20,119 success stories

Last year, the IV offices placed over 20,000 people with health impairments in the primary labor market. This exceeds the previous year's result. Early intervention pays off.

Half of the 20,000 or so IV hires continue to work in their current jobs.

While the reintegration of previous pension recipients is a major challenge for the IV offices, the integration before pension is very successful. This is shown by the latest figures of the IV-Stellen-Konferenz (IVSK), which were collected from the 26 cantonal IV offices. 20,119 people with health impairments were able to keep their job or find a new job with the support of employers and the IV offices.

Profit orientation and social commitment can be very well combined - many companies prove this. Nevertheless, a lot of awareness-raising work is still needed. The IV offices guarantee committed employers the necessary support and effective resources. The figure of 20,119 includes the preservation of jobs with the previous employer (10,570), re-placements in the same company (1,791) and jobs with new employers (6,984).

The results for the reintegration of former pension recipients are more mixed: As a result of pension revisions, 774 successful job placements were made last year. This figure does not include apprenticeships and internships.

Without disability quota

The IV agencies and the employers prove with these success stories that it is also possible without a disability quota. Hiring an employee because of his or her disability just to achieve a certain quota does not create a good basis for a fruitful and lasting employment relationship, according to the position of the IVSK.

Examples of successful incorporations at: www.ivsk.ch or under www.compasso.ch (Information portal for employers).

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