Innovative storage project in test run

With the international research project "Underground Sun Conversion - Flexible Storage", two companies are striving to develop a storage solution for a renewable energy system of the future. What's behind it?

Storage solution, USC FlexStore
The USC FlexStore system.

Two companies, Energie 360° and RAG Austria AG, are aiming to develop a new technology with the project "Underground Sun Conversion - Flexible Storage" (USC-FlexStore) aims to offer a seasonal conversion and storage solution for renewable energies on the market. This involves converting surplus renewable energy - for example solar power - into hydrogen (H2) in the summer. This is then stored together with carbon dioxide (CO2) in natural underground storage facilities at depths of over 1000 meters. There, microorganisms combine hydrogen and carbon to form renewable methane gas (CH4). In winter, the energy can be withdrawn from the storage facilities and used again. The two energy companies want to further develop this underground sun conversion technology (methanation of CO2 and H2) patented by RAG and design services based on it. For this purpose, field tests are already underway at RAG's research site in Pilsbach in Austria, according to Energie 360°.

How the storage solution works is shown here: Circuit_Underground_Sun_Conversion

Project tests marketability

Empa's "future electricity profile of Switzerland" shows: The electricity profile will only become sustainable if stored renewable summer energy covers the electricity deficits in winter - which will become even greater in the future due to increased use of heat pumps and the market penetration of electric mobility. For Switzerland, Energie 360° and RAG are therefore now adapting the USC-FlexStore project with Swiss project partners from research and development, namely the University of Bern, OST and Empa. Andreas Kunz, Head of Energy Plants at Energie 360°: "We are working together to find a solution to one of the biggest challenges facing the energy system of the future: how do we drive forward volatile renewable energy sources such as solar and wind, while at the same time providing year-round security of supply?" USC-FlexStore is testing the technological, (energy) economic and environmental requirements for cross-sector deployment. The year-round capacity of USC-FlexStore is to be developed into a marketable service. The advantage compared to pumped storage power plants or batteries is the much higher storage capacity - with low surface requirements at the same time. 

State funding confirmed

USC-FlexStore was already selected for funding by the European ERA-Net in the summer. Subsequently, the project partners concluded a transnational consortium agreement as well as regional funding agreements with the respective state funding agencies. In Switzerland, this is the Federal Office of Energy; in Austria, it is the Austrian Research Promotion Agency. The project started in December 2020 and will run for two and a half years.

Source: Energy 360



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