Wanted: Innovative mobility projects

The coordination office for sustainable mobility KOMO is looking for projects that want to implement new ideas for future-oriented mobility forms and offers.

Pilot and demonstration projects for combined passenger mobility, new forms of service for private motorized transport, public transport and non-motorized transport, and projects with demand-oriented measures and innovative approaches: In these three categories, the Coordination Office for Sustainable Mobility KOMO is still accepting project submissions until April 30. KOMO promotes the development and implementation of new ideas for forward-looking mobility forms and services; for example, with start-up financing or financial support for the expansion of a project.

KOMO is supported by the federal agencies ARE, FEDRO, FOEN, FOPH, FOT and SFOE. Since January 2016, the coordination office has replaced the Service Center for Innovative and Sustainable Mobility DZM and has since taken over its tasks.

Find current projects

A interactive map shows an overview of all mobility projects that are currently supported by KOMO or have already been completed. These include the MIWO 2 project, which is concerned with mobility management in housing estates; a carpooling and carsharing project in the canton of Ticino; or a project of the Swiss Heart Foundation, which aims to improve the health of the population by supporting slow-moving traffic.

Intelligent transport systems

This year, the focus is on projects involving intelligent transportation systems and services. These projects will be prioritized. They include projects that network different modes of transport, traffic information and navigation services, projects that improve the data basis and use for sustainable mobility, and smart, IT-based logistics solutions to reduce freight traffic.

But project submissions on open topics are also welcome. In particular, innovative approaches and projects are sought that aim at a sustainable and more efficient use of existing capacities and natural resources, facilitate interchanges, close gaps in the mobility chain, or enable novel intermodal transport solutions.

Projects must have total project costs of at least 50,000 Swiss francs, have a long-term focus and be able to demonstrate transparent project management. Another important criterion is a potential for national impact or at least multiplication and diffusion.

More information can be found in the Project announcement.

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