Arnold Weissman: "Managing culture is trying to nail a pudding to the wall"

An interview with Prof. Arnold Weissman, conducted by Urs Prantl, SME mentor and partner of Focus on Future. Arnold Weissman speaks on Monday evening, January 14, 2019 at Focus on Future in Baden about digital leadership and the art of leading in the digital transformation.

Prof. Dr. Arnold Weissman will speak about digital leadership at Focus on Future in Baden on January 14, 2019. (Image: zVg)

At the heart of Arnold Weissman's presentation is the observation that, firstly, digitization affects all companies, and secondly, that it has far more to do with leadership than with technology. This requires an understanding of leadership and practical leadership that will have to reinvent itself over long distances. Arnold Weissman explains why this is so and what this leadership could look like in the following interview.

Digitization is mainly seen as a technological challenge. What role does leadership play here?
Digitization will radically change the economy and society. Knowledge is available everywhere, technology enables radically changed business models. Times of major change need strong leaders who accompany people through these changes, which can also be associated with considerable pain. The greater the upheaval, the more important strong value-based leadership becomes. Understood in this way, leadership is right at the heart of digital transformation.

When we talk about digital leadership. What does leadership mean to you, and what is digital about it?
To me, leading, or leadership, means "lifting others up," enabling people to reach a higher level. Leadership means being "in resonance" with people. In a digitalized world, where people work when, where and with whom they want, the "old" control is lost and must be replaced by a culture of trust. Trust is the central prerequisite for being able to manage the complexity created by digitization.

Change and leadership are nothing new. Why should digital transformation require a different (new) leadership?
Probably the oldest book in the world is the Chinese wisdom book I Ching, the Book of Changes. Heraclitus, the pre-Socratics, spoke of Panta Rhei. Everything flows, everything is in motion, everything changes. Change is certainly not a privilege of our time. What digitization has changed, however, is the speed of change. In the world of Industry 1.0 to 3.0, systems could be mastered, traditional hierarchies were suitable organizational patterns. In the networked, virtual, digital world, however, these systems are becoming more and more superfluous, even counterproductive. So we definitely need new leadership if we want to successfully shape the digital transformation.

How must leadership be practiced in a digital company and how does it differ from conventional leadership?
When framework conditions change ever more rapidly, systems lose stability. Decisions have to be made under high uncertainty. And, they have to be made quickly. This requires networked, self-learning, agile structures in which managers behave like entrepreneurs in the workplace. They must take responsibility and carry this culture of delegating responsibility throughout the organization.

What do entrepreneurs and managers in SMEs have to change in their leadership behavior in order to successfully shape the digital transformation?
Basically, it tends to be easier for entrepreneurs in SMEs, because they are naturally much faster and more agile than the large corporations with their bureaucracies, simply because of their size and personal proximity. There, the motto is "Teaching Elephants to Dance!" In my view, SMEs have every chance of mastering the digital transformation, of shaping it, if they reflect on their natural strengths. More than ever, in the digital world, it is not the big ones who win against the small ones, but the fast ones against the slow ones!

What are the particular challenges in owner-managed SMEs when it comes to leadership in the digital transformation?
Some owners still see themselves as patrons, where all decisions are made. After all, the owner also bears the financial, entrepreneurial risk. But if owners don't understand how to delegate responsibility, they have the same problems as large companies.

What role do the owners themselves play in the digital transformation of their companies?
They need to be at the forefront of change and make digital readiness a top priority. And they must accept that they need support for this, both internally and externally. For many, digital transformation will be the biggest change in their company's history. Banks, insurance companies, wholesalers and retailers, suppliers and even IT and tech companies. They all face the task of having to transform their business model and their company to make it fit for the future. In some areas, people are already talking about the "Amazonization" of markets. Owners need the courage to pursue their own transformation - and, as "first movers," they must strengthen their own employees, take them along, and accompany them.

What are the main mistakes you see in practice when the digital transformation doesn't really work out?
Many people make the mistake of viewing digital transformation solely as a technological challenge. But it is above all a cultural challenge. Even if the strategy and business plans are in place, implementation is by no means assured. As Peter Drucker says so well: "Culture eats strategy for breakfast. Digital transformation is more of a cultural challenge than a technological one. And now comes the problem: Managing culture is like trying to nail a pudding to the wall! For traditionally minded managers, this is of course a particular challenge, to accept that culture is not only so important, but also that it can only be shaped and changed by leading by example. And this takes time - despite all the speed of change. A really difficult challenge for impatient managers.

Finally, can you tell us a few keywords about your presentation on January 14, 2019 in Baden?
My aim is to show what changes are (likely) to come our way and how we can best learn to deal with them. We will talk about how we really put the customer at the center (Customer Centricity), how we need to adapt our business models, what this means for our organizations - and how we manage to bring the people who work in our companies along on this journey.

