Martin et Karczinski: New brand identity for Do It DIY store

The Do It DIY store in Graubünden is getting a new look. The focus is on positioning itself as a sustainability pioneer - for which the Martin et Karczinski agency has completely revised the brand presence. This has already been prototypically implemented in the Punt Muragl/Samedan branch. Green tones for quality and regional roots The central idea of the new appearance: the DIY store as a living workshop [...]

Do It DIY storeThe Graubünden DIY store Do It is getting a new look. The focus is on positioning itself as a sustainability pioneer - to this end, the Martin et Karczinski agency has completely overhauled the brand identity. A prototype of this has already been implemented in the Punt Muragl/Samedan branch.

Green tones for quality and regional roots

The guiding idea of the new appearance: to show the DIY store as a living workshop. This is also reflected in the logo: letters in a free construction brought together in two shades of green, which are intended to express both quality and the regional roots between Arve and Moos.

The new concept is also reflected at the POS: the design of the salesroom is characterized by local wood, the corporate color green and a manifesto-like communication that is intended to express the claim to have set out on the path to exemplary sustainability.

The branches in Zernez, Küblis and Chur are also to be rebranded in the coming months, and major renovations are planned for the headquarters in Chur, with sustainable energy concepts. The rebranding is scheduled to take place in the spring. By then, the cross-site communication tools such as the website will also be redesigned.

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