Survey: After KV apprenticeship to further education

A survey conducted by the Commercial Association shows that the majority of all KV graduates find a job. Language courses and further training are also in high demand. Across Switzerland, the unemployment rate for commercial school graduates has remained stable at a low level over the past five years.

KV study shows: Nine out of ten respondents are quickly re-training. (Image: pantha rhei)

The majority of all 14,000 commercial apprentices have found a follow-up solution four months after completing their apprenticeship. At the same time, the number of those who have left the company and are taking on another challenge immediately after the final exam is increasing. Language stays and further training are in high demand: 90% of all leavers are planning further training. 70% of graduates of the "classic", dual KV apprenticeship enter regular employment four months after graduation.

4% are doing an internship and 21% are doing something else; i.e., starting further education, going on a language study trip, traveling, or doing military service.

Continuing education high on the agenda

Nine out of ten respondents plan to continue their education after their apprenticeship. A quarter of KV graduates had already started further training in November after completing their apprenticeship, and another quarter will start by the end of 2017. The high rate of further training is not new, but a majority of people are now completing their further training full-time and are therefore focusing on it completely.

The CT graduates justify their further training plans, among other things, with the fact that education is particularly important nowadays, out of self-interest or to expand competencies for the desired position. In addition, more than 90% of the respondents are of the opinion that the commercial apprenticeship imparts important basics and serves as a stable foundation for later working life. However, further training must be completed in order to have opportunities on the labor market in the future.

In this way, the young professionals would also have internalized the debate about digitization and know what is important for them in the future working world.

Career and development opportunities

Development and career opportunities are an important criterion when looking for a job. 28% of respondents cannot imagine staying longer at their current company. Nearly one-third of respondents do not believe they have development and career opportunities there. Respondents in a large company are more likely to see career opportunities and consequently can imagine staying longer at the company than respondents who work in an SME. (Source: Commercial Association)

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