New direction for the Swiss CyberHub

The first Swiss CyberHub planned for October 2023 in Fribourg will be cancelled. This was announced by the Digivolution Foundation in a media release. The reason lies in a completely new development of risks that were not yet sufficiently on the radar during the preparations. The foundation is therefore planning a complete reorientation.

Swiss CyberHub
The Swiss CyberHub is going over the books again and canceling the October 2023 trade event. (Image: digiVolution)

A thorough assessment of the needs of Swiss stakeholders facing the challenges of digital transformation, the growing trend towards a polycrisis, and the inflationary staging of cyber events in the fall have led the digiVolution Foundation Board and the Swiss CyberHub (CHub) project management to rethink the format of the event. The revised project is designed to get closer to businesses and people across Switzerland and to reinforce the ongoing efforts already underway with dedicated events throughout the year. In this way, the CHub will better meet the goals of the Foundation and the spirit of the Federal Council's new cyber strategy. 

Alignment of the Swiss CyberHub under review

The digiVolution Foundation sees itself primarily as an observatory. In other words, it is concerned with anticipating and managing the risks of digital change. "We holistically measure and analyze global and national developments and advise decision-makers in business, politics, administration, education and research," emphasizes digiVolution President Gérald Vernez. "Just three weeks ago, we enthusiastically announced the program and guiding themes of Swiss CyberHub 23. The general development of the last few weeks has now prompted us to conduct a thorough review and align ourselves closer to the objectives of the Foundation, instead of focusing on large, one-off events."

A polycrisis with major risks

It was noted that tensions in geopolitics, finance, energy, society and the economy are constantly multiplying. One is now faced with a polycrisis in which forecasts beyond six months are not very meaningful and even risky, Vernez said. Analysis of recent events to which digiVolution has contributed in Switzerland and abroad also shows a significant change in the needs of public and private decision-makers, he said. The model of isolated large-scale events attended primarily by an expert audience - especially when clustered over two months in the fall - does not meet the goal of broad awareness among these stakeholders of the risks of digital mutation, it adds.

More information expected in summer

Since its inception, digiVolution has steered towards working for the common good of the Swiss people throughout the year. Accordingly, the Foundation has decided to redefine its presence strategy and steer it in a direction more in line with its own goals. The workshops scheduled for October 11, 2023 will be reorganized. On the other hand, the October 12 and 13 event in Fribourg will be cancelled, redesigned and implemented in a new format. "It is our goal to announce the new concept by the summer vacations," the foundation promises.

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