Confederation and cantons define e-government strategy

The federal government and the cantons have defined the priorities for the eGovernment strategy until 2019. The eGovernment Switzerland steering committee considers eight projects and three permanent tasks to be strategically significant.


The federal government and the cantons have defined the priorities for the e-government strategy until 2019. It wants to spend four million francs a year on this.

The committee approved the first priority plan for the years 2016 to 2019, focusing on the development of basic infrastructures for the increased spread of eGovernment in Switzerland. The costs will be borne equally by the federal government and the cantons.

Since 2007, the federal government, cantons and municipalities have been driving e-government forward together. Implementation is overseen by a steering committee chaired by Federal Councilor Ueli Maurer.
E-government tools

Among other things, so-called "one-stop stores" will be set up: Companies can use them to handle official procedures at federal, cantonal and municipal level via one portal.

E-voting is also being further developed. The further development of an e-voting system is certainly classified as "strategic".

Furthermore, the electronic processing of VAT invoicing is to be supported.

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