Event Note
Arnold Weissman will be speaking on Digital Leadership and the Art of Leading in Digital Transformation on Monday evening, January 14, 2019 at Focus on Future in Baden. More info and registration at


About Arnold Weissman

Prof. Dr. Arnold Weissman founded the renowned consulting and training company the WeissmanGroup in 1987, which was awarded the "TOP CONSULTANT" quality seal in 2017 for its high level of expertise and consulting management for medium-sized businesses. The WeissmanGroup is internationally positioned, with offices in Nuremberg, Innsbruck, Zurich and Lana. Prof. Dr. Arnold Weissman also teaches business management especially for family businesses as well as marketing at the OTH (Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule) Regensburg, is head of the competence area for strategy at the Zurich International Business School (ZIBS) and external lecturer at the Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen. He is also the author of numerous knowledge books and practice-oriented articles. As a sought-after speaker, he speaks at more than 120 events annually.

"Not all companies necessarily need blockchain technology"

At the Forum Blockchain for Business (B4B) of the University of Applied Sciences St.Gallen, experts from science and practice discussed the opportunities and risks of blockchain with entrepreneurs. One thing is clear: The potential of digital technology goes far beyond cryptocurrencies.

Do all companies need blockchain technology? TV journalist Reto Brennwald chairs the panel discussion at the FHSG's Blockchain for Business forum. (Image: zVg / FHSG)

Blockchain is the subject of much discussion, and not just in specialist circles. More and more companies are looking into the digital technology and working on initial applications. For experts, blockchain technology has a similar revolutionary potential as the Internet. But what exactly is blockchain? What does a company have to pay attention to when implementing a blockchain application and how does financing via Initial Coin Offering (ICO) work? These and other questions were the focus of the Blockchain for Business (B4B) forum held last Thursday, November 22, in St. Gallen. Speakers from science and practice told the more than 100 participants about their experiences with the promising "technology of the future" and gave tips for a possible implementation. The moderator was TV journalist Reto Brennwald, and the event was organized by the Institute for Corporate Management at the University of Applied Sciences St.Gallen IFU-FHS.

Properties can create trust

"Blockchain can be described as a distributed transaction database," said Professor Ernesto Turnes, director of the FHS Center of Excellence for Banking and Finance, in his opening remarks. He identified availability, ownership, immutability, auditability and scalability as the five requirements for a transaction system. Trust can be established via these requirements and how they are achieved, such as through cryptography or hashing, he said. With regard to tokens, i.e. the tokens that are sold in ICOs, Ernesto Turnes sees "enormous potential" above all in investment tokens or asset or security tokens. They represent assets such as shares, bonds or real estate.

Roger Bigger, co-founder of Crowdli AG, a platform for real estate crowd investments, and managing owner of Azemos Group, shared the same opinion. "Security tokens can fundamentally revolutionize the fund world," he said. "They create entirely new concepts of investing: improved participation, greater flexibility and lower costs." But, he added, they are also much more complex to understand. And this is where Roger Bigger sees the big challenge: "Explaining this to a broad audience is difficult."

Attorney Thomas Müller of Walder Wyss Attorneys at Law in Zurich classified the legal qualification of the tokens, which is quite complex and somewhat different depending on the token. He described the secondary market as a major problem: Some of the tokens could only be used to a limited extent and the National Bank currently has "zero interest" in a digital franc.

Optimize processes, save costs

The n' AG, a provider of cloud computing solutions, relied on blockchain at the beginning of 2018 and carried out an ICO. The next ICO is to follow as early as next year... According to Chief Marketing Officer Pascal Dossenbach, blockchain is suitable for "those companies that want to offer a product or service for which there is also a market". For him, it is important to have "serious planning with realistic goals" and an "ICO whitepaper that comes across like a business plan to convince investors".

Event organizer and book author Pascal Egloff from FHS St.Gallen classifies the possibilities of blockchain technology at the Forum Blockchain for Business. (Image: zVg / FHSG)

For Pascal Egloff, lecturer and project manager at the FHS Competence Center for Banking and Finance, "needs not every company has to have a blockchain, it has been possible without one". But almost every company could use the technology. "The only question is whether it's worth it," he said. Blockchain often serves as a catalyst for thinking about digitalization, he said. Ulrich Schimpel, CTO Europe Team & IBM Research, Zurich, has a similar view: the blockchain solution only brings something where it is better than the existing process. However, if the new technology is then applied, processes can be optimized and costs saved. Today, blockchain is not only used in banking, but also in healthcare, insurance, logistics and sales.

An underestimated technology

Vitus Ammann spent years in Zug's Crypto Valley and is now a Digital Transformation consultant at SBB. In the expert panel, he said, "We are still at the very beginning with blockchain technology, about where we were with the Internet in 1995." He has high hopes for the technology, with comparable effects on the economy and society as with the Internet. Nick Beglinger, CEO of Cleantech21 Foundation, and Roman Schnider, Head of Audit Blockchain Clients at PwC Switzerland, have a similar view. "Blockchain is still greatly underestimated today," said Nick Beglinger, and Vitus Ammann believes that in ten years, securities will already be largely traded via tokens and no longer via the existing systems. Will banks still exist at all then? "I think so," said Roman Schnider, "but their remit is likely to shift." For Stefan Jeker, head of Raiffeisen St.Gallen's innovation lab, one of the big challenges of the future is to think in ecosystems and beyond processes. "Blockchain technology will change our lives, allowing us to focus on what makes our lives worth living."

