Dealing with Generation Z
At the 17th International Recruitment Forum last week in Montreux, Swiss Education Group presented the results of its Generation Z study. The purpose of the study is to better understand the expectations and motivations of Generation Z in order to adapt to this new generation - both as students and as employees.

As one of the most important recruitment and young talent events in the hospitality industry, the International Recruitment Forum (IRF) has been held twice a year in Montreux since 2009. It is reserved for students of the Swiss Education Group and welcomes over one hundred renowned companies in the industry over two days. At this event, students can discuss with industry experts on the topic of careers and market needs. In March 2017, 1,300 students from the seven campuses participated and over 1,500 application interviews were conducted during the event. Around 3,500 students also took part in a study over the past three months, conducted by Alexandra Broennimann, an expert in consumer behavior. Over one hundred personal interviews were conducted for this purpose.
Hyperconnected and champion of the value of work
Generation Z includes those born after 1995 who grew up in an ultra-connected environment and tend to be more realistic in their approach. They know they have to work hard to get ahead. Among their handicaps is the fact that they find it difficult to concentrate on one thing for a long period of time.
A first result from the study: These young people experience technology and their mobile devices as an extended part of their body. Therefore, 2/3 of them declare that they are less productive and less happy without their cell phones. And second, for Gen Z, things that exist online are real. Gen Z posts 60 % of their social life on social networks: meals with friends, professional events, celebrations. Alexandra Broennimann explains, "It's as if a real event didn't happen until it was posted online and confirmed by the online community." The same is true when it comes to dealing with labels: 3/4 of Gen Z has no trust in a brand name if it does not exist on social networks. Other findings: Professional success is very important to Gen Z. 70 % consider a lot of money to be the best indicator of success, with success coming only through hard work. 80 % prefer a good job to a good relationship.

In projects, the Gen Z powerful
Passively, Gen Z has an attention span of about 8 seconds. If their representatives enjoy an activity, they can maintain concentration for up to a maximum of 12 minutes. Future employers must therefore come up with a balance between a suitable working framework and sufficiently stimulating challenges. Alexandra Broennimann therefore recommends that employers offer these young adults the opportunity for involvement in projects and challenges that specifically appeal to their age group.
On the subject of education and training, Florent Rondez, CEO of the Swiss Education Group, explains: "We have restructured our study programs to counter the boredom perceived by Gen Z. We are now offering a range of new courses. For example, our teachers change topics every 20 minutes in class. The new pedagogy is evolutionary and very dynamic."
Source: Swiss Education Group