years are likely to bring about the most significant innovations in corporate accounting and reporting in decades. It is not necessary to wait for regulation, but companies can already be advised and supported in these important developments - sustainable corporate governance is only possible on the basis of financial AND non-financial information, Expertsuisse director Klauser points out. This was also confirmed by multiple board member Michèle Etienne, who in her remarks at the Expertsuisse Fiduciary Conference positioned diversity as a strategic success factor for companies - also with a view to the fiduciary industry: "Sustainably successful fiduciary companies are changing their management and career models."

Source and further information:

China is being replaced as the world's workbench

China is transforming itself from the "workbench of the world" to an innovation economy. Global companies are striving to become less dependent on the People's Republic in their supply chains. At the same time, next-generation emerging markets are opening up to foreign direct investment. This is the view of James Johnstone, portfolio manager at investment manager Redwheel.

Shanghai skyline: China is no longer the world's workbench. More and more, other emerging markets are taking over this role. (Image:

To effectively develop an urbanized workforce, a country must develop its internal resources and realize its long-term potential. This requires investment in manufacturing capacity to move the workforce away from its agrarian roots and toward a developed, salaried existence. Urbanization is driving consumption as local economies grow and consumers look to increase spending on real estate and durable goods such as cars and appliances. China is one of the most striking examples of this: The country's manufacturing capacity has grown exponentially over the past 25 years, creating enough jobs to move 750 million people out of poverty and into cities. Over the same period, its share of global production has risen from four percent in 2000 to an extraordinary 24 percent today (source: World Bank and United Nations statistics).

China passes the baton

China's economic success has meant that labor prices have risen significantly over time, and the country is no longer the cheapest manufacturing location on a global scale. Meanwhile, the imposition of trade tariffs has hurt China's competitiveness, and the pandemic has highlighted the problems that arise when supply chains are too concentrated in one location. As a result, the world is now beginning to move away from its dependence on China and establish new factories in other emerging markets. Many companies are looking for new economic areas where they can expand production centers for the next two decades. The countries most likely to benefit from this diversification are the next generation emerging markets, also known as frontier markets.

Frontier markets as new investment targets

These countries, which boast a favorable political environment, attractive demographics and good infrastructure, are considered attractive investment destinations. As a result, frontier markets in Southeast Asia have become popular alternatives for investments in the manufacturing sector, as have countries in Eastern Europe and North Africa - such as Romania and Morocco.

Importantly, it is not only Western companies that are following this trend. Investors in these new production sites are often Chinese companies, as they seek to remain cost competitive on the international stage and move up the economic value chain. For example, Chinese investment in Vietnam has increased significantly in recent years, and China is also one of the largest investors in Bangladesh's textile industry.

Follow the familiar path

Vietnam is an excellent example of an economy that is currently following the familiar path of manufacturing growth. Thanks to tax incentives, a cheap and young workforce, and an effective strategy to combat the pandemic, the country has attracted significant investment in labor-intensive manufacturing industries. Over the past decade, for example, electronics giant Samsung has shifted much of its manufacturing from South Korea and China to Vietnam. The company has invested nearly $20 billion in Vietnam and currently operates six factories and a research and development center there. Today, Vietnam accounts for nearly half of Samsung's global cell phone production, and Samsung in turn accounts for nearly one-fifth of Vietnam's total exports (source: Samsung Company Reports, Redwheel; as of: 03/31/2022).

Vietnam should have the potential to follow a similar path and repeat the success we saw in China 20 years ago. Participation in this long-term trend can be achieved through direct investment in infrastructure and manufacturing companies, for example, or indirectly through companies that benefit from rising consumption, financial inclusion and real estate development. Hoa Phat Group, for example, is the largest steel producer in Vietnam with a market share of 30 percent. The company has seen robust sales growth since it ramped up its Dung Quat expansion plant. This is now translating into increasing cash flow for the company. The company can be seen as a major beneficiary of continued foreign investment in production infrastructure (source: Hoa Phat Group Company Reports and Bloomberg; as of: 03/31/2022).

