CSEM takes positive stock and opens competition
In recognition of its activities as a research and technology company, CSEM received several prestigious awards in 2017. As a key player in digitization, CSEM also launched the Digital Journey, a competition designed to help Swiss SMEs enter the world of digitization.
The private non-profit development center CSEM, headquartered in Neuchâtel, gives a positive summary of the past business year 2017. According to the media release, there was a particularly pleasing development for industrial activities of the CSEM.For example, the awards of the partner company AVA as the best Swiss startup of the year or the award of the international "Prix Hermès de l'Innovation" 2017 were particularly appreciated. Likewise, there was buoyancy on the technical side, for example for an autonomous miniature image processing system that won an award in the USA.
Claude Nicollier, Chairman of the Board of Directors of CSEM, is pleased with the great demand for innovation: "Take the automatic, wireless tire pressure measurement system that our teams developed together with Meggitt. Thanks to this development, our Fribourg partner has been able to increase its competitiveness and its end customer, for its part, has been able to avoid costly and time-consuming manual checks."
Services in demand
"When a customer tells us that they can have international ambitions thanks to our collaboration, that is the best recognition for us," adds Mario El-Khoury, CEO of CSEM. This is what happened with Hinni, a company that, with the support of CSEM, has taken the step toward digitization and is integrating conventional hydrants into a networked monitoring system to locate leaks in water networks at an early stage.
True to its mission, the research and technology company, which has five sites in Switzerland, has put its skills at the service of companies, it says. Accordingly, it recorded a strong increase in its industrial sales, a trend that continued in 2018.
CSEM Digital Journey for Swiss SMEs
The CSEM would like to see many more such initiatives and is therefore launching a competition for Swiss SMEs called "CSEM Digital Journey," the release adds. "Digitalization is a particular challenge for these companies, as they do not necessarily have the necessary know-how to enter profitably," El-Khoury explains.
"By inviting them on a digital journey, we want to create momentum among SMEs, which are the backbone of the Swiss economy," says the CSEM CEO. Interested companies can draw on a catalog of technologies and submit their ideas by September 10. A jury of experts will select the most promising project, whose development will be specifically supported by CSEM with work worth CHF 100,000.
New member of the Board of Directors
At the 2018 Annual General Meeting, CSEM shareholders approved the 2017 financial statements. The shareholders also elected a new member to the Board of Directors, namely Municipal Councillor Fabio Bongiovanni, who replaces Olivier Arni as representative of the City of Neuchâtel.
As a not-for-profit company, CSEM will reinvest the annual surplus of 383,523 Swiss francs in its research activities.
The name of the winning company of the first "CSEM Digital Journey" will be announced on November 7, 2018, during the 4th CSEM Business Day. Partner of this competition is Swissmem.