How your office stays cool without air conditioning
Summer has reached its peak with its heat days. Those who can't escape to cooler regions and have to work in an overheated office are struggling through the day. So what can be done? In any case, SwissEnergy or the Swiss Federal Office of Energy advises against power-hungry room air conditioners, but gives other tips to keep the office cool even without air conditioning.

Spending the heat days in the office? Proper ventilation, the use of sunscreens and the elimination of heat sources often bring noticeable relief. SwissEnergy gives the following tips for cool offices even without air conditioning:
Tip 1: Use the sun protection early enough and smartly
Who hasn't experienced it: the weather forecast predicts a hot summer's day and we're already getting ready to sweat in the office. But it doesn't get really hot until around midday. Closing the sunshades in front of the windows at that time is of little use. That's why it's best to block the sun's rays as early as the morning. Coordination is the key to success here: Whoever is in the office first thing in the morning should immediately darken all windows. Alternatively, it is worth considering automatic, demand-oriented control of your sun protection systems.
Tip 2: Proper ventilation
If the offices are located on the upper floors and open windows are therefore not an invitation for thieves, it is worth keeping the windows open overnight. Cross-ventilation is particularly effective: open opposite windows to create a draught. As with sun protection, the same applies to ventilation: organize yourself. It is better to open all windows together in the morning than to open them at different times throughout the day.
Tip 3: Create drafts with energy-efficient fans
Moving air extracts heat from the body. This effect is called wind chill effect and it can be artificially created with fans. Cooling units need around 1000 watts of power to operate, while fans get by on around 50 watts. So fans use much less power than air conditioners and often create a similar cooling sensation. When buying, look for quiet, slow-running fans with a large diameter. Place them as close to the floor as possible. That way, you direct the cooler air upward.
Tip 4: Reduce heat sources
Electrical appliances and lighting emit waste heat during operation. Consistently turn off external monitors, storage devices, printers, and lights when not in use. When you replace equipment, look for the following when you buy it energy-efficient devices by consulting the energy label. The page offers you an overview of recommendable and energy-efficient electrical appliances.
Tip 5: Customize behavior
Does your company offer flextime? Then start your workday earlier and take advantage of the cool morning hours. This also leaves more time in the evening for cooling off at the pool or a trip to the nearest gelateria. Also, drink at least one and a half liters per day and choose an easily digestible meal on hot days. A longer lunch break (siesta) and a suitable summer office outfit made of linen, silk or cotton also help.