First emissions standard for aircraft
For the first time, international aviation was able to agree on a CO2 standard for aircraft
After years of negotiations, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has set emission limits for aircraft for the first time. The new emissions standard is to apply to new aircraft types as early as 2020, while new machines of existing aircraft types will have until 2023 to meet the limits. The organization also recommends that the production of aircraft types that cannot meet the limit value be discontinued by 2028.
However, the new caps do not apply to aircraft already in service - a fact criticized by environmental protection organizations. Opinions also differ on how much emissions can ultimately be saved.
The limits are part of a global initiative by ICAO to achieve carbon-neutral growth in international aviation by 2020 and an annual improvement in fuel efficiency of 2% by 2050. Switzerland has developed an action plan for this as part of its Sustainable Development Strategy.