Business areas to be optimized in the new year

Global information logistics provider Retarus has identified five trends that companies should keep an eye on in their business communications in 2017:

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1.) Malware via email

According to the AV-TEST Institute, more than 390,000 new malware programs are now registered on average every day. That is the equivalent of 270 new computer viruses per minute. This is also in line with a recent survey by Retarus security specialists, who recorded 3.5 times more viruses in one month alone in 2016 than in 2015 as a whole. The problem: pure virus protection solutions cannot offer one hundred percent protection.

New security mechanisms are therefore urgently needed. For example, innovative detection solutions can identify initially undetected malware even if it has already entered the corporate infrastructure. The administrator is immediately informed about affected recipients and can react even before the malware causes damage.

If an infected file has already been executed, detection functions not only facilitate forensics, but also provide information on the basis of which vulnerabilities can be discovered and system settings optimized.

2.) Information exchange in focus

With the increasing number of partners involved in electronic business processes, business communication is also becoming more complex. For long-term business success, therefore, the smooth exchange of information along the entire supply chain and the reliable delivery of relevant information are at least as important as targeted content.

Whether it's an order, a product recall or an mTAN, it's important that business-critical data is always available at the right time and in the right place worldwide. Messages that are not delivered on time or are unreliable quickly lead to high follow-up costs. Information logistics providers enable companies to ensure a smooth flow of information by making all electronic communication channels available worldwide via a global delivery network.

3.) Consistent digitization

In the future, corporate success will depend more than ever on the quality and timeliness of the information exchanged. Existing manual processes are often error-prone and time-consuming. In order to optimize operational processes, communication processes must be bundled, consolidated and digitized without great effort. The data should be transferred directly to the devices or applications that need it and can process it further.

Cloud communication platforms and services connected to them ensure efficient information exchange, whether from person to person (P2P), from application to person (A2P) or automated in machine-to-machine communication (M2M).

4. customer experience crucial

According to IDC analysts, the market for customer communications management will grow by an average of eight percent over the next five years. Tailor-made communication processes are crucial here: only reliable, secure and individually designed business communication enables customer proximity and loyalty and thus creates a significant advantage in saturated markets with high competitive pressure.

Thanks to reliable service delivery, automated process communication and integration, and transparent reports, innovative communication services can be used to carry out transactions more efficiently and ensure faster customer interaction. Ideally, the services can be seamlessly integrated into business applications via standardized APIs and quickly and flexibly adapted to new requirements at any time. They also meet the highest security and compliance requirements.

5.) Increasing communication requirements in the IoT

Whether household appliances, cars or industrial robots: More and more devices are networked with each other in the Internet of Things (IoT). In the future, a significant part of the product benefit will result from the intelligent combination of software, sensor technology and communication. To ensure a secure and integrated flow of information across all parts of the process chain, various application and communication protocols must be interlinked.

Special cloud solutions for information logistics enable efficient and secure data exchange between all integrated platforms. Business-relevant information is always delivered at the right time and in the format that is most suitable for the recipient. If necessary, the data is automatically translated into other communication standards.

A secure and efficient flow of information between companies, partners and customers makes a significant contribution to business success.

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