Major Accidents Ordinance: FOEN updates quantity thresholds

The Federal Office for the Environment's freshly updated module "Quantity Thresholds According to the Major Accidents Ordinance" explains the procedure for determining the maximum operational quantity of a substance, preparation or hazardous waste in order to establish whether a quantity threshold has been exceeded.

The freshly published module, including the quantity threshold calculator, is available for download on the FOEN website.

The implementation guide is aimed at both the owners of establishments and the enforcement authorities when clarifying questions relating to the exceeding of quantity thresholds in accordance with the Ordinance on Protection against Major Accidents (StFV). It explains the procedure for determining the maximum operational quantity of a substance, a preparation or a hazardous waste in order to establish whether a quantity threshold has been exceeded. In addition, the criteria for determining substance- and preparation-specific quantity thresholds are discussed.

As a central tool, this publication contains a list which provides an overview of a large number of quantity thresholds for substances and preparations. These were determined by a working group on the basis of the criteria for human and ecotoxicity, physical hazards, reactivity with water and acids, and the criteria for highly active substances according to Annex 1 of the StFV.

Quantity Threshold Calculator

The document is available on the Website of the FOEN is available for download as a PDF. On the same page there is a downloadable Excel quantity threshold calculator. By entering the H codes and the EUH codes of a substance or preparation, the tool calculates the quantity threshold sought.


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