Further increase in sales of fair trade products

The consumption of fair trade products in Switzerland increased once again in 2017. Spending on fair trade products increased by 11% and amounted to 768.4 million Swiss francs. At 91 francs per year, per capita consumption of Fair Trade products reached a new record.

Swiss consumers increasingly opted for fair trade products in 2017. (Image: Swiss Fair Trade)

Last year, sales of fair trade products in Switzerland increased once again. This is announced by the umbrella organization of fair trade organizations in Switzerland, in a recent communiqué. With a growth of 11%, Fair Trade sales rose to 768.4 million Swiss francs in 2017. In particular, the classic product area of Fair Trade, chocolate, or cocoa products, recorded a remarkable growth of 71% compared to the previous year. Overall, the fresh fruit category (bananas, pineapples, etc.) accounts for the largest share of sales with 23%. Swiss citizens spent 91 Swiss francs per person on Fair Trade products in 2017. This means that Switzerland remains the world champion in per capita consumption of fair trade products.

The umbrella organization Swiss Fair Trade collects the current figures on fair trade in Switzerland every year. The turnover of all products traded or certified by the members of the umbrella organization is taken into account. The association members share the same understanding of Fair Trade and are committed to common principles and standards. Fair Trade stands for long-term and fair trade relations, stable and transparent prices, fair working conditions and sustainable cultivation methods. Fair Trade enables people worldwide to earn a living wage through their work.

Members of Swiss Fair Trade include specialized trade organizations, specialty stores, labels that certify fair trade products, financial institutions that invest in the spirit of fair trade, and NGOs that work politically to strengthen fair trade.

More information: www.swissfairtrade.ch


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