Energy consumption increased by 1.5%
Switzerland's final energy consumption increased by 1.5% to 838,360 terajoules (TJ) in 2015 compared with the previous year. One important reason for this is the cooler weather compared to the previous year. Despite this slight increase, the second lowest final energy consumption in the last 18 years was achieved - after 2014.
The increase in final energy consumption by 1.5% compared with the previous year (according to Meteo Schweiz, 2014, together with 2011, was the warmest year since measurements began in 1864) is primarily attributable to the somewhat cooler weather in 2015. The number of heating degree days, an important indicator of energy consumption for heating purposes, increased by 10.5% compared to the previous year, but was still well below the long-term average. Long-term drivers of energy consumption also contributed to the higher energy consumption, all of which increased: Permanent resident population (+1.1%), gross domestic product (+0.9), motor vehicle population (+1.8%), housing stock (increase, but detailed figures from the Federal Statistical Office are not yet available).
Increase in consumption of energy sources for heating purposes
The consumption of extra-light heating oil increased by 5.6%, that of natural gas by 5.4%. Electricity consumption increased by 1.4% (see SFOE media release of April 19, 2016). The energy use of industrial waste (-13.9%) and coal (-8.3%) decreased. The consumption of heavy fuel oil types decreased by 32.4%, that of petroleum coke by 35.5%.
Fuel consumption down
Overall fuel consumption fell by 2.6% compared with the previous year. The trend toward substituting gasoline with diesel fuel continued unabated: Sales of diesel oil fell moderately by 1.4%, but gasoline consumption dropped significantly by 7.3%. One of the reasons for the significant decline in diesel and gasoline sales is the fall in the exchange rate of the euro in January 2015, which caused a decrease in fuel tourism from abroad (gasoline) and an increase in fuel tourism by Swiss citizens in neighboring countries (diesel). Sales of aviation fuel increased by 3.3%.
Increase in consumption also for renewables
The cooler weather also affected the consumption of renewable energy sources for heating purposes. The consumption of energy wood increased by 6.8%. The use of ambient heat by heat pumps was also 14.1% higher than in the previous year, as was the consumption of district heating (+12.3%) and solar heating (+6.8%).
The direct use of biogas decreased slightly by 0.6%. Taking into account biogas fed into the natural gas grid (which is statistically accounted for under gas), there is an increase in biogas consumption by 6.1%.
The consumption of biogenic fuels again increased significantly (+137.9%). In addition to the exemption of biogenic fuels from mineral oil tax, their crediting as a CO2 compensation measure also has the effect of increasing consumption.