Another example of the ongoing shift of manufacturing to next-generation emerging economies can be found in automotive production: Romania, the Czech Republic and Morocco now produce more passenger cars than developed economies such as Italy. Companies such as Peugeot, Renault and Jaguar Land Rover have moved production to lower cost locations and we expect this trend to continue.

Chain reaction

Strong foreign investment in manufacturing has clear immediate benefits. They can set in motion a virtuous circle by improving the balance of trade and government finances, which in turn can stimulate further foreign investment and employment.

As workers receive higher wages and businesses increase profits, domestic consumption will increase, leading to greater use of financial products. These are very strong indirect benefits that multiply the economic value of each dollar from foreign investment.

This multiplier effect leads to broader investment opportunities within these economies. Vincom Retail, for example, is the largest developer of shopping centers in Vietnam and we believe the company is exceptionally well positioned to further benefit from rising incomes and exponential growth in consumer market penetration in the country.

Back to the future

The Asian "tiger economies" of Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Thailand experienced rapid growth in the 1980s and 1990s as they developed outsourced manufacturing and increased employment. China then took the helm as the world's low-cost producer and underwent a similar industrial transformation, expanding its manufacturing capacity exponentially since the early 2000s.

For this reason, we call the development of a manufacturing economy and an urbanized workforce a well-trodden, familiar path. We have seen this before and we will see it again. As the world looks to diversify its supply chains not only in search of lower-cost manufacturing but also to reduce its dependence on China, frontier markets are in a good position to benefit.

Vietnam is at the forefront of this, but other Asian economies such as Bangladesh, Indonesia and the Philippines are also likely to be well positioned to continue attracting inward investment as they create a strong manufacturing base and further jobs. Countries such as Morocco, Kenya, Peru, Colombia, Romania and Hungary are similarly well positioned. The fact that many of these economies are little studied, often misunderstood, and ignored by many investors makes them even more attractive to us as long-term investors.

James Johnstone is portfolio manager Redwheel Next Generation Emerging Markets Equity fund. Redwheel is a specialized independent investment manager. The company was founded in 2000 with the aim of creating an environment in which fund managers can operate with a high degree of investment autonomy and maximize the benefits of their skills over the long term. 


One year in operation: Conference and Event Center (TEC) takes positive stock

With its opening in April 2021, the TEC in the Haus der Wirtschaft (HDW) closed a gap in the event business in northwestern Switzerland. The combination of the auditorium with smaller, individually furnished theme rooms and state-of-the-art technology for hybrid events was particularly well received by conference guests.

The Conference and Event Center (TEC) in Pratteln draws a positive balance after its first year of operation. Here a view into the auditorium. (Image: zVg / Haus der Wirtschaft Conference and Event Center)

On April 26, 2021, the Conference and Event Center (TEC) in the Haus der Wirtschaft (HDW) in Pratteln officially opened its doors. Around twelve months later, the operators draw a positive conclusion despite the Covid restrictions still in place during the start-up phase: "We recorded good demand right from the start, even though we had not conducted any pre-sales activities or published any opening discounts due to Corona. The successful start in this challenging period clearly shows that there is a need for our event offering and that the TEC fills a gap in the region," says TEC director Anja Ullmann.

According to the TEC, rooms for plenary events have been in particularly high demand so far, above all the 430 m2 auditorium, which is equipped with an 11 x 3.5 m LED wall. With space for up to 300 people, it was often booked in combination with the smaller group rooms. As individual as the rooms in the TEC are, as varied were the events. These ranged from smaller meetings and workshops to large conferences and corporate events that took up all the rooms.

Technology and consulting at the highest level

Technically, the TEC is state-of-the-art. Although the facilities are also equipped for hybrid meetings, meeting guests directed their focus to face-to-face events while complying with Corona's protective measures. "In the events business, face-to-face contact and networking continue to be among the most important attributes. Hybrid events are indeed also a topic - both for smaller and larger events - and are mainly used to involve additional employee or customer groups in the event," says Anja Ullmann.

