"Green Business Switzerland" launched
The Swiss Environmental Foundation and the "Go for Impact" association are launching "Green Business Switzerland". Under this umbrella, they are implementing the "Green Business Award" and, from summer 2021, also the "Green Business CEO Rating".
"Green Business Switzerland" puts the focus on the positive connection between entrepreneurial success and sustainable action, because business must be part of the solution, the organizers emphasize. To achieve this, they need a change in awareness and role models to guide their decision-makers. "Green Business Switzerland" is committed to this with various formats. Economiesuisse, Öbu, Pusch, Swissmem, the Swiss Environmental Foundation and WWF Switzerland, among others, are behind the cooperation of central players from business and environmental protection.
National barometer for sustainability impact
Together, these organizations present the "Green Business CEO Rating" of the most sustainable Swiss CEOs. This will appear for the first time in the July 2021 issue of "BILANZ" and in the magazine "PME". The rating analyzes both the company's performance and the CEOs' personal contribution in terms of social and environmental impact. The focus is on companies in the SMI Expanded and the largest Swiss employers. "The Green Business CEO Rating is intended to become the national barometer for the sustainability impact of Swiss business leaders, creating a visible incentive for CEOs not only to be commercially successful, but also to make a positive contribution to solving significant societal problems," said Mirjam Staub-Bisang, CEO Blackrock Switzerland, who serves as the rating's jury president. The "Institute for Business Sustainability"from Lucerne developed the underlying scientific methodology especially for this rating. According to the organizers, it is unique worldwide in terms of depth and informative value.
"Green Business Award"
The "Business Environment Award" under the jury presidency of Doris Leuthard will now become the "Green Business Award". The award honors innovative companies that combine economic success with ecological impact. A unique selection process via national business associations and environmental organizations guarantees that the most convincing solutions are identified each year, according to the organizers. This year's nominated companies will be announced on April 20, 2021, and the finalists will be communicated on July 2, 2021. The awards ceremony will take place on September 22 at the "CE2 - Circular Economic Entrepreneurs." a conference of the Swiss Economic Forum. As the presenting partner of the "Green Business Award," Swiss Post says it is committed to being a pioneer in its industry in the area of corporate sustainability.
The most outstanding leaders from the award and CEO rating would be united in the "Green Business Community". They are pioneers and signal givers of sustainable entrepreneurship in Switzerland. As part of "Green Business Global", "Green Business Switzerland" brings them onto important international platforms such as "Bloomberg New Energy Pioneers", it concludes.
Source: Green Business Switzerland