Expert:inside denounces baby food marketing as exploitative
The authors, including some from Switzerland, argue that manufacturers exploit the insecurity of young mothers to make money. They give the impression that babies who do not sleep through the night or have colic are better off with artificial baby food than with breast milk. However, restless behavior of babies is common and such problems can be solved with support [...]
The Authors, including those from Switzerland, arguethat manufacturers were exploiting the insecurity of young mothers to make money. They gave the impression that babies who do not sleep through the night or have colic would be better off with artificial baby food than with breast milk.
However, restless behavior of babies is common and such problems can be solved with the support of specialized personnel. Breastfed babies undoubtedly have the best start in life. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that babies be exclusively breastfed for six months. After that, babies should also be given other foods, but should continue to be breastfed at least until their second birthday.
Fear deliberately stoked in social media
The WHO had denounced the marketing practices of manufacturers 2022 in a report. Sometimes, employees participate in groups for young mothers on social media. They stoke fears there and promote milk powder as a solution without saying that they are paid for it, it said.
The manufacturer with the largest market share worldwide, the Swiss company Nestlé, rejects such machinations. "We support the WHO recommendation to exclusively breastfeed babies for the first six months of life," the company said. (SDA)