With the Cyber Incident Hub against cyberattacks
Three leading consultancies and a startup company launched Switzerland's first interdisciplinary "Cyber Incident Response Hub" at the trade association's XBorder event on "Trends in E-Commerce" on August 25, 2021. The range of services includes relevant support against cyberattacks. This is offered around the clock by the four companies in the event of attacks.

Not only large corporations are affected by increasing cyber attacks. This is shown, for example, by the cases of Stadler Rail and Comparis, which recently became public. A study by the ZHAW also reveals this: About one-third of Swiss SMEs have already fallen victim to cyberattacks, and about 4 % of them have also been blackmailed. This means that almost 200,000 SMEs have already fallen victim to a cyber attack. ICT Switzerland also warns in a study: "The risk of falling victim to a cyber attack is overestimated. Only 10 % and 4 % of respondents, respectively, perceive being put out of action for a day or even having their livelihood threatened as a great or very great danger." At the same time, however, only 60 % of respondents confirm having fully implemented basic protection measures such as malware protection, firewall, patch management and backup. Cyber incident detection systems have been fully implemented by only one in five companies, he said. Only 18 % of the companies surveyed still report processes for handling cyber incidents, and only 15 % report employee training on the secure use of IT.
When it happens, good advice is needed
When a cyberattack occurs at a company, good advice is needed. A ransomware attack, for example, is quickly followed by the demand for a ransom, usually in cryptocurrencies, to cover up traces. For victims, it often remains uncertain whether access to the data encrypted by the attacker will actually be fully restored after payment has been made. What is left behind are legal cases, reputational damage, financial losses and uncertainty. Prevention, intervention and aftercare are needed along with good advice.
Cyber Incident Hub for companies and insurers
Against this background, the three consulting firms MLL MeyerLustenberger Lachenal Froriep (MLL), Farner Consulting, Oneconsult and the startup CYBERA have jointly launched the interdisciplinary "Cyber Incident Response Hub", which is available with support services around the clock. Covered are cyber specialized legal advice (MLL), incident response and digital forensics (Oneconsult), crisis communication and reputation management (Farner), and international response to fraudulently stolen funds (CYBERA). According to the company, this unique offering in Switzerland addresses a rapidly increasing threat to companies from cyberattacks, data corruption, fraud and extortion in times of digital transformation. Target customers are not only (cyber) insurers but also exposed companies of all kinds. Nicola Staub, Founder and CEO CYBERA says about the new service offering: "To block and secure fraudulently stolen funds worldwide with criminally relevant information before they are laundered and irrevocably lost, new solutions are needed, which we offer."
The 360° offer
The interdisciplinary capabilities of legal, technology, forensics, and communications professionals offered by the Cyber Incident Hub are all needed to best prepare for, successfully defend against, and manage or mitigate risks. MLL Law Firm has built a network of leading and experienced partners to provide a coordinated response to cybersecurity issues of all types. Services range from the creation of a cybersecurity response plan and cyber risk readiness review to the legally correct handling of security breaches, data breaches and cyber incident investigations. Good communication in the event of the attack contributes to the rapid recovery of the reputation damage incurred. Last but not least, ensuring cyber and data security at all times is now one of the basic legal requirements for compliance and good governance, write the operators of the Cyber Incident Hub.
How can the Cyber Incident Hub be contacted? Currently acts MLL as a point of contactHowever, a landing page is currently being set up, we were told in response to our inquiry. The offer is intended less as an emergency call option than as a comprehensive service that can be used, for example, as part of insurance packages against cyber risks.