Appeal: Waste belongs in the bucket even in exceptional times 

In the city center on the passage to the mountain: litter is everywhere. Due to the lockdown, people are increasingly staying in places where there is no or only minimal disposal infrastructure. Therefore, right now, we also need the discipline of all of us to take care not only of our health, but also of our living space. 

Education about our waste society is still needed: The IGSU is the Swiss competence center against littering.

It is nothing new that the distribution of waste in public spaces, that "littering" increases each spring.

The Corona virus has not only turned our lives upside down in a very short time, the lockdown has also brought us a new situation in terms of waste. However, the sharp reduction in leisure activities and the recommended "social distancing" now ensure that people spend even more time in nature and in public spaces: Instead of meeting in garden pubs, open-air swimming pools or at open-air festivals, the population is spending time in secluded areas - for example in parks, on meadows, in the forest, on hiking trails or on the banks of rivers and lakes.

There, not only litter bins are often missing, but also social control, which increases the inhibition to leave litter.

Proven mix of measures 

To ensure that this does not lead to an increase in littering with the further relaxation of the Corona measures, cities and municipalities are relying on the proven mix of measures consisting of awareness-raising, waste infrastructure and buses. But, in this particular situation, we are all particularly challenged: We have it in our own hands whether we can enjoy our surroundings or whether we have to be annoyed by litter lying around. As the Swiss competence center against littering, the IG saubere Umwelt (IGSU) would therefore like to call on the population to take care of the environment even in the current situation.

Waste belongs in the bucket 

"The IGSU is pleased with the population about the regained freedom of movement," explains executive director Nora Steimer. "However, despite all the euphoria, we must not forget to take care of our living space as well as our health - just as we usually do. Waste belongs in the bucket or is taken home and disposed of correctly there. Please all abide by this. Thank you!" The IGSU will also become active itself and campaign against littering as usual: As soon as the recommendations of the Federal Council allow it, it will start its ambassador missions, which had to be suspended due to the lockdown. On these tours through Switzerland, the IGSU ambassador teams visited up to 50 communities and towns in each of the last years and motivated passers-by in a humorous way to dispose of waste correctly.


Interest Group for a Clean Environment (IGSU)
The IGSU is the Swiss competence center against littering. Since 2007, it has been working nationally with preventive awareness-raising measures for a clean Switzerland. One of the best-known measures of the IGSU is the national Clean-Up-Day, which will take place this year on September 11 and 12. The sponsors of the IGSU are the IGORA Cooperative for Aluminum Recycling, PET Recycling Switzerland, VetroSwiss, 20Minuten, Swiss Cigarette, McDonald's Switzerland, Migros, Coop, Valora and the International Chewing Gum Association. They are also involved in their own activities to combat littering and, for example, set up additional waste garbage cans or carry out clean-up tours.

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