More information:
With all the developments surrounding blockchain, it is difficult to keep track of everything. That's why Ernesto Turnes and Pascal Egloff from the Institute of Corporate Management IFU-FHS have written a textbook entitled "Blockchain for Practice. Cryptocurrencies, Smart Contracts, ICOs and Tokens." At the same time, they offer customized presentations as well as company-specific workshops and have organized the Blockchain for Business (B4B) forum.

When members of the board of directors go back to school

The newly launched Digital Board Academy provides board members with compact know-how in two evening modules, enabling them to better assess the upcoming challenges in the digital field. The continuing education course on the topic of "Digital Transformation" is being offered in various Swiss cities. The first courses that have taken place so far were fully booked in a very short time.

Providing digital know-how for board members: Dominic Lüthi (left) and Maurice Nyffeler with their Digital Board Academy. (Image: zVg)

Many companies lack digital competence not only at management level, but above all at board level. Especially there, the selection of "digital first" thinkers is very small to non-existent. With the newly launched "Digital Board Academy," members of the board of directors will be able to further educate themselves in two evening modules on digital topics such as data exchange, big data, digital strategy, cyber threats and the development of smartphone technology. The course will be offered in Zurich, Bern and Basel as a first step.

Burning issue of digitization

The program was launched by Maurice Nyffeler and Dominic Lüthi. Nyffeler is a transformation expert with a focus on business and culture. Lüthi initiated the first digital mediation platform for boards of directors, foundation boards and advisory boards (f/m) in Switzerland. Based on this professional background, they have recognized that digitization/digital transformation is a burning issue for most SMEs, but one that is often neglected due to ignorance or lack of understanding and, in the worst case, can have a negative impact on a company's future prospects.

Says Dominic Lüthi: "Our goal was to develop a course that would give board members enough know-how to include digitization in the development of long-term corporate strategy. With this knowledge, board members also become more effective for companies and more attractive to the market." Maurice Nyffeler also points out another point: "Digital transformation not only brings technological challenges, but also demands holistic development from a cultural perspective. This is a major challenge for many company managers, which we also address in Digital Board Academy."

Board members must not miss the boat

Digital transformation can offer SMEs in particular great opportunities, which is why it is important that they do not miss the boat on the digital future. Because digital transformation is more than just "digitization": It affects not only technology, but also organization and business. It has come about through the convergence of three developments called SoLoMo, where So stands for Social, Lo for Local and Mo for Mobile. Social refers to the ability to exchange large amounts of data in real time, independent of location and time. Local refers not only to GPS, RFID chips, etc., but also to the immersion in large amounts of data ("Big Data"), while Mobile deals with the breathtaking development of smartphones.

The first modules of the Digital Board Academy have already been held. The excellent feedback shows that although many companies are concerned about the topic of digitization, the topic has not yet arrived everywhere at board level.

More information:

More time and better meeting culture

Reserve meeting rooms manually? That was once upon a time. Today, there are digital solutions to manage meeting room availability. A case study from the financial industry.

With the wireless ROOMZ displays, the bank at Bellevue saves time, optimizes processes and you can improve the meeting culture. (Image: ROOMZ)

Holger Schultes is COO/CIO of the Bellevue financial services group. This group of companies includes Bank am Bellevue AG and Bellevue Asset Management AG with various locations worldwide. Information technology is operated centrally from the headquarters in Küsnacht. Holger Schultes is responsible for the smooth functioning of the IT of the Bellevue Group as well as the back office of Bank am Bellevue. It was also he who came across the right solution to eliminate a persistent grievance in the management of meeting rooms.

Manual management no longer up to date

Always looking to increase efficiency, the somewhat hand-tied meeting room management in the Zurich property caught Holger Schultes' attention: "In January 2018, we moved into a new building on Rennweg. On one floor, there are exclusively meeting rooms. At that time, the administration of the rooms ran completely manually. Daily printouts were created from the Exchange calendars and pinned to the meeting rooms. On the one hand, this was no longer up to date, and on the other hand, the meeting culture suffered as a result. It was not uncommon for reservations to be forgotten or not to work properly. For me, there's nothing worse than having to barge into an occupied meeting room with a visitor." So an automated solution was needed.

Convincing solution found

The CIO was looking for wireless displays that are linked to Exchange calendars and automatically show their availability for each meeting room. An acquaintance drew his attention to the solution of a young Freiburg-based company: ROOMZ. Its solution seemed to meet his needs perfectly. Schultes recalls, "The slim and elegant displays and the range of functions convinced me right away." The day after next, he contacted the manufacturer. The conversation confirmed to the CIO that this solution met all his requirements: "For me, the direct connection to the Exchange calendars and the ease of use were primarily important. Since we have many glass walls, the solution also had to work wirelessly. I also place a lot of value on the aesthetics."

Security is also an important topic in the banking environment. Holger Schultes explains: "The classic bank robbery is shifting more and more into the digital realm. That's why we also checked the display solution to see if it met our security standards and decided on an on-premise installation."

