COVID vaccination of employees meets with approval

Two-thirds of companies are in favor of COVID vaccination for employees. This was revealed by a survey conducted by JobCloud on the impact of the Corona crisis on job and recruitment searches.

Two-thirds of companies would welcome COVID vaccination of all employees. (Image: CDC /

The Corona pandemic continues to occupy the economy. As part of the survey conducted by JobCloud via and, more than 10,000 employees as well as 800 companies in Switzerland were asked about the influence of the Corona crisis on the job/job search or on the search for personnel. The COVID vaccination was also a topic of discussion. More than two-thirds of all companies surveyed in Switzerland would be in favor of all their employees being vaccinated against the COVID19 virus. Only slightly less than 10% of the companies are against vaccinating their employees. There is no significant difference in terms of company size on this topic.

Half of employees feel less mentally healthy

The corona crisis seems to have had a significant impact on the health of employees. Thus, 41% of the respondents report feeling physically worse since the crisis, while only 13% of the respondents currently feel physically better. However, most (46%) feel the same as before the crisis. The impact on mental health is even greater. Thus, every second person complains of being in a worse state mentally than before the crisis. Among respondents in French-speaking Switzerland, the impact on both mental and physical health is even more significant, and women generally suffer even more from the crisis than men. For office jobs, on the other hand, the negative impact on health is less significant, which contrasts with those professions that are more affected by the crisis, such as tourism or the health sector. "These figures show that it is currently particularly important to ensure that employees have a functioning occupational health management system. Employees should be looked after as well as possible, even in the home office, a good work-life balance should be guaranteed and psychological help should be offered in the event of mental problems," says Davide Villa, CEO of JobCloud.

Recruitment has remained the same or become more difficult

Both sides - recruiters and job seekers - feel that the search for personnel or jobs is the same or more difficult than before the crisis. Specifically, according to the current survey, 56% of companies believe that the challenges have remained about the same and 30% consider the search for personnel to be more difficult. Medium-sized and large companies are having more trouble recruiting employees (36% and 34%). On the other hand, more than half of the job seekers surveyed (55%) think that finding a job has become more difficult during the crisis and only 6% find it easier.

Source: JobCloud

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