However, conference guests sought personal contact not only at the event itself, but already during the booking process. "Particularly when it comes to technical equipment, catering or the combination of several rooms, customers expect personal support and professional advice. Expectations from the customer side are very high, and we are happy to meet them," says the TEC manager.

New coworking space at TEC

The TEC has continued to develop in its first year and new offerings have been added to the portfolio. From summer 2022, a new coworking space will be located under the HDW roof. Startups and individual companies in particular, but also mobile field staff and project-based employees will find ideal working conditions at the flexible workplaces. The HDW has also upgraded in the technical area and since this year has a fully equipped multimedia studio, which can be used for recording video statements and advertising films or even for panel discussions. Another innovation are the installed meeting boxes of the company Mute, which allow confidential discussions in the Open Space of the TEC.

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E-Cargobikes: Central Switzerland businesses receive support

Many companies want to make an active contribution to climate protection and reduce their own dependence on fossil fuels. With "clever unterwegs im Veloverkehr", the Albert Koechlin Foundation has a concrete offer ready and supports companies in the acquisition of an e-cargo bike. This enables companies to travel efficiently and in a climate-friendly manner.

With the new e-cargo bike and trailer, Sascha Zbinden can reach his customers and return to his workshop more quickly. (Photo: Marcel Kaufmann / zVg AKS)

The Albert Koechlin Foundation (AKS), founded in 1997, regularly supports sustainable projects in the fields of social welfare, education, culture, business and the environment in Central Switzerland. According to the foundation's purpose, the focus is always on the common good. As part of the "clever unterwegs" project, the foundation is currently supporting companies that want to change their logistics sustainably by purchasing an e-cargo bike. Central Swiss companies can choose from a limited number of different models of e-cargo bikes or trailers. Interested companies can now obtain information and apply online at The current application window is open until all the e-cargobikes available this year have been allocated. A next application window is planned for spring 2023.

Foundation covers 60 percent of the acquisition costs

The integration of e-cargo bikes requires changes in everyday operations as well as upfront investments. Thanks to the financial support of the AKS, the purchase of an e-cargo bike becomes sustainable and financially viable. Companies that want to replace journeys previously made by car or van with an e-cargo bike receive financial support from the foundation amounting to 60 percent of the purchase costs. In addition to the purchase, the overall package includes an initial service after one year and appropriate labeling.

Companies whose applications are considered can receive advice from the specialist dealer Velociped in Kriens, view the available models and test ride them. After choosing the right model, the labeling will be realized in consultation with the company, so that the companies can take delivery of their e-cargo bike this summer.

E-Cargobikes: Advantages over short distances

The use of an e-cargo bike has many advantages for businesses. For inner-city trips of up to 3 kilometers, the e-cargo bike is faster than cars or delivery trucks. This means that businesses can reach their customers or branches more quickly and efficiently, without losing time in traffic jams or when looking for a parking space. In addition, the use of e-cargobikes can bring a commitment to climate protection into focus. However, so far only a few businesses have discovered these advantages for themselves and ventured to purchase an e-cargo bike. According to project manager Andreas Merz, the Albert Koechlin Foundation wants to break down this barrier with its commitment and help the e-cargo bike achieve a breakthrough: "In this way, we are opening up an additional, sustainable form of mobility for companies, which has long since become established in the private mobility of families."

Successful implementation with pilot operations

Together with Feinwerk and El Imposible Roasters, AKS has already been able to put the first two e-cargo bikes and trailers into operation as part of a pilot project. According to owner Sacha Zbinden, this is a long-awaited dream come true for the Feinwerk team: "Since we often work in the center of Lucerne, the e-cargobike and trailer now make it quicker and easier for us to get to the customer and back to the workshop.

