Marketing in transition: Generative AI and marketing trends in the focus of the Flybridge survey

A recent survey by marketing and strategy consultancy Flybridge sheds light on how marketing professionals perceive the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) and current marketing trends. The results show which topics are currently moving the industry.

(Image: zVg.)

According to the study, the use of generative AI in marketing was rated as the most important marketing trend by respondents. More than half (57.6%) of the participants were aware of this, making it the most well-known of the marketing trends surveyed. Nevertheless, many see potential for greater integration in companies. For example, respondents would like to see more intensive use of generative AI in the future, as the benefits of this technology, such as the optimization of processes or support for creative tasks, are increasingly being recognized.

(Graphic: zVg.)

ChatGPT in particular stands out with a high awareness (74.1%) and usage rate (71.2%). Specialized applications, such as the AI-supported image generator Adobe Firefly and the tool for creating virtual characters, are also gaining increasing attention in the industry. This shows that in addition to all-round solutions, specialized applications also help to increase efficiency and creativity in marketing.

Focus on customer and value-oriented marketing

In addition to generative AI, the survey highlighted the high relevance of customer- and value-oriented approaches - marketing approaches that focus on individual customer needs as well as sustainable and ethical corporate values. Two thirds of respondents rate these trends as particularly important for their company's marketing strategy. These approaches aim to build long-term trust and strengthen customer loyalty through a personalized customer approach and sustainable business models.

Analytics & data science as pioneers

The survey also shows that the area of analytics & data science in marketing - data analysis methods in marketing that work with statistical and AI-supported models to predict patterns and trends - appears to be at the forefront of the use of generative AI. Experts from this field agree with statements on the integration of AI into company processes significantly more often than others. This is particularly the case when it comes to the promotion of the use of AI by management, the use of AI tools for a fee and the existence of people responsible for the use of generative AI. Automated analyses, data-based decisions and efficiency gains make this area a best-practice example that could inspire other marketing areas.

A look into the future

The results show that generative AI as well as customer and value-oriented approaches could represent a long-term change in marketing. The authors recommend that companies invest in the development of clear strategies and further training at an early stage in order to benefit from these trends and position themselves successfully against the competition.

The Flybridge-The survey was conducted among 139 marketing professionals from Switzerland and shows which topics are currently of concern to the industry.

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