Swiss software company Opacc celebrates 30-year anniversary

Opacc celebrates a round birthday in 2018: The software manufacturer from Kriens turns 30 this year. The extremely successful business year 2017 is another reason for a positive outlook for 2018.

Can look back with pride on the 30-year history of his company: Beat Bussmann, CEO of the central Swiss software manufacturer Opacc. (Image: Opacc)

Is one still young at 30? "Yes, but ..." says Beat Bussmann, CEO and founder of Opacc Software AG: "Still young, because we are agile and top-fit in the market. But we also enjoy a certain 'seniority', because in the IT industry 30 years of successful business mean a lot. Continuity and longevity are match-decisive, especially in enterprise software."

Founded 30 years ago

The Lucerne-based company was entered in the Lucerne Commercial Register 30 years ago, on January 22, 1988. A business idea has grown into an established and renowned software provider with currently 125 employees. Company founder and CEO Beat Bussmann remembers the first days and weeks: "Our credo at that time has remained the same to this day: Quality instead of quantity!" SMEs from all industries use the OpaccERP, OpaccEnterpriseShop and OpaccEnterpriseCRM applications - on a single platform: OpaccOXAS provides all data, functions and services to manage the flow of goods, money, services and information throughout the company.

Record year 2017

As Opacc reports, the past fiscal year was the most successful in the company's entire history, both in terms of new customer business and the expansion of existing customers. As in all previous years, it was also possible to increase value added. Opacc, headquartered in Kriens, is also fully self-financed and thus financially independent. This ensures the ongoing further development of Opacc Enterprise Software applications in the future as well, the company continues.

The "birthday present": The OpaccCampus in Rothenburg, as it will look one day. (Image: Opacc)

New OpaccCampus in Rothenburg

In fall 2018, the software manufacturer will leave its long-standing location in Kriens and move to Rothenburg. The new Opacc company building in the immediate vicinity of Rothenburg train station and the Rothenburg freeway exit will be designed for around 200 employees. This will be sufficient for many years, especially as there is potential for expansion to accommodate a total of 400 employees on the company's own premises. The company, which has won several awards for progressive working conditions and has maintained a work-life balance strategy for many years, is thus setting a further milestone in the development of its corporate culture. The new building in Rothenburg will make a major contribution to an innovative working environment and open up new perspectives for in-house training and development.

The celebration of the company's anniversary 30 years Opacc will take place on the weekend of November 15-17, 2018 in Rothenburg.

Company website

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