For Mario Waldispühl, co-owner of the Horw-based roastery El Imposible Roasters and restaurateur, the new trailer also offers many advantages: "With the large trailer, we can handle coffee deliveries more efficiently and, in the future, also travel to events in the area and serve coffee directly from the trailer. This will allow us to take another step towards sustainable coffee enjoyment."

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Changes in the management of Bechtle Switzerland

Bechtle Schweiz AG (System House German-speaking Switzerland) reorganizes its management: Christian Speck, Patrick Fischbacher and Pierre Bolle take on new functions at the top of the company.

Christian Speck (left) and Hanspeter Oeschger from Bechtle Schweiz AG. (Image: zVg / Bechtle)

With more than 80 IT system houses and IT e-commerce companies in 14 countries, Bechtle is one of the leading IT companies in Europe. Bechtle Schweiz AG (System House German-speaking Switzerland) is now reorganizing its management team: Christian Speck takes over sole management of the system house activities of Bechtle Schweiz AG in German-speaking Switzerland. In future, Patrick Fischbacher, who has already managed the Eastern region, will be responsible for sales. His deputy will be Pierre Bolle, who is currently responsible for the Central sales region. Together, they will be responsible for sales in all regions of German-speaking Switzerland. "With his personality, experience and know-how, Christian Speck is the ideal choice for the position of Managing Director of Bechtle Schweiz AG. We are very pleased that he is now assuming sole overall responsibility and are convinced that he will continue to be very successful as a result," says Hanspeter Oeschger, Divisional Board Member for Bechtle IT System House & Managed Services Switzerland. By the end of the year, all operational sales tasks, which were taken over by Hanspeter Oeschger on an interim basis following the departure of Co-Managing Director Roger Suter, will gradually be handed over to the new sales management. "I am delighted that we have been able to recruit Patrick Fischbacher and Pierre Bolle to head up Sales. We have thus created the best conditions for successfully implementing the growth plan in Switzerland," says Christian Speck, Managing Director of Bechtle Schweiz AG.

Founded in 1983, the entire Bechtle Group, headquartered in Neckarsulm, Germany, currently employs more than 12,800 people. We support more than 70,000 customers from industry and commerce, the public sector, and the financial market in their digital transformation and offer a comprehensive range of IT infrastructure and IT operations services across all manufacturers. Bechtle is listed in the MDAX and TecDAX. In 2021, the revenue was 5.31 billion euros.

Source and further information:

The best workplaces in Switzerland: This is a good place to work

Great Place to Work® Switzerland has recognized the Best Workplaces™ 2022 in Switzerland. A particularly important factor in being named one of the Best Workplaces™ this year was the quality of the leadership culture.

Serial winner at Great Place to Work: UMB becomes the best employer in Switzerland for the fifth time in a row. (Image: UMB AG)

On May 10, 2022, Switzerland's Best Workplaces were honored for the 14th time - this year, for the first time since the COVID 19 pandemic began, at a live event at Kaufleuten Zurich. As part of the world's largest study, Great Place to Work worked with more than 200 organizations in Switzerland on the topic of workplace architecture, surveying more than 34,000 employees here. 51 organizations were named Best Workplaces by their employees in the categories Small, Medium and Large, making them among the best in Switzerland. To be named one of the Best Workplaces, organizations must achieve a Trust Index score of at least 70% and meet the criteria of the Culture Audit. Companies that do not receive the award will not be listed. Participation in the Best Workplaces - this is a registered trademark of Great Place to Work - is possible for any organization with 20 or more employees.

A "perennial winner" among the best workplaces

First place in the category "Large companies" with more than 250 employees goes to UMB AG. The IT company already topped the rankings in 2020, 2018, 2016 and 2014. In the "Medium-sized companies" category with 50-249 employees, Spitex Malters takes first place. This is the first time that a company operating in the healthcare sector has held this position. In view of the challenges it has faced in recent years, Great Place to Work sees this as a pleasing sign. In the "Small" category with 20-49 employees, the medical research company Alnylam Switzerland GmbH made it to first place. They thus make it to the top in their category for the second time in a row. Also recognized as Best Workplaces were well-known Swiss employers such as Hilti Switzerland, IWC Schaffhausen, AbbVie, Strassenverkehrsamt des Kantons Zürich, Globegarden, Decathlon and blue entertainment, among others. This shows that workplace culture is also a strategic focus, regardless of industry, in order to retain the best talent and attract new talent in the face of a shortage of skilled workers and demographic change, according to the statement.

