These are the top retail brands for Swiss parents
A recent survey by YouGov shows which retail brands are particularly popular with Swiss parents. For mothers, Migros is at the forefront, for fathers it is the Gruyère AOP cheese brand.
Mother's Day in Switzerland is on May 12 and Father's Day on June 2 - so it's good to know which brands really score points with the recipients. To find out exactly that, YouGov took a closer look at the retail and consumer goods industry and determined which brands perform best in the eyes of mothers and fathers in Switzerland.
Migros more popular with Swiss parents than Coop
For mothers, the top 3 is occupied by the brands Migros (score of 57.4), Gruyère AOP (52.6) and Zweifel (49.9), while for men Gruyère AOP takes first place (53.3), followed by Galaxus (52.6) and Zweifel again (51.9).
While many consumer goods brands rank in the top 10 for both genders, the two brands Galaxus and occupy significantly higher positions for fathers. Looking at the stationary retailers, it is noticeable that Migros occupies high places on both sides (1st place for mothers and 4th place for fathers), while its direct competitor Coop is in 7th place for mothers and just misses the top 10 for fathers at 11th place.
Gender-specific preferences
There are particularly strong gender differences at, for example. The online retailer achieved a score of 48.8 (5th place) for fathers, but only 32.8 (30th place) for mothers. The situation is reversed for the cookie brand Blévita, which achieved a score of 40.5 for mothers (11th place) and only 26.8 for fathers (39th place).
The results Parent rankings 2024: Retail for Switzerland are based on more than 13,000 online interviews conducted by YouGov in the period from 01.04.2023 until 31.03.2024 per brand for the YouGov Swiss Brand Observer representative of the Swiss population aged 15 and over. For the ranking, the statements of women and men in Switzerland aged between 30 and 59 with children under 20 in their own household were evaluated. The index value or score of a brand represents its average performance in six different evaluation dimensions: Positive overall perception, quality, value for money, customer satisfaction, willingness to recommend and brand trust. Only brands from the retail and consumer goods industry tracked in the YouGov Swiss Brand Observer were analyzed for the ranking.