Flawless operation

Holger Schultes ordered the necessary displays. Via remote service, ROOMZ co-founder Patrick Terreaux installed the server at the headquarters in Küsnacht and configured the solution together with Holger Schultes. The CIO and his team commissioned the individual displays themselves. Since then, the solution has been running absolutely flawlessly and the users are also very happy with it, as Holger Schultes confirms: "The front office staff are happy. They save themselves the trouble of printing out calendars and manually attaching them to the meeting rooms. In addition, we have the possibility to book free meeting rooms directly on the sign itself for ad hoc meetings or to release the rooms again in case of meetings that ended early. With the ROOMZ displays, you thus save time, optimize processes and you can improve the meeting culture."

ROOMZ solution with integrated sensors

Holger Schultes is also very interested in the developments at ROOMZ. For example, the intelligent ROOMZ sensor, which has just been introduced and enables a number of new functions: automatic meeting room release for meetings that are reserved but not taking place, analysis of data, and a useful overview of where a meeting room would be free at a given time. "The integration of sensor technology into the solution allows us to expand the ROOMZ portfolio into an ecosystem ", Holger Schultes is pleased to say.

More information:

Climate protection: Innovative SMEs receive funding

Never before have SMEs submitted so many good projects to the Swiss Climate Foundation as this fall. As a result, the foundation is currently able to award funding amounting to almost 2.2 million Swiss francs. Together with the support round last spring, this is one of the highest funding amounts in the foundation's ten-year history, according to the statement.

A foldable solar roof on a wooden structure for climate protection: The Swiss Climate Foundation supports just such a project. (Image: MICHAEL ALAN BROOKS)

The Swiss Climate Foundation supports projects by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that contribute to climate protection. Since its establishment in 2008, the foundation has awarded grants totaling 20 million Swiss francs to over 1,400 SMEs in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein. And SMEs continue to be innovative when it comes to climate protection: For example, it is not enough for dhp technology AG from Zizers to have developed an award-winning solar folding roof. The folding roofs still rest on steel girders, the production of which consumes a lot of gray energy. The Swiss Climate Foundation is now supporting the development of a CO2-neutral wooden structure. This structure is one of more than 20 innovation projects that SMEs submitted to the Swiss Climate Foundation this fall. The Foundation Board has examined the projects in detail and decided to provide financial support for 15 of them.

"We cannot afford inaction".

Other innovation projects supported by the foundation include a new process for coating surfaces that saves a third of the material required, and a new dehumidification technology that requires only half as much electricity. In addition, the Swiss Climate Foundation also supports three SMEs that save electricity or CO2 in their own operations. "I am always impressed by how much can be achieved for climate protection through innovative products developed in Switzerland and Liechtenstein," says Vincent Eckert, Managing Director of the Swiss Climate Foundation. "We cannot afford inactivity. This was also recently shown by ETH Zurich and MeteoSwiss climate scenarios for Switzerland. That is why I am particularly pleased that we are able to award so many grants in our tenth year."

Foundation from the economy for the economy

Two sides are to benefit from the foundation's support: On the one hand, climate protection, because measurably less CO2 is emitted and electricity is consumed. And on the other hand, the companies that can implement their innovative ideas and thus remain competitive.

The Swiss Climate Foundation is backed by 27 major service companies from Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein. They donate money from their rebates of the CO2 tax to the joint foundation. The foundation pools the money and uses it for SME projects.

Digital Economy Award: These are the winners

At the Digital Economy Award Night, more than 500 guests from the digital industry, research, business and politics celebrated the year's digital highlights. The award ceremony was held for the first time at the Hallenstadion in Zurich as part of a gala dinner. The highlight of the evening was the drone tech start-up Auterion, winner in the "Next Global Hot Thing" category.

Auterion with its founder Lorenz Meier (center) wins the Digital Economy Award 2018. (Image: zVg / Press Service)

30 promising start-ups were nominated, 3 qualified for the final. Since tonight it is clear: Auterion is the big winner in the category "Next Global Hot Thing" in front of more than 500 guests in the Hallenstadion in Zurich. The drone tech start-up builds complete operating systems (OS) and is working very successfully to establish this as the global standard for enterprise drones. Already more than 1 million drones are operated by Auterion's technology. Jury President Pascal Kaufmann, founder of AI high-flyer Starmind, recognized the winners as follows: "The combination of top Swiss know-how and entrepreneurship, the absolutely scalable open source model, and the international team of top talent from around the world ideally position Auterion to become The Next Global Hot Thing."

With over 70 entries in the categories "Digital Innovation of the Year," "Digital Transformation" and "Highest Digital Quality," top-class projects and companies were also represented in the other categories. In the newly established jury process with new jurors, the applicants were analyzed and judged more extensively this year than before.