The role of managers is gaining importance in Best Workplaces™

Overall, Great Place to Work concludes that organizations in Switzerland have solidly mastered the challenges surrounding the Corona pandemic and are slowly going "back to normal" or to a "new normal." In this context, the issue of the role of managers in particular has become more important, it said, and expectations of managers have also increased. For example, the credibility and role model function of managers is a key success factor for employee satisfaction, it said. "Managers are easy to reach and straightforward to talk to" received an approval rating of 87% in Best Workplaces this year. This is 4 percentage points higher than last year and 22 percentage points higher than we see for the average of all employees in Switzerland (Representative benchmark of randomly selected employees). Cornelia Schättle, consultant and co-owner of Great Place to Work Switzerland, says: "We see a development from a culture of rules to a culture of values. Shaping all the challenges of the modern working world with rules is no longer flexible enough. Instead of being the sole decision-makers and knowledge carriers, good managers are increasingly characterized by a coaching and mentoring attitude: They offer employees an opportunity to reflect on themselves, delegate responsibility, support the development of competencies, and at the same time take on an important role as role models for the values of an organization. And they can only do that with a trust-based workplace culture."

Holding on to old working environment as a risk

An increasing challenge for even Best Workplaces is maintaining employees' attachment to and pride in the organization. The statement "I would like to continue working here for a long time" was agreed to by 80% of employees at this year's Best Workplaces (down 4 percentage points on the previous year). The Swiss average is just 60%, and the sometimes high turnover further exacerbates the shortage of skilled workers for many organizations. Michael Hermann, consultant and co-owner of Great Place to Work Switzerland, sums up the challenges as follows: "Anyone who stubbornly wants to stick to the old way of working (e.g. with a presence in the office) will lose employees. Organizations that respond to different needs and also involve employees in the search for solutions to all issues will be able to adapt much better. Even for these, however, the following applies: attachment to the employer decreases and the meaningfulness of the task as well as the appreciation received make the difference here".

Best Workplaces 2022: The top 3 in the various categories

Large companies (250+ employees)

  1. UMB AG (Information Technology), 400 employees
  2. SAP (Switzerland) AG (Information Technology - Software), 898 employees
  3. Vebego AG (Construction, Infrastructure & Real Estate - Property Management), 6000 employees

Medium-sized companies (50-249 employees)

  1. Spitex Malters (Health Care), 52 employees
  2. dbi services (Information Technology - IT Consulting), 78 employees
  3. APP Unternehmensberatung (Professional Services - Consulting - Management), 84 employees

Small companies (20-49 employees)

  1. Alnylam Switzerland GmbH (Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals), 37 employees
  2. Hilton (Hospitality - Hotel/Resort), 41 employees
  3. Digital Luxury Group, DLG SA (Professional Services - Advertising and Marketing), 32 employees

The complete ranking is available here.

Tide Ocean SA wins Swiss Ethics Award 2022

On May 11, 2022, the Swiss Ethics Award was presented in Lucerne as part of the Future Leadership Forum: The winner is Tide Ocean SA, a young company dedicated to recycling plastic waste from the sea - in conjunction with securing jobs in developing countries.

