Starting a business: best in Switzerland

Freedom of decision, rapid implementation of ideas and great dynamism - these are all advantages of start-ups. Anyone who wants to start a company in Europe should do so in Switzerland. This is shown by the current Randstad Work Barometer.

70 percent of respondents believe that Switzerland is a particularly good place to start a business. (Graphic: Randstad)

Switzerland is a good place to run a startup, according to 70 % of Swiss survey participants. At state institutions such as business development, state Commission for Technology and Innovation or the foundation platform of the canton of Zurich "" is not lacking in Switzerland. It is therefore no wonder that Switzerland ranks first in Europe in terms of government support for startups.

Employer of choice SME
Founding companies is one thing, but do Swiss people also want to work at startups? 42 % of the survey participants say "yes" to this. This puts Switzerland below the global average of 50 %. Only among 18- to 34-year-old Swiss men is the percentage above 50 %. "One of the most important factors when choosing an employer is job security. This year's Randstad Employer Brand Research shows this. It may be that employees are therefore hesitant to apply to a start-up," says Nathalie Zihlmann, HR Director Randstad Switzerland. The situation is different when survey participants are asked whether they want to work for an SME. Here, Switzerland is the global leader with 79 % approval.

Randstad Mobility Index
The Randstad Mobility Index indicates how many employees expect to accept a new, comparable job within the next six months. The index provides comprehensive insights into sentiment and trends on the labor market. In Switzerland, the index rose from 101 to 103 points (+2) in the first quarter of 2017.

(Graphic: Randstad)
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