These are the winners

  • Digital Innovation of the Year: with Modsense. Jury president Lukas Bär: "It combines innovation in a hardware and software solution and brings together the flow of information and value in the transport of critical goods. The focus today is on the transport of medical products over the last mile, for example to pharmacies, hospitals or doctors."
  • Digital Transformation SME: Ex Libris. Jury president Samy Liechti: "Digitization runs through the entire company, from procurement to the point of sale. In this way, it becomes a daily experience for every employee and customer. Ex Libris started the journey years ago and has continued to pick up speed over the past year."
  • Digital Transformation NPO & Government: Amnesty International Switzerland. Jury President Marc Uricher: "The will to change is evident at all levels and - very crucially - it is supported and exemplified by management. Donors and supporters generally feel that you play a central role."
  • Digital Transformation Large Enterprise: Sonova. Jury President Bramwell Kaltenrieder: "In recent years, the tradition-rich company has transformed itself from a manufacturer of hearing aids that sells its products via global distribution partner networks to an integrated ecosystem operator. By consistently analyzing customer needs and their "customer journeys," the company has been able to optimally reposition its products and, above all, its services - digitized from start to finish."
  • Highest Digital Quality: SBB with the NOVA platform. Jury President Marcus Dauck: "The focus is on an optimized experience in which the customer can move around very easily in his familiar environment or with the help of partners. The NOVA platform wins in the Highest Digital Quality category in particular because it is clear that quality standards were kept extraordinarily high in a digitally agile environment throughout the entire project and also in the operating phase.

Company certified for the first time

During the Digital Economy Award Night on November 21, companies and organizations were also awarded 17 certificates in four special disciplines. Gold certificates were awarded to:

  • Industry 4.0: Sulzer Management AG with BLUE BOX™ IoT Advanced Analytics
  • Lean, Agile & Scrum: Trivadis with Digital Blockchain Class Book
  • Sourcing & Cloud: SBB with NOVA platform
  • User Experience: Netcetera with pressure ulcer prevention app, FOEN with "Common Information Platform Natural Hazards (GIN)".

The following companies and organizations receive one or more silver and/or bronze certificates: Apps with love, Federal Office for the Environment, dreipol, Ergon Informatik, Greenliff & Museum of Digital Art, Inside Reality, interactive friends, Ivaris, Liip,, Siemens Mobility.

The Digital Economy Award is organized by the ICT industry association swissICT and the specialist publisher Netzmedien AG and was created through a merger of the Swiss ICT Award and the Swiss Digital Transformation Award. The next award ceremony will take place on November 28, 2019 at the Hallenstadion in Zurich.

800 guests: record attendance at business forum

Record in Kloten: Around 800 people flocked to the Salto Natale circus tent on November 19 for the 18th business forum organized by the association "Flughafenregion Zürich - Wirtschaftsnetzwerk und Standortentwicklung" (FRZ). There, Doctor Eckart von Hirschhausen showed them how laughter can also be healing in professional life.

Eckart von Hirschhausen with FRZ Managing Director Christoph Lang (in circus director outfit) at the Manage in Kloten, where the Economic Forum was held for the 18th time. (Photo jdw)

Around 800 guests from business, politics and the authorities - never before have so many people attended a business forum or other event in the Zurich airport region. Following the successful premiere last year, the 18th edition of the top event was again held in 2018 in the atmospheric ambience of the Salto Natale circus tent.

Laugh until the doctor comes

None other than Eckart von Hirschhausen - German TV star, doctor, comedian and book author - was the main protagonist of the lively audience. In his well-known sovereign and witty manner, the trained physician took a close look at a topic that is occupying more and more people in the fast-paced world of work. In his show entitled "Burning without burning out - what positive psychology means for the mental health of employees", he impressively demonstrated how burnout episodes can be avoided - and earned many laughs and great applause for his intelligent humor. At the same time, he involved his audience in the program. Whether as comedian, magician, coach or doctor - well-packaged, meaningful advice was taken home by everyone in the stands. "Humor has great value and helps heal. Laughter works throughout the body," assured the doctor, who spent his sub-assistant time in Switzerland, at the end.

A physicist in the circus

Beforehand, Professor Dr. Gian-Luca Bona, CEO of Empa Dübendorf, had smiled and wondered how he, as a physicist, had ended up in the circus. On the one hand, he presented his research and demonstration platforms. He also emphasized the importance of the future Dübendorf Innovation Park: "Many of Empa's project partners are likely to be found there one day," predicted Bona, who is committed to the rapid transfer of knowledge and technology in this context. Earlier in the afternoon, Professor Heike Bruch had given an interactive input lecture on healthy and productive employees. Furthermore, René Huber, President of Kloten and the FRZ, announced the latest developments in the emerging association organization. The major goal of the association, which will soon have 500 members, is the successful cooperation and networking of politics and business in the booming Glattal airport region.

New Meet and Greet booth

Christoph Lang, FRZ Managing Director, appeared in front of the audience in a matching ringmaster uniform and already presented event delicacies of the coming year. Beforehand, he had held a meet-and-greet with the guest participants in the foyer tent for the first time.

In between, the breathtaking performances of the acrobatic cracks of the economic forum host Salto Natale offered completely different entertainment. But also the vocal flights of fancy of the only 15-year-old talent Joya Schedler aroused emotions. The entire circus atmosphere lent a very special touch to the record-breaking event - also at the concluding aperitif, which was once again used for successful networking. (jdw)

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Photos landscape - or portrait format Caption: Eckart von Hirschhausen with FRZ Managing Director Christoph Lang (in circus director outfit) at the Manage in Kloten. (Photo jdw)

There is something wrong with your culture!

Studies are a funny thing: You always have to understand the context before you draw conclusions. A commentary with further impulses for success.

