Amazee Labs provides Caritas Switzerland with new online presence

Sophisticated campaign pages, large color images and contemporary design elements underscore the work of Caritas. Fast and intuitive donation options offer supporters the opportunity to support people in need and those affected by poverty even more easily. First figures and experiences since go-live are promising. On its website, Caritas Switzerland shows its various fields of action and impact. The focus is on the [...]

Caritas SwitzerlandSophisticated campaign pages, large color images and contemporary design elements underscore the work of Caritas. Fast and intuitive donation options offer supporters the opportunity to support people in need and those affected by poverty even more easily. First figures and experiences since go-live are promising.

 On their Website Caritas Switzerland shows its various fields of action and activity. The focus is on the commitment to fight poverty in Switzerland and worldwide as well as the energetic and quick action in case of disasters. In order to continue to meet the requirements and developments in marketing, communication and fundraising, Caritas Switzerland has renewed its online presence together with the agency "Amazee Labs".

User experience at the center

The creation of a modern user experience was the focus of the relaunch, in order to convey the content of Caritas Switzerland in a contemporary, visually vivid and concise manner. The basic principle of "mobile first" applied. The content requirements model for the new website was developed in a user-centered workshop phase. User segments, user research, user journey mapping and an in-depth data analysis served as the basis for this. The interdisciplinary team produced a central "content hub" approach as a result. This is based on keyworded content and a system of visible and hidden filters. Based on the fluid information architecture, users are now guided through the website according to their needs. In this way, Caritas Switzerland ensures intuitive access to relevant information.

Optimized donation experience

Special attention was paid to optimizing the donation options. By better integrating donation requests into the website and the content, visitors are specifically encouraged to support the cause. A robust and integrated donation module with easy handling in the CMS Drupal now serves as the basis for digital fundraising.

The more than 4,000 completed donation transactions in the first month after the relaunch confirm the functionality of the new setting. The donation widgets, which are customized according to donation purpose and need, have also already paid off in an increase in regular donations. The average duration of interaction has also increased by more than 20 percent since Go Live. The first disaster relief campaign for the victims of the earthquake in Syria and the first regular campaign for the anniversary of the war in Ukraine were activated very quickly and carried out smoothly thanks to the simple handling in the backend.

Responsible at Caritas Switzerland: Judith Stirnimann (Project Management), Reto Urech (Fundraising + Marketing), Livia Leykauf (Communications), Christoph Keiser (Digital Fundraising), Daria Jenni (Online Communications). Responsible for Amazee LabsZsófia Gugán and Isabel Racine (Project Management), Philipp Melab (Technical Lead), Thomas Schröpfer and Christian Hohn (UX- Design)



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