SUISSEDIGITAL on the growth path

In the last 12 months, the communication networks united in SUISSEDIGITAL have gained 96,000 subscribers in telephony and 18,600 in broadband internet. Thanks to a sharp slowdown in television, the industry grew by 1.2% as of the end of March 2017.

Digital technologies like Internet TV are changing the way citizens consume media. (Image: depositphotos)


"I am very pleased that the SUISSEDIGITAL networks have found their way back onto the growth path. This fits in with the mood of optimism in the industry surrounding the upcoming launch of the new channel MySports." This is how Simon Osterwalder, Managing Director of the trade association, comments on the latest figures. These show a year-on-year growth of 51,600 subscribers (+1.2%).

Growth was driven by telephony and the Internet. Thus, the SUISSEDIGITAL networks were able to gain 96,000 subscribers in telephony, with 57,100 of these subscribers in mobile telephony and 39,400 in fixed network telephony.

More than every second Internet customer surfs with the TV provider

There was also growth in broadband Internet, where the number of subscribers increased by 18,600 to 1,236,000 (+1.5%). This means that more than one in two customers also obtain broadband Internet from their TV provider. "This is extremely important, as more and more services and offers are Internet-based," says Osterwalder. Year-on-year, SUISSEDIGITAL networks show a loss of 63,000 TV subscribers (-2.5%), which is markedly less than in previous periods. Osterwalder: "It looks quite as if the bottom has been reached for TV. This makes me very optimistic."

SUISSEDIGITAL is the trade association of the Swiss communication networks. It is made up of almost 200 companies, both private and public, which supply more than 2.4 million households with radio, TV, HDTV, Internet, telephony and other services.


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