Sustainability as a differentiator from foreign competitors
Sustainability in practice: Swiss dairy cows are now only fed soy from sustainable cultivation. In this way, Swiss dairy farmers want to gain an advantage over foreign competitors, among other things. Can the approach also be applied in other sectors?
The Soy Network Switzerland attaches great importance to sustainability. The milk sector organization, the Association of Swiss Feed Manufacturers (VSF) and UFA AG, together with the Soy Network Switzerland, have agreed to use only soy for dairy cattle feed in Switzerland that complies 100 percent with the requirements of the Soy Network Switzerland.
The signatories to the agreement undertake to use only soy for dairy cattle feed that complies 100 percent with the requirements of the Swiss Soy Network. With the help of the code, the BO Milch wants to highlight an important distinguishing feature from foreign competitors in the increasingly tough market environment for milk and dairy products. Not least for this reason, BO Milch is a new member of the Swiss Soy Network.
The Soy Network Switzerland is committed to responsible cultivation and sustainable procurement of feed soy. The network's soy procurers import 99 percent responsibly produced soy. The import share of this soy in the total market was at least 96 percent in 2017. Already 40 percent of the feed soy currently comes from Europe.
In addition to the Soy Network Switzerland, the Association of Swiss Feed Manufacturers (VSF) and UFA AG have also signed the agreement. Together they cover by far the largest part of the domestic compound feed market.
The Swiss Soy Network:
The Soy Network Switzerland association was founded in 2011 in response to the ecological and social problems of soy cultivation. Buzzwords such as deforestation of rainforests, loss of biodiversity, input of pesticides and nutrients into ground and surface waters are among the problems of soy cultivation.
The Soy Network would like to counteract these problems with the help of the following solutions:
The Swiss Soy Network includes major distributors, feed procurers, environmental and label organizations, and Swiss farmers' organizations. For more information |