Freeways and railroad lines could produce 101 GWh of electricity
A report just approved by the Federal Council shows that a total of 101 gigawatt hours (GWh) of electricity could be produced per year along highways and railroad lines. To make better use of this potential, legal adjustments are needed. The Uvek will now prepare these quickly.
The usable potential available along national roads and railroad lines for photovoltaic systems on noise barriers is around 101 GWh (national roads: 55 GWh, railroad lines: 46 GWh). This corresponds to the annual electricity consumption of around 22,000 households. This is derived from a Study commissioned by the Federal Roads Office (Astra) in response to the Storni postulate (20.3616). Whether a noise barrier is equipped with a photovoltaic system today depends heavily on the investment costs and the possibility of being able to use the electricity for one's own consumption, according to the Federal Council's communication.
Exploiting potential in the future
The Federal Council wants to ensure that the potential along noise barriers can be better exploited in the future. As part of the implementation of the "Federal Administration Climate Package", Astra will expand around 35 GWh per year by 2030 and invest 65 million Swiss francs in this, it is further announced. These investments would be amortized over the operating life of the facilities due to lower electricity costs. Where Astra cannot use the electricity itself, the areas are to be made available to third parties free of charge, as in the past. The "Federal Administration Climate Package" was put together in 2020 and contains measures to reduce the environmental impact of the federal administration.
According to the press release, the Uvek will prepare the necessary amendment to the National Roads Ordinance. In addition, the federal office is examining whether the financing of investments for the benefit of traction power production should be made possible via the railroad infrastructure fund.
Source: Federal Council
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