Circular economy: certifiers launch new label

The starting signal for the new "Circular Globe" label has been given. It is a European initiative of SQS and Quality Austria. With this initiative, the two label partners are focusing on the problem of the circular economy.

Circular Globe
The Circular Globe initiative puts the spotlight on the circular economy. © Depositphotos,

The label Circular Globe to promote the circular economy was born out of many years of experience in management system certification, explained Hubert Rizzi of the SQS management board at the "Swiss Quality Day on May 4 in Bern. For a circular economy, today's management systems such as the ISO standard 14001 environmental management would fall short. In addition, the circular economy is of great relevance in the context of sustainable management. That is why "Circular Globe" is intended to close a gap and build a bridge, Rizzi emphasized.

What is needed is a holistic understanding of quality

The SQS is convinced that the throwaway society is at an end, Rizzi continues. That is why all players - i.e. business, politics and society - are called upon. The organizations see the circular economy as a relevant aspect of a holistic and entrepreneurial understanding of quality. What's more, the circular economy is a necessity, or rather a guarantor for the competitiveness of companies, according to the two SQS representatives Rizzi and Wasmer.

The circular economy is based on the systematic avoidance of waste and pollution, the extension of the life of products and materials, and the regeneration of natural systems. According to SQS, a change in thinking and values is currently taking place. Future-oriented companies would respond to this challenge with new business models. According to Wasmer, organizations are taking advantage of digital transformation and involving their partners along the entire value chain in these solution approaches. The Circular Globe label, a guideline and assessment model, serves as a compass for companies in the implementation process.

What is "Circular Globe"?

This European initiative of SQS Switzerland and Quality Austria sees itself as a

  • an innovative label to help individuals and organizations make and drive sustainable and circular decisions.
  • A useful model a) for assessing the circular maturity of organizations b) suitable for companies of all types and sizes c) as a compass for further development at any stage of an implementation
  • A community for committed stakeholders and proven experts in the field of circular economy
  • a training academy

Cost item

And finally: What does the fun cost? According to Hubert Rizzi, anyone who wants to adorn their company tree or letterheads with the "Circular Economy" label after successful certification will have to shell out between 5,000 and 15,000 francs.

From October 2021 Seminars

The initiators of the label will start pilot projects in Austria and Switzerland in May. From October 2021, interested companies will be able to attend seminars with the two partners and commission assessments. The two label partners support organizations in their efforts to move toward circular business models by means of maturity assessments.

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