Jörg Eugster receives the Digital Lifetime Award 2020
Bestselling author, Internet and online marketing pioneer Jörg Eugster is the winner of the Digital Lifetime Award 2020, presented by the Swiss digital advertising industry association IAB Switzerland Association.

Award winner Jörg Eugster (60) is the founder of various Internet start-ups, internationally sought-after Speaker and bestselling author. He is proud to have received a letter of thanks from German Chancellor Angela Merkel. He received it for his nonfiction book "The day after tomorrow - A journey through time to our digital future". received. Jörg Eugster - known for the color turquoise as his external trademark (right down to his socks...) - has now been awarded a prize by the industry association IAB Switzerland for his life's work to date.
Jörg Eugster as ambassador for the future
In his bestseller published in 2017, the author transports the readership to the year 2030. It is obvious that in this digitized future, a pandemic would be much more manageable than it was in the spring of 2020. Easy to read, the book presents topics such as the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality, among many others. The focus is on the business world of tomorrow and how companies can prepare for it. The book ends with an outlook into the year 2050, which will be the focus of his next book.
Digital DNA
"Our winner is a person with a digital DNA." This was stated by Ueli Weber, representing IAB Switzerland, in his laudation for the winner of the Digital Lifetime Award 2020. The award ceremony took place online on November 25, 2020, due to corona. Weber, CEO of the market research company Media Focus Switzerland, referred among other things to the entrepreneurial achievement of Jörg Eugster. The Appenzeller had founded and successfully sold the online platforms Jobwinner, Swissfriends and Webcams.travel. Today, he is active as a board member in various companies.
Free knowledge
In 2005, Jörg Eugster first put his digital knowledge on paper with the publication "Wie fischt man Kunden aus dem Internet. After three editions with a total of 32,000 copies, Eugster decided to keep the print product alive as an online platform. This was done under the name "wifimaku". In 2018, Eugster made this platform, on which 20 other authors had worked for free, available to the industry association IAB Switzerland. "I did this for free. I just wanted the knowledge in online marketing to reach as many people as possible," explains Jörg Eugster.
Keynote speaker who sees the opportunities of digitization in particular
From being a sought-after online marketing expert, he has increasingly become an enthusiastic ambassador for the digital future, speaking about his practical experiences in front of large audiences at congresses and summits. However, unlike many worriers, Jörg Eugster, as a passionate digitalization optimist, does not stoke fear of robots and artificial intelligence - quite the opposite. He loves to bring the huge potential of the digital revolution to the world as a publicist and speaker and to infect people with his enormous digital enthusiasm.
As a keen observer, he continues to follow interesting digital developments around the world and regularly reports on them on his blog https://eugster.info/blog/.