The start-up boom is flattening out

At the beginning of the year, there was talk of a veritable start-up boom in Switzerland, but the third quarter now saw a slump. This is shown by a current survey by

The start-up boom took a summer break: but the management/business consulting sector, with 751 new companies, remains the most popular among founders. (Image:

Swiss founders were busy at the beginning of the year. In the first quarter, 11,055 new companies were entered in the commercial register, and in the second quarter there were already 11,225 start-ups, 2.95% more than in the previous year.

August causes pause in start-up boom

The situation was different in the third quarter. A total of 9,704 new companies were registered in the Swiss commercial registers, compared with 9,999 last year. August in particular is responsible for the low figure; with only 2,913 startups, it was the weakest month of the year so far. In the fourth quarter, however, the commercial registry offices are likely to be busy again. Many new registrations are expected especially in December, because that is also when the most companies were registered in 2016 (4,121 registrations) and 2017 (4,200 registrations). This means that entrepreneurs can start the new year with a new company.

GmbH and management consulting

In the third quarter, founders opted for either a limited liability company (38,17%), sole proprietorship (32,23%) or joint stock company (20,24%). Other legal forms such as associations, general partnerships or cooperatives were thus chosen in less than 10% of the cases. The most popular industry was Business/Commercial Consulting with 751 new firms. This was followed by restaurants, cafes & snack bars with 431 startups and the sale and rental of apartments & real estate with 371.

Source: Moneyhouse


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