Thomas Schori of Tide Ocean SA (left) receives the trophy for the Swiss Ethics Award 2022. (Image: Thomas Berner)

The times could not be better for discussing ethics, sustainability and leadership concepts of the future: A war is raging in Eastern Europe, climate change is making itself increasingly felt in our country as well, a pandemic has highlighted the limits of global supply chains, and all of this brings home to us the fragile foundations on which our prosperity is built. This was grist to the mill of Werner von Allmen, founder and CEO of the Swiss Excellence Forum, which held the Future Leadership Forum on May 11, 2022 and once again presented the Swiss Ethics Award. Werner von Allmen made it clear that the award alone cannot make the world a better place, but it should help to sensitize society to the issue of sustainable excellence.

As on earth, so in the universe

Before the awards ceremony took place, the 150 or so guests at the KKL Luzern enjoyed exciting and sometimes thought-provoking presentations. First, Michael Brenner, member of the Collegial Executive Board of the Weleda Group, gave an insight into what "Future Leadership" can look like in concrete terms: Guided by values and a purpose for the company's existence supported by the entire workforce. Thinking, feeling and wanting are the basis of everything we do - and having the courage to take responsibility for the whole.

Astrophysicist and space researcher Prof. Dr. Kathrin Altwegg then took the audience into completely different worlds. Is there a need for ethics in space? A question that the speaker answered in the affirmative. Because the same questions we ask ourselves on Earth - who "owns" it? Are there areas we need to protect or are we allowed to go anywhere? - also apply to the universe. In this respect, she was critical of the latest developments in the "privatization" of orbit, for example by super-rich people such as Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos or Richard Branson, who are helping to turn space into a new "Wild West" with space tourism or cheap satellites.

A paradigm shift is needed

Historian and philosopher Philipp Blom took a look at the history of mankind, which has always managed to solve problems on its own. But he sees us currently at a turning point: "We are at the end of a cultural history where man is the 'boss'," said Philipp Blom. Global problems can therefore no longer be solved simply "from within the system." A rethink and paradigm shift are necessary, as happened during the last "Little Ice Age" in the 16th/17th century, for example, when education and research formed the basis for a "Golden Age" in the Netherlands, for example.

Some aspects of the presentations heard were further deepened in a panel discussion led by Werner von Allmen. Jesuit Dr. Christian Rutishauser also brought in the theological and spiritual perspective. For him, one of the qualities of a leader is to be able to let oneself be led. When asked about the current situation in Eastern Europe, the panel agreed that ethics and war cannot be reconciled. But in the face of a clearly identifiable aggressor, even pacifist attitudes reach their limits: Those who are attacked should be allowed to defend themselves, if necessary also by force of arms...

Swiss Ethics Award 2022: Projects with a future

Then followed the presentation of the five organizations nominated for the Swiss Ethics AwardEnergie360° presented its climate-positive project for recycling wood residues into heating energy. Through a pyrolytic process, the residual product is not CO2, but pure carbon, which can be used e.g. as fertilizer or aggregate for building material. Hunziker Partner AG was nominated for its internal training concept, which follows a holistic approach and is not limited to professional skills. For example, employees are also trained in ecological behavior. Recycling Paradies, in turn, allows people with impairments or difficult biographies to regain their footing in the working world. The jury particularly emphasized the successful combination of ecological benefits and social responsibility.

Yourharvest's "Happy Hazelnut" project has set itself the task of providing a humane environment for the hundreds of migrant workers and their families who harvest hazelnuts in Turkey every year. Child labor is replaced by schools, and instead of living in shacks, the migrant workers have a clean shelter.

Clean oceans and livelihood security for fishermen

The winning company, Tide Ocean SA, represented by Thomas Schori, was singled out by the jury for special recognition for several reasons: Firstly, the organization is tackling the global problem of ocean plastic pollution. To this end, Tide Ocean operates a complete value chain for upcycled ocean plastic and is particularly active in Southeast Asia, the region with the highest plastic waste rate. A specially developed process converts the plastic waste into high-quality plastic granules that can already be used in many products. On the other hand, fishermen who used to live from fishing as sea nomads and can no longer continue this traditional lifestyle today receive a price from Tide Ocean for collecting plastic well above the market and thus a new source of income. Social enterprises sort and process the plastic. The workers employed there receive social security, training and, in some cases, housing. The potential for recycling plastic waste is great: According to Thomas Schori, only just under ten percent of the plastic produced worldwide is not yet recycled, but "ends up somewhere in the world" - or just: In the oceans, which with their flora and fauna make an important contribution not only to our climate, but also form the basis of life for millions of people.

