Climate Foundation: Support for climate protection continues to grow

The Swiss Climate Foundation experienced another record year in 2019. The foundation supported almost 170 climate protection projects last year, with a total of almost 4.3 million Swiss francs. The amount of funding granted has thus grown again compared to the previous year - a groundbreaking signal for climate protection in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

Switzerland has ten years to halve its greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990. Picture: Lake Oeschinen above Kandersteg. (Image: / Niklaus Waechter)
In 2019, the Swiss Climate Foundation supported nearly 170 climate protection projects of SMEs in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, with almost 4.3 million Swiss francs. This is almost 18 percent more than in the previous year. One of the reasons for the growing funding amount is the renewed increase in applications for innovation projects: "Every year, we receive more high-quality funding applications for innovative climate protection projects," says Ursula Finsterwald, Vice President of the Swiss Climate Foundation. "This is a positive signal: because such innovations are an important key to achieving the climate targets."

Positive signal for climate protection

Switzerland has ten years to halve its greenhouse gas emissions compared with 1990. This is an ambitious goal that calls for innovative approaches. Approaches that are being developed by small and medium-sized enterprises, among others. SMEs are not only the pillars of the Swiss and Liechtenstein economy, but also active drivers of climate protection. In doing so, they can count on the financial support of the Swiss Climate Foundation.

Innovation lion's share

The promotion of innovative climate protection projects accounted for the lion's share in 2019: last year, the Swiss Climate Foundation invested more than CHF 3.1 million in innovation projects such as the development of intelligent glass facades (HyWin), the manufacture of new types of recycling presses for PET bottles (Revopack) or the conversion of construction site excavated material into modern building materials (Terrabloc) was invested. Support for projects in the field of energy efficiency has also increased:

For the first time in 2019, the Swiss Climate Foundation has distributed more than one million Swiss francs to SMEs that are implementing energy-saving measures in their operations - for example, replacing their windows or roof, insulating their buildings better or converting their business fleet to electric mobility. As part of the forest program, the foundation also helps rejuvenate aging forests. As a fourth pillar, the Swiss Climate Foundation provides financial support to SMEs that take advantage of energy consulting with the act Cleantech Agency Switzerland or the Energy Agency for Industry EnAW.

Together into a strong and climate-friendly future

The Swiss Climate Foundation will continue the four support programs in 2020. This is made possible by a total of 27 partner companies from Switzerland and Liechtenstein, which receive funding from the CO2-tax on fossil fuels, they get back more than they pay in. They donate this net rebate to the joint foundation out of conviction. The new CO2-Although the Climate Foundation Act for the period up to 2030 has not yet been signed and sealed, it is already clear that the functioning of the Swiss Climate Foundation makes sense and will be continued.

The foundation is currently working on renewing the partnership agreements and winning new partner companies in order to continue working together for the economy and the climate in the future.



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