The principle of the wave, a concept for HR management

Waves transport energy and information - so the concept of the wave is just perfect for continuous HR measures. If you look at HR measures as stones thrown into the water, the real (and sometimes viral) spread of the circular waves shows whether the approach is more or less successful. A few examples from Julia von Groote, Director Human Resources at Matrix42.

Truly successful concepts are characterized by avoiding empty phrases and "empty slogans".

1) Feedback culture
The feedback culture has a significant influence on the atmosphere and thus also on the willingness to perform within the company. If a company cultivates bottom-up feedback, this says a lot about the internal climate. Because only employees who do not have to fear any disadvantages for their openness give honest feedback upwards. The success wave of open and respectful interaction and a results-oriented leadership culture in which employees feel valued will not only make internal circles through higher productivity and willingness to change, as well as low churn rates. It will also be reflected in how employees rate their company in public and whether they recommend it to interested applicants from their circle of acquaintances and friends.

2) Flexibility
A major ripple effect, also externally, is created when trust-based working hours, home office and work-life balance are not just empty buzzwords, but are put into practice through concrete offers. This also includes the ability to reconcile professional and private interests. Matrix42, for example, joined the Hessian Charter on Care and Work in 2015. Employees who do valuable work not only in the company but also as family caregivers can obtain all the necessary information about the options offered from an internal trusted person and also use this person for moderation with their supervisor to determine an individual solution.

3) Dealing with applicants
Companies that comment on bad reviews on online platforms such as kununu in an appreciative and objective manner show that they take all feedback seriously. Every application should also be taken seriously and answered. Last but not least, a rapid recruiting process is advantageous if a company wants to earn the respect of applicants. Matrix42 received more than 1000 applications in 2015. 89 new employees were hired. It took an average of four weeks to hire them.

4) The individual wave
Every employee has different expectations of his or her company. What many have in common is that they want to work in an environment in which they can develop, in which it is possible to work together across teams, departments and countries. Others attach importance to the latest technical equipment, and still others to measures in the area of health and further training. The more heterogeneous the employees, the more diverse the company's offerings must be. The more individually the wishes of the employees can be catered to, the further the waves of success of the company will spread.

Companies that see HR work as a perpetual wave motion have a flexible approach to continuous development and improvement, and will quickly notice the benefits of reverse flow. After all, waves do not transport energy and information in only one direction.

*Matrix42 ranks 22nd in the "Best Employers in ICT 2016" category at Great Place to Work. In addition, the company is a member of the United Nations Global Compact and as such is committed to the initiative's ten business ethics principles and to promoting human rights, labor rights, environmental protection and anti-corruption.

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