Neustarter Foundation: Competencies instead of age
The Neustarter Foundation from Zurich takes positive stock after one year of refocusing on the professional restarts of Swiss men and women aged 49+ and plans further steps.

From June 2017 to June 2018, 9 workshops, two Neustarter Foundation on Tour, 10 regulars' tables, three lectures with panel discussions and a large annual kick-off event were held. The online community, which is growing daily, already includes about 3000 fans and followers. The plan is to expand the workshops and the regulars' tables to the entire area of Switzerland and the DACH region in the next few years.
At the center of all activities is the strengthening of the competencies of each individual.
New start in change
A year ago, the non-profit Tertianum Foundation, founded in 1999, gave itself a reboot. In the field of tension between demographic change and increasing digitization, the renamed Neustarter foundation has since focused on two key areas:
- professional restart of employed persons 49+ within or self-employed outside companies accompaniment of companies and organizations
- in "generation-friendly talent management" with new working models for changed framework conditions as well as
- with formats for collegial exchange and comprehensive imparting of methodological knowledge to equip older employees of many years' standing for the future.
Dynamic resumes
The future belongs to dynamic CVs and both employees and employers are increasingly required to react flexibly to changing requirements. Especially after many years of working life, this is not easy. Neustarter specifically aims to inspire, encourage and support those in employment over the age of 49, but also companies with employees over this age. In addition to the concrete offers, Neustarter also promotes the community through platforms for exchange and comprehensive communication offers.
New Starters organizes regularly:
- Workshops for individuals (to determine where they stand, network with like-minded people, and learn methods such as design thinking).
- Workshops for companies (for generation-friendly talent management, e.g. on motivation & competencies, leadership, agility in mixed-age teams).
- New starters on tour: "Learning Journeys" at startups and interesting places for inspiration and exchange of ideas
- Regulars' tables for exchange, networking and inspiration
- Events from scientific to practical to social discourse