Fun and trust in others: Foundations for a good culture in companies. (Image:

The other day I came across a Study by Ethan Bernstein and Stephen Turban - two academics from Harvard Business School - who came to the conclusion that people communicate less openly in open-plan offices than in structures with small offices (and more by email instead). The reason seems clear: people don't want to expose themselves to others with what they say.

Here's my diagnosis: If you notice this symptom - that people are afraid to open up in front of their colleagues - we have a real problem with your culture. And open-plan offices simply expose that (much like reducing inventory exposes problems on the shop floor).

Instead of tweaking the symptoms, let's tackle the root causes. Here are the top three reasons when your people are hiding and not communicating openly (no matter the office structure):

  1. No trust in others. As a leader, you know that when people talk behind others' backs or prefer to write emails rather than address problems openly, we don't have a communication problem, we have a trust problem. No team can achieve top performance without mutual trust. Work on it, preferably with a coach. The good news: Trust can be built in a targeted way.
  2. No fun. I've experienced this myself for years (at SAP, one of the best employers in Germany and Switzerland): With fun, you get twice as much done in the same amount of time: Even if time is sometimes wasted on jokes and craziness, you end up being much more productive. How much fun do your people have at work?
  3. No confidence. Those who hide in communication often have low self-confidence. This is something that can be worked on. That is also the responsibility of the leader. By the way, lack of self-confidence is also an important reason why salespeople sell less. You can increase order intake relatively directly by increasing the self-confidence of the sales team.

One thing is clear: working on your culture is worthwhile in any case. The consequences are higher productivity, better results and - not to forget - more fun.

To the author:
Volkmar Völzke is a success maximizer. Book author. Consultant. Coach. Speaker.


Data protection and compliance: Swiss companies still have some catching up to do

Data has long been set as the most important digital asset of companies. But at the majority of Swiss companies, daily data management can still be significantly improved, according to a new study by Veritas Technologies, a leading provider of enterprise data protection.

Compliance looks different: In Swiss companies, data is often distributed across a wide variety of storage locations. (Graphic: Veritas)

Companies that handle customer data are under particular scrutiny today: global headlines about data protection breaches are not abating, and stricter data compliance regulations are being introduced around the world. The Swiss Data Protection Act is also under revision. It is therefore more important than ever for companies to have structured risk management in place to secure data and gain necessary insights to drive the business.

Need to catch up on data compliance

The new study by Vanson Bourne on behalf of Veritas shows that IT decision-makers and data managers still see room for improvement in some areas, such as ensuring data compliance (73 percent) and data security and risk (79 percent). In addition, 85 percent of the interviewees stated that there is still room for improvement in terms of data transparency and control, while another 73 percent complained about the processes for recovering data after loss or a ransomware attack. Only 17 percent believe their company is effectively using data to drive the business forward.

The survey also shows that in Switzerland, only 18 percent of IT professionals believe that employees from different functions already have seamless access to corporate data and that it can be transferred across different departments. Two-thirds (66 percent) of respondents think their company could still improve data sharing across divisions.

The challenge of data overload

According to the interviewees, the following factors make data management in their company particularly difficult:

  • Data management costs are rising (51 percent).
  • Too many different tools and systems are used to be effective (40 percent).
  • The skills and/or technology to fully leverage the value of data are lacking (36 percent).
  • There are too many data sources to get an overview of (34 percent).
  • Data cannot be reliably backed up and restored (23 percent).
  • There is no central strategy or approach to data management (20 percent).

In contrast, only 3 percent of IT professionals said their companies face no data management challenges.

(Graphic: Veritas)

"The exponential growth of unstructured data has led to organizations storing information in many different environments. On average, 35 percent of it is in the cloud, and 54 percent of the data is stored on-premises," said Thomas Benz, Country Manager Switzerland and Austria at Veritas Technologies. "The more isolated and extensive the data becomes, the more difficult it is to find it, manage it, access it and secure it. Then companies face a big challenge."

"We live in a time when effective data management can drive digitization in companies, open up new business models and reduce costs through automation. Equally, however, it can bring companies to their knees if it is lacking. That's why they should invest in simplifying data management, removing complex processes to create a solid foundation - not only to protect themselves from cybercriminals or comply with data regulations, but also to pave the way for innovation and success in today's digital economy."

For more information on managing and securing your data, see

Countering data chaos: What central data management should look like in the B2B sector

The topic of data centralization is on everyone's lips these days. Large amounts of data often clog the channels of all those who actually depend on fast processes. The digital commerce agency Blackbit is an expert in this field and provides tips in the following text on how companies can clear up the data chaos.

Data chaos in the company? Centralizing data provides a remedy. (Image: zVg / Press Service)

To stay ahead of the competition, B2B companies need to offer content that is tailored to their target audience and moves them forward in the customer journey. Retailers spend a lot of effort to find out exactly what existing customers want, what prospective customers might want, which diverse target groups the customer base is divided into, and which channels they use to address them in an attention-grabbing way. By centralizing systems and interfaces, they can effectively exploit the data potential. Digital commerce expert Blackbit knows these problems and provides action guidelines that save a lot of money, time and nerves.

