With Alixio Group to the leading HR service provider in Switzerland
von Rundstedt & Partner Schweiz AG was founded in 2014 to change the outplacement market in Switzerland with innovative, market-oriented solutions. Within just a few years, the company has established itself as a quality and market leader in all parts of the country.

The Swiss company has set a new course for the future as part of its 10th anniversary celebrations. Dr. Pascal Scheiwiller, CEO of the Swiss von Rundstedt: "We want to position ourselves more broadly and invest more in new business areas in addition to outplacement". To this end, von Rundstedt Switzerland has found a new suitable and financially strong partner and investor in the Alixio Group. The German company v. Rundstedt & Partner GmbH has transferred all of its shares to the Alixio Group. Sophia von Rundstedt, CEO of the German company, comments: "We have fulfilled our mission and have written a success story together with our Swiss colleagues. We are delighted that the Swiss company can now position itself even more broadly and develop further together with the Alixio Group.
The Alixio Group is the leading HR service provider in France. With targeted investments and partners, it aims to become the market leader throughout Europe. Guillaume Allais, Group CEO of Alixio, comments: "We want to implement our successful model throughout Europe. Switzerland is a key market for Europe. We are delighted to have found the best possible partner for this in von Rundstedt Switzerland". Pascal Scheiwiller, head of von Rundstedt Switzerland, will also take over the overall management of the Alixio Group in Switzerland. In addition to the von Rundstedt outplacement business, this includes three other business areas.
With the acquisition of the OTP Group, Alixio is taking over an experienced provider of assessment, coaching, new placement and labor market measures. With its own X-PM brand, Alixio is also bringing an internationally established and leading business in the field of interim management to Switzerland. And with Alixio Consulting, various HR consulting services will be provided for companies in the future.
"This investment is not primarily about growth, but rather about increasing customer benefit. More and more companies are undergoing far-reaching transformation processes. The four areas are highly synergetic and enable us to support our customers in their changes in a much more holistic way," says Pascal Scheiwiller.
Source: www.rundstedt.ch