Excellent leadership: Leading strongly when it looks easy - and when it gets difficult

Good times are like an all-inclusive vacation: everything runs smoothly and you can sit back and relax. But this is exactly where the danger lurks. Because when the headwinds come, it becomes clear whether your foundations are stable - or whether you've just been building on the sunny days.

Excellent leadership sometimes only shows itself when the going gets tough... (Image: Depositphotos.com)

It's the well-known cycle: good times create bad leaders, bad leaders create bad times, bad times create good leaders - and so on. The key question is: how do you prevent yourself from falling into this trap?

Why good times weaken leadership

After decades of economic stability, many leaders have become accustomed to comfort. But leadership means the opposite: vision, courage and responsibility - especially when there is no crisis in sight. Those who rely on the status quo are caught unprepared when circumstances change.

Three keys forr excellent leadership - regardless of the situation

  1. Have a clear and positive vision: Many companies communicate goals, but rarely an inspiring, forward-looking vision. Ask yourself: If you asked your team today about your shared vision - could they clearly state it? And more importantly, is it really motivating?
  1. Give each person a concrete perspective: A vision without a connection to everyday life remains ineffective. Your task as a leader is to show everyone in the team exactly how he or she contributes to the big idea. This creates clarity, identification - and real motivation.
  1. Be a real role model: Leadership does not work from behind, but from the front. Your actions speak louder than words. Do you expect decisiveness? Then make courageous decisions yourself. Do you expect a sense of responsibility? Then live it consistently.

Why these principles are often forgotten

Good times tempt us to neglect these principles. But without vision, perspective and a role model, you unconsciously help to build up the next crisis. When the going gets tough, it's too late to quickly switch into leadership mode.

The big question: what do you do with it? You already know all this - the challenge lies in the implementation. My tip: reflect regularly:

  • What is my vision for my team or my organization?
  • How do I show everyone how he or she contributes to the vision?
  • Do I myself live the principles that I expect from others?

These questions not only bring you clarity, but also make your leadership crisis-proof - no matter what happens.


Volkmar Völzke is a success maximizer, book author, consultant, coach, speaker. www.volkmarvoelzke.ch

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