Lots of info - lots of chaos

Determining what potential customers want and providing them with consistent, helpful information across different channels proves to be a complicated and difficult matter to tame. This is because product information and user data are usually widely scattered in different systems and departments. Those responsible fill websites, online stores, marketplaces, catalogs, newsletters, etc. with content using different tools. Manual data reconciliation requires a great deal of effort and often leads to errors, duplications and gaps in the data stock. Sometimes data is exchanged via an interface, often still laboriously by hand - and just as often simply not at all. Errors multiply, time is wasted inefficiently, duplications and gaps thwart high data quality.

Put an end to data chaos

A significant reduction in the number of systems and interfaces solves the problem in the long term. A single system is responsible for all marketing-relevant data and combines all important digital commerce tools. If you maintain all relevant marketing, sales and customer information from a central hub, you always have access to an up-to-date, consistent database. However, centralized data storage not only means less maintenance effort and a lower error rate, but also enables the sketching of accurate marketing measures. If the "data brain" is seamlessly connected to the sales channels, marketers can evaluate user data across all channels and use it for smart communication campaigns - for example, to generate personalized landing page content based on the websites accessed by users or to automatically send suitable product recommendations by e-mail.

Open source example: Pimcore with "Connect anything" architecture

The free open source framework Pimcore is one of the tools that B2B companies use for central data collection and control. Its applications range from database publishing and master data management to multi- and omnichannel retail.

  • Database publishing builds a bridge between online data and print catalog. With it, users automate catalog printing, especially when print editions are to be reproduced and appear multiple times. The product information management system (PIM) enables automated print output from multiple sources. With the help of a central PIM system, users transfer data to a freely selectable layout program such as InDesign, Adobe FrameMaker or an open source program, create templates for the various product groups or output a catalog or brochure fully automatically.
  • Master Data Management (Master Data Management, abbreviation MDM) refers to the handling of a company's most important basic data and helps with data centralization. It combines information from the various source systems, cleans it up and enriches it with additional details as required. With the help of the data, employees in sales, service, marketing or accounting stay on the same level and advise customers individually on the basis of the evaluated transaction data.

Also models for Multi-channel trading allow different possibilities for the further development and centralization of data streams. In classic multichannel commerce, sellers use multi-track sales channels that do not interact with each other. Ebay, amazon or etsy serve as examples. The customer decides on his favorite channel and orders there. The omni-channel principle develops the structures further: here, too, the consumer uses all sales outlets, but optionally also purchases across channels. The prerequisites for success are uniform data and overarching processes. "Pimcore's 'Connect Anything' architecture and its holistic API approach lead to high connectivity with business enterprise systems such as ERP, CRM, BI, ESB or external 3rd party applications," knows Stefano Viani, CEO of Pimcore's gold partner Blackbit. Consolidation of content, community and commerce intensifies the digital brand experience.

Example Feature DAM: Providing Digital Assets Centrally for All Channels

A consistent brand image is based on central management, uncomplicated access and fast distribution of media content. This is where a powerful digital asset management system comes into play, which can be easily operated, for example, via the web-based user interface or via a WebDAV network drive at the workplace. With Pimcore, the DAM system is directly connected to the CMS, PIM, web-to-print and e-commerce framework. For example, users drag and drop images stored in the DAM into the content pages of the corporate website or assign user manuals to the appropriate products in the product information management system. The DAM automatically converts image data into desired target formats and displays a preview in advance. If those responsible want to prepare a publication in catalogs and in the online store, they edit image data directly in the DAM, add copyright notices or watermarks automatically and convert images into the desired color space (CMYK for print media or RGB for display on the screen). For photo retouching, a user-friendly tool palette is available for cropping images, frames, color filters and text. All assets are versioned in Pimcore, so image changes can be undone at any time.

Provide data for suppliers and external service providers

Via the DAM brand portal, companies grant their suppliers or sub-distributors access to selected assets without having to set up back-end access or send files manually. Customers and sales partners independently select provided product images and service documents, choose the required asset variant (resolution, format, color profile) themselves and exchange media with external service providers and suppliers. Individual authorizations protect data from unwanted access. Whether it's the scope of functions, user groups, specific assignment of rights or front-end design - the flexible DAM system adapts to specific company requirements and integrates into the existing IT structure.

Tidying up pays off

The switch to central data management pays off: Companies save time and money on data maintenance and target customers with appropriate content. Flexible frameworks offer a wide range of functions for managing diverse types of data and using them efficiently for profitable marketing and customer loyalty measures.

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ZKB SME Award: Ten finalists nominated

In 2019, Zürcher Kantonalbank will be awarding the prize, worth a total of CHF 150,000, for the tenth time to Swiss SMEs that demonstrate outstanding and exemplary sustainable performance. From around 50 applications, ten companies have made it to the final.

Which of the ten finalists can cheer on January 31, 2019? Hector Egger Holzbau AG won 1st place in 2018. (Image: ZKB)

On January 31, 2019, Zürcher Kantonalbank will award the ZKB SME Prize, with which it has been honoring particularly sustainable small and medium-sized Swiss companies since 2009. "We have achieved a lot: For ten years, we have been offering outstanding SMEs a stage on which they can present their commitment and sustainable work to a larger audience and thus also inspire other companies," says Bruno Dobler, Vice President Bank Council of Zürcher Kantonalbank and member of the jury.

