e3 AG achieves ISO certification for information security

The products and services of e3 AG are now certified in accordance with the strict requirements of the international ISO 27001 standard. The company, which specializes in data protection, information security, IT consulting and digitalization, has successfully passed the audit.

e3 AG
e3 AG has successfully completed the audit for information security certification in accordance with ISO 27001. (Image: www.depositphotos.com)

e3 AG, the renowned Swiss company in the field of cyber security, has successfully passed the ISO 27001 information security certification audit. ISO 27001 is the most important and leading global standard in the field of IT security. The certification is a guarantee for customers and partners that e3 takes information security into account professionally at all times and without exception - from the sales pitch and project management through to support, maintenance and operation of its own solutions and customer systems.

e3's ISO certification covers not only data protection and security projects for over 100 customers, but also software development for e3 DLP (Data Loss Prevention) and e3 Centraya. Both the IT consultants and the developers at e3 work strictly in accordance with ISO specifications.

The e3 management system defines, controls, monitors and continuously improves information security. Certification in accordance with the international ISO 27001 standard is verified proof that a company complies with the specified guidelines and can provide evidence of this.

The CEO of e3, Thomas Fürling, is delighted with this milestone in the company's almost 25-year history: "We have been working according to the strict guidelines of a company specializing in information security for decades. After all, we can only provide our customers with serious advice on data protection and security challenges if we consistently adhere to the guidelines ourselves. In this respect, ISO 27001 certification is an important goal that we have now achieved."

Source: www.e3ag.ch

This article originally appeared on m-q.ch - https://www.m-q.ch/de/die-e3-ag-erlangt-iso-zertifizierung-fuer-informationssicherheit/

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