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Second Business Lunch Talk 2022: Inspire, network, and initiate business

In the spirit of sustainability and corporate responsibility, rb Rüttimann consulting, office for communication and management consulting, held its second Business Lunch Talk on May 10, 2022. Six speakers gave short presentations in the style of "slam poetry" with practical and thought-provoking input.

Organizer Barbara Rüttimann (center) flanked by the speakers of the Business Lunch Talk on May 10, 2022. From left to right: Oliver Hauri, Silvia Frey, Anna Grassler, Barbara Rüttimann, Michael Fahrni, Josephine Herzig, Caroline Wüest. (Picture: Linda Pollari)

Barbara Rüttimann, owner of rb Rüttimann consulting, has created a thoroughly innovative event format: A business lunch accompanied by short speeches. In "speed speeches" of a maximum of 10 minutes each, the more than 40 guests received input on sustainability, culture and corporate responsibility. The event took place at the premises of Felfel AG, the young and up-and-coming catering company (motto "Good Food at Work"), in Zurich-Binz.

Entrepreneurial success: A matter of culture

After a short introduction by hostess Barbara Rüttimann, the first short presentation started. Anna Grassler, Co-General Manager of Felfel, gave a brief insight into the corporate culture of the young company, which has already managed to inspire many corporate customers with an innovative catering concept. She emphasized that culture cannot be standardized. Happiness at work ensures performance and leaves room for individual solutions. Anna Grassler does not see the rapid growth of her company as a reason to change this culture - for example, by creating more structure. On the contrary: "The culture defines the structure," says Grassler.

Michael Fahrni, Managing Director of the Swiss Venture Club SVC, known for the Swiss-wide "Prix SVC" business awards, outlined Switzerland's rich entrepreneurship with three examples. The award-winning companies show that social responsibility and entrepreneurial success are not mutually exclusive, but rather mutually dependent.

Wellness very practical

Caroline Wüest, Managing Director of the sauna manufacturer Klafs AG, gave the guests an "ABC of well-being": from A as in "getting up in the morning" to Z as in "going to bed satisfied", she enumerated how one can create actual "wellness zones" with little effort in everyday life, for example with conscious nutrition, patience or organization, which can ultimately lead to more quality.

Josephine Herzig from B Lab Switzerland, a non-profit organization that supports companies in their implementation of sustainability concepts, highlighted the success factors that make this possible: A company, she said, is like an orchestra that needs a conductor. Ideas have to grow, just like a coral reef does. And the speaker compared the creation of incentive systems to "carrots and sticks.

Oliver Hauri, CEO of office furniture manufacturer Haworth Switzerland, spoke about the change of mindset in offices after the Corona era. For companies, he said, it is now important to create freely selectable zones in their offices for different work scenarios. And last but not least, the furniture is also about sustainability: regionally produced, made from renewable raw materials and recyclable.

When the bite gets stuck in the throat for a moment at the business lunch...

Marine biologist Dr. Silvia Frey was the last speaker to provide food for thought. She pointed out the importance of the oceans for the global balance of climate, fauna and flora. "If we don't do something about climate change, two-thirds of the creatures in the oceans will be dead by the end of this century," she warned. She also appealed to limit the consumption of marine fish - all the more so because Switzerland is, after all, a classic landlocked country. Nevertheless, fish is popular, as Felfel's live statistics also show: A dish with smoked salmon ranked at the top that day...

Interested guests were then given the opportunity to get to know the Felfel company even better on a tour. Those present agreed: food for body and soul and easily digestible portions is good for you. Organizer Barbara Rüttimann thus succeeded in adding sustainable value with the "Business Lunch" format.

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