The ten finalists have been determined

A team of experts from Zürcher Kantonalbank, together with an external environmental expert, subjected the 50 or so participants to a detailed analysis over a period of several months and assessed them in terms of current and forward-looking aspects from the fields of business, management, the environment and society. The following ten companies made it to the finals (in alphabetical order):

  • Diebold & Zgraggen Gartenbau AG, Fislisbach (AG)
  • Frei Metallbau AG, Herrliberg (ZH)
  • Killer Interior AG, Lupfig (AG)
  • Nanovis GmbH, Illnau-Effretikon (ZH)
  • Swissframe AG, Münchenbuchsee (BE)
  • Tschopp Holzindustrie AG, Buttisholz (LU)
  • Türenfabrik Brunegg AG, Brunegg (AG)
  • Webrepublic AG, Zurich (ZH)
  • Wegmüller AG Wood & Cardboard Packaging, Attikon (ZH)
  • Wyon AG, Appenzell Steinegg (AI)

The jury, which is made up of the partners CCRS (Center for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability) and öbu (Network for Sustainable Business), well-known SME representatives and representatives of Zürcher Kantonalbank, will select the five award winners. These will be selected at the award ceremony on January 31, 2019.

Three main prizes plus special prizes for small businesses and exceptional performance

In addition to the three main prizes totaling CHF 120,000, two special prizes of CHF 15,000 each will be awarded. With the special prize for small businesses, Zürcher Kantonalbank awards companies with up to 20 full-time positions. The special prize for exceptional performance honors, for example, special innovative projects, a high level of social commitment or an outstanding economic performance. All winners also receive a company video with their company presentation and benefit from the publicity. Zürcher Kantonalbank has made quite an impact with this award: Since it was first established in 2009, 40 award winners of different sizes and from different industries have been honored.

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Negotiating more pay: more stressful than quitting

Hands drenched in sweat, inner turmoil, painstakingly suppressed excitement - salary negotiations place a particular nervous strain on employees. Tips for a successful negotiation.

Before the handshake: negotiating wages causes stress symptoms for many employees. (Image:

Half of the participants in a survey of 500 employees commissioned by the personnel service provider Robert Half say they are very nervous when discussing salary with their boss. Only the admission of mistakes and the termination interview generate a similar amount of stress.

Appear confident and self-assured

For the salary interview, a skill is required that not everyone masters perfectly: negotiation skills. The Salary Survey by Robert Half shows, however, that many professionals are in a good negotiating position. A trend that is also confirmed by Zerrin Azeri, Associate Director at Robert Half in Zurich: "There is a shortage of qualified specialist staff on the market. Companies are therefore very interested in retaining their long-term top employees for the long term."

Negotiating more pay: Nervousness is high

  •  Salary negotiation
  50 %
  • Admitting a mistake that has a big impact on goals/company success/image
  49 %
  •  Inform my supervisor of my resignation
  49 %
  • Tell my supervisor that I am unhappy in my job
  48 %
  • Make decisions that have a big impact on the team or the company
  37 %
  •  Presenting in front of a large group
  34 %
  • Tell my supervisor that I am overloaded/overworked
  31 %

Source: Labor Market Study 2018 by Robert Half; Respondents: 500 employees in Switzerland

Asking a supervisor for a raise is always a difficult task. Even if the first request is rejected, employees should not give up their request too quickly, reveals Azeri: "Too much restraint is the wrong way to go. Supervisors expect that employees will soon reiterate their desire for more money after a rejection. In contrast, our study shows that nearly two-thirds of employees wait up to a year before making another attempt."

If the request for a higher salary is not met, additional benefits such as flexible working hours, further training or other allowances could be renegotiated. Many bosses would also have expected this reaction - but only just under one in five of the employees implemented it.

Four tips for salary negotiation

If you want to negotiate a higher salary, there are certain things you should keep in mind. Zerrin Azeri, Associate Director at Robert Half in Zurich, offers the following tips for salary negotiations:

  1. Correct timing: There are better and worse times to have your conversation. Intercepting the boss in the morning to negotiate salary is not a good idea. After the successful completion of a project or the quarter, the chances are much better. In general, you should also keep an eye on the overall situation of the company: If there is an upward trend at the moment, the timing is of course even more promising.
  2. Powerful arguments: The interview will be more successful if you can mention personal successes, goals already achieved that were set in the previous appraisal interview, or taking on additional tasks.
  3. Know market value: When estimating a realistic salary, it helps to know how much other people in similar positions earn or what the average salary is. Salary surveyssuch as Robert Half's for the IT, finance and commercial sectors, provide you with an overview and assistance in naming an appropriate salary range.
  4. Good preparation: Salary negotiation is an exceptional situation. The better prepared you are, the higher the chances of success. You should know what you want to achieve. In any case, think about in advance which Counterarguments your boss might raise and how you can rebut them. However, your professional well-being should not depend exclusively on salary - rather, you should keep an eye on the additional benefits. Consider what benefits the company can offer you and whether it is relevant for you to negotiate them.

Source: Robert Half
