Success impulse: Life (and business) is full of opportunities!

Conducting an orchestra is pure leadership. Many relevant topics are associated with it, such as removing self-imposed barriers and opening up new possibilities.

A lesson from the life of an orchestra conductor: Removing self-imposed barriers and opening up nearly limitless possibilities in musicians. (Image:

Just before the holidays it is fitting that I finally once the book "The Art of Possibility" by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander listen to. Absolutely worth listening to and reading! The former world-renowned conductor and current musical director of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra and his wife share in it not only fascinating episodes from orchestral life, but above all how to bring out the absolute best in people.

These are sackful leadership lessons!

One topic that I particularly like and consider extremely relevant for almost all leaders is removing self-imposed barriers and opening up almost unlimited possibilities through outstanding leadership.

Concrete Tip:

"If you give your team members the highest positive rating first and then have them write how they will have achieved this outstanding rating (in the future), you eliminate all fear of failure in one fell swoop and open up whole new horizons for outstanding results.

Because the focus is now fully on HOW I achieve those outstanding results - instead of trying to avoid mistakes and failure.

That's a HUGE difference. Try it out with your team. You'll be amazed."

This all happens in our minds alone at first and is incredibly powerful.

Therefore, here is my suggestion for the upcoming holidays and the turn of the year:

Treat everyone as if they have your highest respect for their results. Take away the feeling of failure from the people around you. You will be amazed at what great achievements people are capable of and how willing they are to contribute when the shackles of the pressure to justify are removed and they are given the limitless world of possibilities. Most of them will grow into it.

Chances are great that your positive expectations in other people will manifest. This is another way we make the world a little better every day. And it is certainly worth it.

To the author:
Volkmar Völzke is a success maximizer. Book author. Consultant. Coach. Speaker.

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