The event industry is still in crisis

Against the backdrop of significant economic constraints, as well as the staggering 55% drop in revenue compared to 2019, the discontinuation of necessary economic assistance to the event industry is simply unacceptable. The alliance of event organizer associations therefore demands the continuation of corona-created financial aids for the purpose of securing the existence of numerous businesses.

Concerts and parties were again in short supply in 2021. Accordingly, the event industry once again draws a bleak balance. (Image:

The event industry was hoping for full order books from the fall of 2021 in order to at least partially make up for the loss of sales. Reality shows that due to the considerable additional effort required to implement the necessary protective measures and the modest visitor numbers, events can often hardly be implemented profitably or - in order to avert damage - even have to be canceled in advance. The certificate obligation and the fact that Covid certificate tests will be subject to a fee from October 1, 2021 also have a restrictive effect on visitor volume.

Event industry experiences another gloomy year

The figures of the 2nd Industry Survey of the Event and Exhibition Industry 2021 show a clear picture: after a pitch-black 2020, the industry will soon have another gloomy 2021 behind it. With sales of 2.37 billion. CHF in the crisis year 2020, at the end of 2021 the industry will only have sales of around 2.52 billion CHF. CHF. The comparison of sales in the pre-pandemic year 2019 (CHF 5.56 billion) clearly shows that the crisis in the event and exhibition industry is not yet over and that the recovery will take much longer than assumed. Also for the year 2022, according to the forecast, only 50% of the sales volume is expected compared to 2019.

Financial assistance still necessary

The figures make it clear that the continuation of the measures is essential for the industry. The survey also shows that it was only possible to counteract even more massive job cuts thanks to financial aid such as short-time working compensation. The Alliance of Tour Operator Associations therefore demands the continuation of all macroeconomic as well as sector-specific support and compensation measures until the end of 2022, as the general conditions still make normal business impossible. Otherwise, the restrictions specifically affecting our industry could no longer be justified, said Christoph Kamber, President of EXPO EVENT Swiss LiveCom Association. Once all measures have been lifted, it will take another six to twelve months before the industry is back in normal operation.

Likewise, the alliance of event organizer associations is in favor of a YES to the amendments to the Covid 19 law: It creates the temporary legal basis for the urgently needed economic support services, including the protective umbrella, and is the basis for the Covid certificate, which makes larger events possible in the first place and creates trust among visitors, which the industry urgently needs in times of great uncertainty.


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