The Swiss Climate Foundation celebrates its 10th anniversary

The Swiss Climate Foundation celebrates its tenth anniversary on July 4. Since its establishment in 2008, the foundation has supported over 1,400 small and medium-sized enterprises in their activities for energy efficiency and climate protection.

The office of the Swiss Climate Foundation processes most applications within a month. Innovations and energy-saving projects that do not meet the standard criteria are decided on by the Foundation Board at its biannual meeting. (Image: Swiss Climate Foundation)

"Protect climate. Strengthen SMEs." According to this motto, the Swiss Climate Foundation has been supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that make a contribution to climate protection for ten years. This can be done by saving energy in their own operations or by developing climate-friendly products. So far, 1,400 SMEs in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein have benefited from a total of CHF 18 million in funding.

From the economy for the economy

The Swiss Climate Foundation was founded on July 4, 2008 by service companies such as banks, insurance companies and consulting firms. The trigger was the CO2-Act of the Federal Government, which came into force in January 2008. The law imposes a levy on fuels. The federal government pays part of the levy back to industry. Service providers benefit from this rebate because, compared with industrial companies, they generate little CO2-emissions. Various service companies have therefore decided to voluntarily donate the surplus from the rebate. To this end, they have jointly established the Swiss Climate Foundation. Meanwhile, the number of partner companies has grown from 11 to 27.

Support in all industries

The Swiss Climate Foundation supports SMEs in all sectors. Improvements to buildings, machinery, heating and cooling systems account for a large proportion of the energy efficiency measures supported. In cooperation with the Energy Agency for Industry EnAW and the Cleantech Agency Switzerland act, the foundation also supports SMEs that enter into a voluntary target agreement with the federal government to save energy. The development of climate-friendly products is also promoted. The support contributions are non-repayable donations and are paid out after predetermined milestones have been reached.

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