"Energy costs can usually be reduced by more than a third"

The InfraWatt association has taken up the cause of energy production and utilization. The focus is on the infrastructure operators of water supply, wastewater treatment and waste recycling. Ernst A. Müller has handed over the scepter to Laure Deschaintre - he takes stock.

© zVg

You have been the driving force behind InfraWatt for the past eleven years. What has the organization achieved during this time?

Ernst A. Müller, Managing Director of InfraWatt, Energy in Infrastructure Facilities: "We were able to communicate to the industries that they have great energy potential with their wastewater, waste, waste heat and drinking water, which they can usefully implement. We have also brought about better framework conditions for our industries in the federal government, and as a result, more energy projects have been implemented.

Specifically - how many projects could be implemented in realized in recent years, how much climate-damaging carbon dioxide was saved as a result?

I'm afraid I can't answer that question. We didn't keep a list, because we at InfraWatt first laid the foundations with information, education and training, and consulting. Ultimately, the projects were realized by the market. However, we were certainly able to make a significant contribution to the fact that many energy projects were initiated and billions were invested.

From which area have the projects dominates?

In wastewater treatment (WWTP), the issue of energy was not as important in the beginning as it is today. At waste incineration plants (MWIP), the efficiency of energy utilization is constantly being increased. In the water utilities (WV), a boom was triggered in drinking water power plants.

Which were very successful Projects?

Here I would like to mention the lighthouse project "Rule Pooling with Water Supplies and Wastewater Treatment Plants" supported by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) (cf. www.regelpooling.ch). But if we are talking about impact, then it was the electricity savings programs for wastewater treatment plants, waste incineration plants and water utilities, as well as the increase in renewable electricity production at drinking water power plants, wastewater treatment plants and waste incineration plants thanks to the cost-covering feed-in tariff (KEV). Here, we have done the necessary groundwork with our information and advisory campaigns.

How does it look with the financial expenditure and revenue for the infrastructure manager off?

Renewable energy production, as in other areas, is often still dependent on financial support. With regard to the energy efficiency of the large electricity consumers ARA, water supply and KVA, we have determined with our analyses that very favorable immediate measures are possible with practically all plants, which already yield a nice profit in the short term. However, the energy potentials are significantly greater if those measures are implemented that are economical over the service life. Overall, the considerable energy costs of the plants can usually be reduced by a third or even a half.

They determine the fate of InfraWatt into younger hands. Retires Ernst Müller completely back from the scene? What are the plans for the future?

I have offered to finish two or three ongoing projects. These include, above all, the "Energy in Infrastructure Facilities" program that InfraWatt is implementing with the support of the SFOE/Energy Switzerland; it will run until the end of 2021. I also have other project ideas. But I will certainly be stepping down after this spring.

The new managing director Laure Deschaintre comes from the French-speaking part of Switzerland. Should this part of the country increasingly are processed, InfraWatt is less successful on the road here?  

We have always made sure in our actions that we serve all three parts of the country well. Laure Deschaintrewho took over the reins at InfraWatt a few days ago, will certainly be able to reach the French-speaking part of Switzerland even better from the Yverdon location due to her expertise, her communication skills and her commitment. German-speaking Switzerland should not be left behind, however, as Michèle Vogelsanger, a long-time colleague of mine, will continue to support the new boss from Schaffhausen.

What strategy is the association pursuing in the next ten years?

For this purpose, we conducted a member survey. It showed that the InfraWatt members feel well taken care of and want to focus on lobbying, promotion, information and consulting as before. Now, in a further step, we have prepared a workshop to define the future challenges and goals with the corresponding strategies.

Does InfraWatt also have the 2050 climate targets in focus?

Experts from the "Heat Initiative Switzerland" have shown that heat networks will become very important in the future. In this context, local waste heat from wastewater and waste incineration plants has high priority. This could cover one sixth of Switzerland's total heating requirements in 2050. These are very interesting perspectives for our industries, which is why we already set a weighty focus on CO2 reduction some time ago. The InfraWatt association can thus make a significant contribution to the climate targets, i.e. net zero greenhouse gas emissions, by 2050.

Is it conceivable that your organization -. besides lectures - also active abroad will?

Interesting thought, especially since I was also responsible in Germany for writing the energy manual for wastewater treatment plants and was able to implement a program for wastewater heat recovery in Baden-Württemberg very successfully.

Laure Deschaintre, as head of projects with 18 partners of the European Union, also has excellent connections beyond the country's borders. Whether the organization InfraWatt should also orient itself abroad should be discussed at a workshop.

Looking back, what would you do differently make?

We have sometimes been too modest in view of the energetic impact we have achieved and the energy potential that still exists. I also think we should make even more use of the expertise of our members and involve them. Overall, I draw a positive balance for the InfraWatt association. And for me, it was a very good time with many interesting people. ■


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