From 40 onwards: Maintain your own marketability!

The unemployment rate of people aged 50 and over has risen dramatically in recent years - surveys by the Federal Statistical Office show that the share of this age group in the unemployment figures has increased by a quarter in the last 10 years. While the over-50s accounted for 20 % of the unemployed in 2005, by the end of 2014 they already accounted for 25 %!

Employees must actively cultivate and maintain their "Personal Marketability" even as they age. (Image:

It is undisputed that this worrying development must be stopped. The political institutions and the interest groups of the 50-plus generation have recently repeatedly tried, by means of campaigns and political initiatives, to persuade companies to hire more older employees or to refrain from dismissing such employees. However, this approach shifts the responsibility one-sidedly onto the employer side. Particularly in the current very difficult economic times, however, they are not prepared to bear the costs of this social commitment alone.

IdeeTransfer GmbH and the association 50plus Schweiz are taking a new approach: On Tuesday, March 22, 2016, they presented their jointly developed service offer under the label MarktFähigkeit40Plus on the occasion of the opening of the IdeeTransfer office for the Bern-Thun region. Instead of appealing to social responsibility, MarktFähigkeit40Plus aims to make the employment of experienced employees attractive and economically lucrative again for companies by maintaining the "Personal Labor Market Capability" in employees aged 40 and over and, at the same time, improving structures and processes on the employer side.

Course adaptable to personal starting position

Thus, the service portfolio presented is divided into two areas: On the private individuals' side, the MarktFähigkeit40Plus certificate course aims to ensure that employees continue to actively cultivate and maintain their "personal marketability" even as they grow older. Indeed, statistical surveys show that in Switzerland, investment in continuing education declines significantly after the age of 40 - which then takes its revenge a few years later and is reflected in the unemployment figures for the over-50s.

The certificate course, which is specially designed to meet the needs of more experienced employees, specifically addresses the starting position of this generation. In addition, the course is designed in such a way that it can be individually adapted to the personal starting position; thanks to the modular structure of the course, it is also possible to take only individual modules, which means that the continuing education can be even more individualized.

The offer of MarktFähigkeit40Plus is therefore aimed at all private individuals over 40 years of age - both employees who want to prevent any negative personnel decisions, as well as job seekers or people who want to return to work.

Also for companies

For companies, MarktFähigkeit40Plus offers a wide range of support services. These are intended to empower entrepreneurs and managing directors, but also those responsible for human resources and further training, to make better and more efficient use of the experience and know-how of older employees by means of targeted measures.

The competent process facilitators all have years of practical experience in leadership and management and know how to use their know-how to generate sustainable benefits for the companies they support. Whether it is a question of improving the skills of employees through targeted personnel development or optimizing structures and processes in order to make sustainable use of the potential of the experienced generation - everything has been thought of. Even in the case of a reduction in personnel, MarktFähigkeit40Plus is actively at your side in the area of outplacement/newplacement.

The services of MarktFähigkeit40Plus are provided by the IdeeTransfer GmbH and the Association 50plus Switzerland offered together. Information can also be found on the website

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