Saying thank you - a change of perspective

Service expert Petra Rüegg has initiated a campaign around the theme of "Saying thank you". You, too, are invited to join in.

There are enough complaints. This is about a change of perspective with the aim of saying thank you to companies and employees for positively surprising customers with their service culture. Would you like to take part? It's that simple:

  • Write us a short email with the following information without obligation:
    1. where have you experienced a commendable example of service culture?
    2. what was so special?
    3. why did it surprise you so positively?
    Important: Do not forget the name and location of the company.
  • Read the conditions of participation and off you go.

Conditions of participation:

You have experienced your example yourself and in Switzerland. You are a customer of the company/organization you would like to say thank you to. Short examples are preferred in the selection, also on to know to be published with your name or initials as you wish. Any email correspondence must be accompanied by the full postal address of the sender. We ask for your understanding not to correspond about unpublished examples. The choice is left to the editors.

Click here to go to the survey. Closing date 31.12.2017

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