Welcome joie de vivre: Pinktank develops rebranding for Wenger businesses
The shortage of skilled workers has the nursing sector firmly in its grip. Wenger businesses are also vying for new workers. Pinktank has created a unique and distinctive differentiation for the company.
For more than 35 years, Wenger Betriebs AG has focused on the professional care and nursing of the elderly. In recent years, the operator of six retirement and care institutions in the cantons of Bern and Zurich has felt the great pressure of the shortage of skilled workers. How do we succeed in wooing talent? And how is it possible to appeal to both professionals and residents at the same time? Clearly, a new positioning is needed.
Easier said than done, because in addition to the multiple target groups, the new communication must reflect the tactical level and at the same time be adaptable for the individual locations. Pinktank supported the company in the development of the DNA as an identification feature and the elaboration of the new communication.
The joint creative work resulted in a new story with the message "Welcome joie de vivre". The new story was visually implemented with hand gestures by team members and residents. Starting from the hand sign "high-five", various gestures with diverse messages were visualized in a photo shoot. At the same time, the different hands symbolize the diversity and individuality of the Wenger companies.
As a result, the visuals are used for various new communication tools such as the website and present Wenger Betriebs AG in a unique new design. With this communication strategy, the company clearly sets itself apart in the industry and surprises with a fresh and bold appearance.
Responsible at Wenger Betriebs AG: Martina Zweiacker (Management). Responsible at Pinktank: Cordelia Hagi (overall responsibility), Rolf Kleeb (project management).