Animal rights are strengthened

Important innovations are planned in the ordinances in the veterinary field. These include animal welfare officers for animal experiments and measures against illegal dog imports. In addition, the killing of animals is to be more clearly regulated.

The federal government wants to take stronger action against illegal online trade in dogs.
The federal government wants to take stronger action against illegal online trade in dogs.

In future, every institute or laboratory that carries out animal experiments must appoint an animal welfare officer. Their task is to check compliance with animal welfare regulations and the 3R requirements when animal experiments are planned and applications for approval are drafted. This requires proven expertise and the authority to issue instructions. 3R stands for Replace (replace animal experiments), Reduce (reduce animal numbers) and Refine (create better conditions for animals in animal experiments). By applying the 3R principles, the aim is to keep animal testing to an absolute minimum and to cause as little stress as possible to the animals.

Against anonymous online dog trade

Illegal dog imports are a growing problem, especially when trading on the Internet. Persons who offer animals online must now state their full contact details in the advertisements. The electronic identification by means of microchip as well as the complete registration in the dog database should enable a complete traceability of the dogs. However, to ensure efficient enforcement of dog control, it is important to have correct and complete data. For this purpose, the roles of dog owners, veterinarians and authorities are specified.

Animal-friendly killing has led to discussions in the past. The federal government wants to make the requirements regarding expertise stricter. In the amended parts of the ordinance, it is also explicitly required that someone who kills an animal must make sure that it is dead. The aim is to prevent animals that are presumed dead from dying in agony.

The live transport of fish on ice or in ice water was already prohibited. In the future, the ban, which is especially relevant for the catering industry, will also apply to armored crabs. Lobsters, lobsters and crabs may also no longer be kept out of water. Their killing now requires prior stunning as well as expertise.

More protection for animals at events

Animal events and exhibitions are also affected by the changes to the ordinance. If the organizer has custody of the animals, a person responsible for animal care with a certificate of competence is now required. Events that do not require a permit must be reported to the competent cantonal authority if they are of supraregional significance.

Source: BLV

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